

My sister Doris got a brand new lunch box. I need one, too. Just think of all the wonderful things I could do with a lunchbox!

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Retell the story in your own words.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Which part would you change?
(2) / Pretend you are the little brother, how would you convince Mom to get you a lunch box?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Describe your ideal lunch box.
(3) / Imagine you are Doris, how would you feel about going to first grade?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Which has been your favorite year at school so far?
(4) / Share with me a time that a brother or sister or friend got something that you really wanted, also.
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Did you get it?
(5) / Replace the word sneakers with another word that means the same thing.
(Answer) / Tennis shoes.
(Follow Up) / List some other types of shoes.
(6) / Explain why Doris got a new lunch box.
(Answer) / She was starting school.
(Follow Up) / Do you bring your lunch or eat at school?
(7) / Find the kinds of shoes their Dad bought them.
(Answer) / Brown school shoes for Doris and black sneakers with yellow laces for him.
(Follow Up) / Describe your favorite pair of shoes.
(8) / Recall what grade Doris will be in?
(Answer) / First grade.
(Follow Up) / Name your first grade teacher.
(9) / List the items he claimed he could keep in a lunchbox.
(Answer) / Crayons, marbles, bug collection, or toy animals.
(Follow Up) / What would you keep in a lunch box?
(10) / Tell me the surprise the little boy received at the end of the story.
(Answer) / A new lunch box.
(Follow Up) / Describe the best surprise you have ever received.
1. / Make a menu for your mom to go by when fixing your lunch each day for a week.
2. / List items you need when starting school for the first time.
3. / Write a paragraph about your first day of school.
4. / List the things you would keep in a lunchbox besides food.
1. / Bring in a pretend sack lunch. Ask the students if they have any better ideas of how you could bring you lunch, a paper sack tears, gets wet, etc. Either on your own or with students help, tell them “I Need a Lunch Box” and that is the name of our book today.
2. / Have a copy of school lunch menu. Discuss what students favorite lunch is. Ask them which day they would bring their own lunch from home. Today a boy in our story thinks he needs a lunch box. Let’s read and find out if he gets his wish.
3. / Have items needed to start school, pencil, paper, crayons, lunch box, etc. Today our story is about a little boy whose older sister is starting school and he thinks he needs some of the same things she is getting. Let’s read I Need a Lunchbox and see if he gets anything.

Book Title: I Need a Lunchbox

Author: Jeannette Caines / Illustrator: Pat Cummings
ISBN: 0-590-47362-3 / # of Text Pages: 15 AR: 1.8 LEX: N/A
Building Oral Vocabulary
4 / sneakers / 7 / collection / 13 / parade
Prediction Questions
3 / What do you think they bought at the store?
9 / What color will Wednesday be?
14 / What do you suppose his surprise is?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.