Wednesday, May 20, 2015

12:00-1:30 pm, University Union, Oak Creek room

MeetMe line: (928) 523-6991

I.  Meeting started at 12:08 - Call to Order

A.  Roll Call and introductions

B.  April minutes approved unanimously; Jamie moved, Kathy second.

II.  President Cheng’s visit debriefing

A.  Lots of positive feedback

1.  Excited to hear that Dr. Cheng wants to go beyond compliance

2.  After the Diversity Awards Matthew spoke with President Cheng and asked if she would speak at the SDS in Phoenix next June (2016)

3.  Also encouraged to hear her interest in the mapping project

III.  Update to NAU Technical Standards for ISA

A.  The new “active” ISA is now in the NAU Technical standards. It will be used on all new construction and substantial remodels.

IV.  Update on Facility Services projects and construction

A.  Beaver St. will be closed through August to accommodate construction at the Bookstore, the new SAS building and repair of steam pipes. Alternate routes are marked.

B.  Discussion of various classes doing ADA audits and sending them to Jamie.

1.  Possibly invite classes who are doing these projects (assessments) to CDAD to present and discuss?

C.  Issues with the electric car charging stations and construction fencing at IHD were brought forward.

V.  Collaboration opportunities

A.  Darold Joseph/CNA – This was tabled until August when Darold is able to attend.

B.  Through creation of the overview document for President Cheng’s visit, we saw a lack of work on strategic goal five – Commitment to Native Americans. This is an area we can work on through collaboration.

C.  Other possible collaborations:

1.  Looking at the lack of diversity in the students DR serves potential collaborations are with TRiO programs

2.  Connect with community colleges

3.  Reach out to NAU departments for research collaborations

4.  Collaborate with various disciplines to incorporate disability studies into their curriculum

VI.  University diversity plan/CDAD strategic plan

A.  David asked commissions to help write the university diversity strategic plan

B.  We would like to have a plan ready for the new provost

C.  Development of working group

1.  Currently consists of Lauren, Chris, and Matthew. Will put out a call for others to join

2.  Tom suggested we dedicate the June meeting to this discussion

a)  Lauren will send out notes from previous strategic goals discussion

VII.  Updates from other Commissions/Office of the President

A.  Currently Tom Uno also sits on CED and Pam Powell sits on CSW. We would like to have someone go to the CNA and LGBTQ meetings as well

VIII.  October Events and ADA 25th Anniversary

A.  Online survey to be completed by June 10th

B.  Jamie will follow up with TV Services to determine the disposition of filmed interviews from last summer.

IX.  Other business

A.  NAU News has offered to allow us to write a blog for the upcoming 25th Anniversary of the ADA

1.  Topic suggestions include: History of the ADA, resources (Kathy will help), the ADA walk to be held in Atlanta (Matthew is attending), current issues

B.  Jamie reported that DR student support was up 22% over last year, his office serves 3.4% of the NAU student population (739 students).

C.  Due to budget cuts the DR bus is going away after June 30th

D.  Motion to cancel the July meeting

1.  Matthew W. moved, Pam Powell seconded, all in favor, no abstentions

2.  The July meeting will be cancelled

Meeting ended 1:34

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