Kansas City Area Transportation Authority


1350 East 17th Street

Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Request for Proposals

Proposal #15-7034-30

Customer Relations Management Software

Issue Date:June 19, 2015

Contact:Julie Lombard, Senior Buyer

Telephone Number: (816) 346-0366

FAX Number:(816) 346-0336


Proposal #15-7034-30

Customer Relations Management Software


The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) is a bi-state agency offering mass transit service within the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. KCATA is requesting proposals from a qualified contractor to provide and implement a functional customer relations management software application. The term of the contract will be for three (3) years, with two (2), one (1) year options.

Proposals must be received with all required submittals as stated in the RFP, no later than3:00 p.m.on July15, 2015. Proposals received after time specified shall not be considered for award. Proposals received via facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (e-mail) shall not be considered. Proposals not meeting specified delivery and method of submittal will not be opened nor considered responsive.

Proposals submitted must be addressed and delivered to KCATA at the following address. This is also the address to be used for all communication in connection with this RFP:

Kansas City Area Transportation Authority

Attn: Julie Lombard

1350 East 17th Street

Kansas City, Missouri 64108

Submission of a proposal shall constitute a firm offer to the KCATA for ninety (90) days from the date of RFP closing.

Questions, comments, or requests for clarification are due from proposers by3:00 p.m. on July 1, 2015 and must be submitted in writing to will have an answer by close of business July8, 2015. If required, KCATA’s response to these submissions will be in the form of an Addendum.

John Hays

Senior Manager of Procurement

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3.1General Information………………………………………………………...... 10

3.2Reservations…………………………………………………………………………………...... 10

3.3Authorization to Propose...... 10

3.4Withdrawal & Incomplete Proposals...... 10

3.5Modification of Proposals ...... 11

3.6Protests...... 11

3.7Disclosure of Proprietary Information ...... 12

3.8Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Information………………………………………………………………12-14


4.1Proposal Organization ...... 15

4.2Proposal Copies...... 15-16

4.3Volume I – Cost/Price Proposal...... 16

4.4Volume II – Technical Proposal...... 16

4.4.1 Technical Format…………………………………………………………………………………………..16

4.4.2 Technical Proposal Content…………………………………………………………………………….16-19

4.5Volume III – Contractual Information...... 19-21

4.6Basis for Contract Award...... 21

4.7Proposal Evaluation Criteria...... 22

4.8Telephone Interviews/ Software Demonstrations/Written Responses…………………………………………….22

4.9Negotiations & Best and Final Offer (BAFO)...... 22


5.1 Contract Conditions...... 23-41

SECTION 6. ATTACHMENTS………………………………………………………………………………...42-62

SECTION 7. PROPOSAL BID FORM………………………………………………………………………..63-64


1.RFP Advertisement...... June19, 2015

2.RFP Issue...... June 19, 2015

3.Deadline for Questions, Comments

& Requests for Clarification……….....July 1, 2015, by 3:00 p.m.

4.KCATA Responds to Questions...... July 8, 2015

5.RFP Close...... July 15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.

6. Telephone Interviews/

Software Demonstrations…………Week of July27 (if requested)

7.Notice of Award...... (Anticipated) August 7, 2015

8.Issue Contract...... (Anticipated) August 26, 2015


RFP #15-7034-30

Customer Relations Management Software

To assist KCATA in obtaining good competition on its Request for Proposals, we ask that if you received an invitation but do not wish to propose, please state the reason(s) below and return this form to Procurement Department, KCATA, 1350 East 17th Street, Kansas City, MO 64108, fax (816) 346-0336.

This information will not preclude receipt of future invitations unless you request removal from the Proposer’s List by so indicating below.

Unfortunately, we must offer a “No Proposal” at this time because:

____ 1.We do not wish to participate in the proposal process.

____ 2.We do not wish to propose under the terms and conditions of the Request for Proposal

document. Our objections are:



____ 3. We do not feel we can be competitive.

____4. We do not provide the services on which Proposals are requested.

____ 5. Other:

____ We wish to remain on the Proposer’s list for these services.

____ We wish to be removed from the Proposer’s list for these services.







The Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (KCATA) provides public transportation for the metropolitan Kansas City area and is a bi-state agency created by a compact between the states of Missouri and Kansas. The Authority currently provides 16 million trips annually.

The Authority utilizes Giro-Hastus, version 2011 and Trapeze TransitMaster version 28.2 for route and driver scheduling, daily operations management, operator communications, and automated vehicle location for a peak weekday service of 200 vehicles serving over 50,000 passengers per average weekday. Additionally, KCATA operates a paratransit service that performs an average of 800 daily weekday trips.

The Authority anticipates needing 40 software user licenses for the Customer Relations Management Software as itemized below:

Customer Service Agents (complaint intake) = 20

Supervisors and Managers (research and resolution) = 15

Executive Level (reports, dashboards, etc.) = 5

TERM and RENEWAL OPTIONS: The term of this agreement shall include purchase, implementation, and support of a customer relations management solution for a period of three (3) years. The KCATA shall have the option to renew this agreement annually for up to two (2), one (1) year periods. Work in process prior to expiration of the Agreement shall be completed and as construed by KCATA to be within the “contract term”.


The Authority is seeking the services of a qualified firm to provide and implement a functional customer relations management software application. This application shall consist of the software elements that will enable the Authority’s customer service staff to access and respond to customer relations information via the local area network, remote desktop, or VPN. Specifically, this system must allow multiple users in multiple locations the ability to capture, store, retrieve, update and report on a variety of customer relations data. The application will enable the Authority to capture data relating to interactions with customers via the regional call center, email, social networks, and in-person. The system will allow for inputting, tracking, reporting and other management aspects of customer interactions.

The proposed software application shall be flexible in meeting an evolving customer service strategy which puts the customers at the center of service delivery and must facilitate the full cycle of customer interaction from the initial contact to final resolution. The software must allow for routing and escalation of customer input to appropriate responders and include high transparency throughout the process.

The proposed solution must provide at minimum, the following:

  1. Application Platform, Hardware, and Security

1.1.The software application should be client server or web based and accessible through a local area network, remote desktop connection, or VPN and must operate in a windows based environment.

1.2.The software will be installed on a server housed at the Authority. Optionally, a cloud-based, hosted system may be considered provided it meets all other requirements.

1.3.The application should have robust security to protect the software and data.

1.4.Multiple security levels should be available to establish and enforce separation of duties and information by department, management level, data category, etc.

1.5.System procedures should be integrated to permit tracking and logging of user activity by user ID, time, and date.

  1. Software Function and User Interface

2.1.The application user interface shall provide the required screens and fields for relevant data entry of comments and incidents. These screens and fields shall interface directly with the application’s database for data storage.

2.2.The data entry screens should be simple and contain all necessary data elements to record the following information:

  1. Date and time of data entry (current date and time default);
  2. Date of incident, Time of incident;
  3. Incident Location: Route and Direction of travel, Stop id or location;
  4. Bus # (if available);
  5. Operator Name and/or Badge # (if available);
  6. Text box for free-form description;
  7. Capability to attach electronic documents (i.e. Pictures, diagrams, letters, etc.);
  8. Customer: name, address, phone, email, social media account, etc. for contact information;
  9. Customer number (if a paratransit customer);
  10. Other persons information (witness, accompanying person, etc.) to include contact information such as phone, email, etc.;
  11. Indicator if the customer wants a response;
  12. Status of complaint, such as open, closed, pending, etc.

2.3.The proposed application shall support the assignment of categories and types to entered complaints or comments (for logical grouping for future reference, prioritizing, filtering, producing statistics, etc.).

2.4.The proposed application shall provide functionalities to track and manage follow-up activities related to the comment or complaint, including:

  1. Category and type of each follow-up action;
  2. Date and time of each follow-up action;
  3. Responsible person;
  4. Full audit log identifying date, time, and user ID for all changes;
  5. Validity of the complaint;
  6. Text box for free-form information.

2.5The software shall provide the ability to purge, backup, and restore information for specified time frames.

2.6The software shall provide the ability to archive information.

  1. System and Integration

3.1.The proposed application should have direct access to production network and scheduling data to facilitate data entry (drop down lists or picklists for data field selection) or validation of entered data.

3.2.The Authority utilizes GIRO HASTUS and Trapeze Transit Master for scheduling and daily operations. At a minimum, the system must be able to query the HASTUS and Trapeze operational data by stop, route or vehicle identifier; display all resulting trips and stops; and allow the user to select and capture the information in the customer comment record.

3.3.The proposed application should also be flexible enough to allow for the generic import and export of customer information to other database applications, such as the Authority’s paratransit software system as provided by Reveal Management Services.

  1. Reporting

4.1.The proposed software application should have robust, built-in reporting with a catalog of existing standard reports available.

4.2.The proposed software application should support the use a compatible report writing tool, such as Crystal Reports, for standard and ad-hoc reports.

4.3.Users of the software must have unlimited access to all data stored in the application’s database for reporting and statistics.

  1. Services

5.1.The vendor must provide full turn-key services including design, setup, and installation of all software components of the system. Any travel expenses shall be included in the Pricing Pages (Attachment J) and shall be in accordance with the Travel Policy found in Attachment D.

5.2.Training for system administrators, managers, and supervisors, and end users is required as part of the proposal. The vendor shall provide on-site training. The vendor may provide the option of remote training. Vendor will provide all training materials. The vendor shall provide training for 35 end users and training for 2 technical (IT) staff and an overview (if needed) for executives.

5.3.Vendor shall provide step-by-step test checklist for use by Authority personnel to confirm that the application features and functions work correctly prior to final acceptance of the software.

  1. Final acceptance of the software application solution shall occur after the software application has had an operational validation period of no less than thirty (30) calendar days from date of installation (access to the production software) and during that operational period there is no occurrence of a software application failure or defect occurring that has mission critical impacts or is critical for business continuity (i.e., Severity Level 1 and Level 2 defects/errors as described below) and the application response time and other performance criteria specified in this RFP have been met. Final acceptance from the KCATA shall be in writing to the Vendor.
1)Severity Level 1 (Urgent Priority) shall be defined as urgent situations, when the Authority’s software application is down and the Authority’s users are unable to use the software application. Failure causes loss of function or data and there is not a mutually agreed upon workaround.
2)Severity Level 2 (High Priority) shall be defined as critical application component(s), including interfaces to 3rd party components/applications, that has significant outages and/or failure precluding its successful operation, or producing incorrect results, or possibly endangering the Authority’s environment. The software application may operate but is severely restricted. Failure causes a loss of function or data, but there is a mutually agreed upon workaround.
  1. Retainage: Ten percent (10%) of the total cost of the software, installation, and training support services shall be retained (held back). This payment hold back shall be paid upon final acceptance of the software application solution. The contractor shall understand and agree that the payment holdback provisions described herein shall not be construed as a penalty.
  1. Support

6.1.The vendor must be able to provide technical support coverage nine (9) hours per day, five (5) days a week, excluding Federal Holidays for the system. The vendor must provide after-hours support options.

6.2.Support service level agreements must be included in the proposal with categories for business hours, after hours, weekday, weekend, holiday, etc.

6.3.Software upgrades and enhancements should be included in the support agreement.

6.4The Vendor must provide system maintenance (e.g. upgrades, enhancements, new releases, etc.) and technical support for all products/services provided, including ongoing unlimited telephone technical support problem determination and resolution.

a.Maintenance services shall include, at a minimum, the detection and correction of software errors according to the specifications described herein and in the contractor's documentation of the software.

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3.1General Information

A.The terms “solicitation” and “Request for Proposals (RFP)” are used interchangeably, and the terms “offer” and “proposal” are used interchangeably.

B.Interested firms may submit proposals until proposal closing on 3:00 p.m. on July 15, 2015. Proposals received after the time specified may not be considered for award. Proposals received via facsimile (fax) or electronic mail (e-mail) will not be considered. Proposals must meet specified delivery and method of submittal or they will not be opened or considered responsive. Proposals must be delivered or mailed to KCATA’s Procurement Department, Attn. Julie Lombard, at 1350 E. 17th Street, Building No. 1, Kansas City, MO 64108.

C.In cases where communications such as comments, questions, requests for clarification are required between proposers and the KCATA, such communication shall be forwarded directly to in writing. Electronic comments, questions and requests for clarification should be sent tothe message line should read “RFP #15-7034-30 – Customer Relations Management Software.

D.Submitting a proposal constitutes a firm offer to KCATA for ninety (90) days from the closing date.

E.KCATA is not responsible for any cost or expense that may be incurred by the proposer before the execution of a contract, including costs associated with interviewing or proposal preparation.


A.KCATA reserves the right to waive informalities or minor irregularities in proposals, to accept or reject any or all proposals, to cancel or change this RFP in part or in its entirety, and to re-advertise for proposals if it is in the best interest of the Authority in its sole discretion.

B.KCATA further reserves the right to award a contract based on initial proposals received without discussions or negotiations. Therefore, offers should be submitted to KCATA on the most favorable terms possible, from a technical and cost or pricing standpoint.

3.3Authorization to Propose

If an individual doing business under a fictitious name makes the proposal, the proposal should so state. If the proposal is made by a partnership, the full names and addresses of all members of the partnership must be given and one principal member should sign the proposal. If a corporation makes the proposal, an authorized officer should sign the proposal in the corporate name. If the proposal is made by a joint venture, the full names and addresses of all members of the joint venture should be given and one authorized member should sign the proposal.

3.4Withdrawal & Incomplete Proposals

A.Proposals may be withdrawn upon written request received by KCATA before proposal closing. Withdrawal of a proposal does not prejudice the right of the proposer to submit a new proposal, provided the new proposal is received before the closing date.

B.Incomplete proposals may render the proposal non-responsive.

3.5Modification of Proposals

Any proposal modifications or revisions received after the time specified for proposal closing may not be considered.


A.The following protest procedures will be employed for this procurement. For the purpose of these procedures, “days” shall mean business days of KCATA administrative personnel which are days other than a Saturday, Sunday or legal holidays observed by KCATA for such administrative personnel.

1.Pre-Submittal. A pre-submittal protest is received prior to the proposal due date. Pre-submittal protests must be received by the Authority, in writing and addressed to the KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement, no later than five (5) days before the proposal closing date.

2.Post-Submittal/Pre-Award. A post-submittal/pre-award protest is a protest against making an award and is received after receipt of proposals but before award of a contract. Post-submittal protests must be received by the Authority, in writing and addressed to the KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement, no later than five (5) days after the proposal closing date.

3.Post-Award. Post-Award protests must be received by the Authority, in writing and addressed to the KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement, no later than five (5) days after the date of the Notice of Intent to Award.

B.The KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement shall respond in writing within five (5) days from the date of the written request. If the protester is not satisfied with the response of the KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement the protester may appeal in writing to the KCATA General Manager within five (5) days from the date from the KCATA Senior Manager of Procurement’s response.