Primary Management - In the Money: Head's Top Tips

0001 10:00:00:00 10:00:02:15

(narrator) Have you ever wondered

how some schools

0002 10:00:02:15 10:00:05:23

manage to landscape their

playgrounds, build swimming pools

0003 10:00:05:23 10:00:08:04

and construct classrooms?

0004 10:00:15:18 10:00:18:05

Would you accept that? Would you?

0005 10:00:18:05 10:00:20:21

(narrator) Andrew Carter

from South Farnham School

0006 10:00:20:21 10:00:23:16

has got something of a reputation

for raising money.

0007 10:00:23:16 10:00:25:10

In his 13 years as head,

0008 10:00:25:10 10:00:30:10

he has raised an astonishing

£1.6 million for his school.

0009 10:00:30:10 10:00:33:14

But he knows it means

a lot of hard work.

0010 10:00:33:14 10:00:36:00

Or, of course,

there's the other alternative,

0011 10:00:36:00 10:00:39:14

expect to come in on Monday and open

an envelope with a cheque in it.

0012 10:00:39:14 10:00:42:11

If you believe in that,

you probably believe in fairies.

0013 10:00:44:07 10:00:46:17

(narrator) Mandy Gard

is balancing the books

0014 10:00:46:17 10:00:48:17

at Plumpton Primary in East Sussex

0015 10:00:48:17 10:00:52:07

and dealing with all the problems

of life in a rural school.

0016 10:00:52:07 10:00:55:16

Our problem, financially, is that

we have a falling school roll.

0017 10:00:55:16 10:00:58:24

Demographically, the number

of children in this area

0018 10:00:58:24 10:01:00:17

are getting fewer each year.

0019 10:01:00:17 10:01:03:01

And we're in competition

with other schools

0020 10:01:03:01 10:01:05:11

for children who are on the borders.

0021 10:01:07:04 10:01:10:19

(narrator) When Bryan Meyer arrived

at South Malling School in Lewes,

0022 10:01:10:19 10:01:13:15

there was a budget deficit

of £40,000.

0023 10:01:13:15 10:01:16:19

He turned the school around

in two years.

0024 10:01:16:19 10:01:22:03

Parents just feel that they want

the school to be a good school.

0025 10:01:22:03 10:01:25:21

And I think once they know

the school is running well

0026 10:01:25:21 10:01:28:18

and they can perceive it to be good,

0027 10:01:28:18 10:01:31:17

they don't need to ask the question

"How do you get there?"

0028 10:01:33:09 10:01:35:08

(narrator) At Silverdale

in Hastings,

0029 10:01:35:08 10:01:38:22

Head Phil Stephenson

has been nicknamed Arthur Daley

0030 10:01:38:22 10:01:42:08

for all the deals he does

on behalf of the school.

0031 10:01:42:08 10:01:45:14

We're not a soft target for people.

0032 10:01:45:14 10:01:48:19

People know

we'll drive a hard bargain.

0033 10:01:48:19 10:01:51:09

Generally we've found

businesses respond to that.

0034 10:01:53:02 10:01:55:17

(narrator) These head teachers

are going to share

0035 10:01:55:17 10:01:58:09

some of their top tips

for financial success,

0036 10:01:58:09 10:02:01:14

starting with Fill Your Classrooms.

0037 10:02:03:10 10:02:09:01

We want parents to bring their

children to Silverdale as a choice.

0038 10:02:09:01 10:02:11:15

I think the school markets itself,

0039 10:02:11:15 10:02:15:04

but as they do their tour of the

school, they're shown everything.

0040 10:02:15:04 10:02:18:04

I show them the school grounds,

the swimming pool,

0041 10:02:18:04 10:02:20:10

talk positively about

our achievements.

0042 10:02:20:10 10:02:22:13

From the point of view

of the school budget,

0043 10:02:22:13 10:02:24:10

that's the biggest single element -

0044 10:02:24:10 10:02:26:20

pupil numbers

is the biggest single element.

0045 10:02:26:20 10:02:31:23

So if our pupil numbers fall

significantly then our budget falls.

0046 10:02:33:06 10:02:37:06

So we managed to get a £5,000 grant

0047 10:02:37:06 10:02:40:20

and we spent that

on setting the nursery up.

0048 10:02:40:20 10:02:43:13

We visited other nurseries

so we knew what we wanted,

0049 10:02:43:13 10:02:45:00

how it would run.

0050 10:02:45:00 10:02:47:18

The very first year

the nursery was set up,

0051 10:02:47:18 10:02:52:06

we had a full reception class

booked into the school

0052 10:02:52:06 10:02:54:15

for the first time for a few years.

0053 10:02:54:15 10:02:59:01

So that was a big investment,

but, once again,

0054 10:02:59:01 10:03:04:00

we think it offered us

great value for money.

0055 10:03:05:08 10:03:09:24

If you have just one parent a year

who decides to come to your school

0056 10:03:09:24 10:03:12:14

because you've got

an after-school care facility,

0057 10:03:12:14 10:03:14:15

you've gained £2,500.

0058 10:03:14:15 10:03:16:12

It's very profitable.

0059 10:03:16:12 10:03:19:23

We formed a company, which is

called South Farnham Services Ltd,

0060 10:03:19:23 10:03:23:21

which is a limited liability

company, and that runs the club.

0061 10:03:23:21 10:03:26:14

We call it a club, it's

an after-school care facility.

0062 10:03:26:14 10:03:29:10

People come, they pay,

between 3:30 and 6:00.

0063 10:03:29:10 10:03:33:07

We run it in service days,

we have done some in holidays.

0064 10:03:33:07 10:03:35:06

We don't do breakfast clubs yet,

0065 10:03:35:06 10:03:38:02

but that's clearly a development

that could happen.

0066 10:03:41:03 10:03:45:09

You can either

look at the three estimates

0067 10:03:45:09 10:03:49:05

and think, "Well, times are hard."

0068 10:03:49:05 10:03:53:17

"Finances are under some strain,

so we'll go for the cheaper one."

0069 10:03:53:17 10:03:57:09

Or, you do what we do,

we might go for the cheaper one,

0070 10:03:57:09 10:04:00:21

but only if it's

through a company we know well,

0071 10:04:00:21 10:04:04:02

and have done work for us and the

work has proved to be of quality.

0072 10:04:04:02 10:04:06:07

I think the important word

is "quality".

0073 10:04:06:07 10:04:09:20

We do, if you like, put people

up against each other and say:

0074 10:04:09:20 10:04:13:06

"We've been offered such and such

a deal - can you match that?"

0075 10:04:13:06 10:04:17:14

Those savings on their own may

only amount to a few hundred pounds,

0076 10:04:17:14 10:04:22:01

but if you put all of those things

together, it's quite sizable sums.

0077 10:04:25:02 10:04:26:24

Jan and I work very closely


0078 10:04:26:24 10:04:29:17

We not only set up

the budget together

0079 10:04:29:17 10:04:33:08

so we understand exactly where

each part of the budget comes from,

0080 10:04:33:08 10:04:35:10

we also monitor

the budget very closely

0081 10:04:35:10 10:04:38:03

so at any point in time

we know exactly where we are.

0082 10:04:38:03 10:04:39:18

When we first met, he said to me:

0083 10:04:39:18 10:04:43:00

"I'm very cavalier with money."

I said, "Well, I'm not."

0084 10:04:43:00 10:04:45:10

So that was quite a good

combination, I think.

0085 10:04:45:10 10:04:47:20

But, no, we do check each other


0086 10:04:47:20 10:04:51:09

But we do very much build

on each other's strengths.

0087 10:04:51:09 10:04:53:11

There used to be a secretary-bursar,

0088 10:04:53:11 10:04:56:10

but the person in that position

left a couple of years ago.

0089 10:04:56:10 10:04:59:13

We saw an opportunity

to actually develop that post,

0090 10:04:59:13 10:05:01:13

because it is a key position.

0091 10:05:01:13 10:05:04:01

I think it's worth

investing the money

0092 10:05:04:01 10:05:06:24

to have somebody

with the expertise to run that.

0093 10:05:06:24 10:05:10:05

Although it's expensive

in terms of my time,

0094 10:05:10:05 10:05:13:11

and I'm not a financial expert


0095 10:05:13:11 10:05:15:14

it's certainly worth it

to us as a school.

0096 10:05:18:15 10:05:21:22

Best value? People.

You spend most on your teachers.

0097 10:05:21:22 10:05:25:13

Get the teachers right, that's the

best value absolutely every time.

0098 10:05:25:13 10:05:29:15

There's one thing you should do -

never, ever, ever

0099 10:05:29:15 10:05:31:20

rush over appointing teachers.

0100 10:05:33:05 10:05:36:16

This year we have

our second graduate teacher.

0101 10:05:36:16 10:05:39:09

We've been very lucky.

We had a very good one last year,

0102 10:05:39:09 10:05:42:21

we've got a very good one

again this year.

0103 10:05:42:21 10:05:48:09

The government pays the salary of

the graduate teacher for the year.

0104 10:05:48:09 10:05:50:02

So as far as I'm concerned,

0105 10:05:50:02 10:05:53:08

it's a great way of having

an extra person in the school

0106 10:05:53:08 10:05:57:02

who's got some expertise

and can help our children.

0107 10:05:58:12 10:06:01:23

(Andrew) If a teacher has less days

off because they're happy at work,

0108 10:06:01:23 10:06:03:13

then you're saving money.

0109 10:06:03:13 10:06:05:19

You don't do it to save money,

0110 10:06:05:19 10:06:09:18

but the results of caring

for your staff save you money.

0111 10:06:12:19 10:06:16:24

We try and be as creative as we can

by joining up with local schools.

0112 10:06:16:24 10:06:19:18

For example, sharing a bus

with the school down the road

0113 10:06:19:18 10:06:22:17

when we went to Worthing

to see a Shakespeare production

0114 10:06:22:17 10:06:25:04

meant that both schools

could afford to go.

0115 10:06:25:04 10:06:27:15

Whereas on our own -

we had a year group of 20 -

0116 10:06:27:15 10:06:29:12

we couldn't have afforded the coach.

0117 10:06:29:12 10:06:33:20

But putting 40 children on meant

that it was a feasible project.

0118 10:06:35:14 10:06:39:03

Network learning

is a key issue at the moment,

0119 10:06:39:03 10:06:42:00

and it's something

our LEA is very keen on.

0120 10:06:42:00 10:06:44:14

So if we can put in

projects together,

0121 10:06:44:14 10:06:46:14

then they like to fund those.

0122 10:06:49:15 10:06:53:19

It is the case that the major things

that have transformed this school

0123 10:06:53:19 10:06:56:15

have been funded by parents.

0124 10:06:56:15 10:07:01:24

Parents know that things like

shade for children

0125 10:07:01:24 10:07:03:24

- big project around that -

0126 10:07:03:24 10:07:09:08

computers in classes,

every class having a data projector,

0127 10:07:09:08 10:07:12:22

classes having

interactive whiteboards...

0128 10:07:12:22 10:07:15:01

These are things

we know realistically

0129 10:07:15:01 10:07:17:02

the school cannot afford.

0130 10:07:17:02 10:07:21:05

But our friends association have

always been hugely supportive,

0131 10:07:21:05 10:07:23:09

and that's where

we got that funding from.

0132 10:07:23:09 10:07:28:04

We decide what we're going to buy,

which range from very boring things

0133 10:07:28:04 10:07:30:22

like maths books, paper,

chairs et cetera,

0134 10:07:30:22 10:07:32:22

through to quite exciting things.

0135 10:07:32:22 10:07:35:19

Now we go to the parents association

and say:

0136 10:07:35:19 10:07:38:09

"What is the one

that appeals to you this year?"

0137 10:07:38:09 10:07:40:15

I've worked with PTAs a lot.

0138 10:07:40:15 10:07:42:18

Some are very keen on computers,

0139 10:07:42:18 10:07:46:03

then you find two years later

everybody's sick to death with them,

0140 10:07:46:03 10:07:48:04

they want to buy musical instruments

0141 10:07:48:04 10:07:52:02

or they may want artists

to come and work with the children.

0142 10:07:52:02 10:07:54:06

Whatever it is, they buy it.

0143 10:07:54:06 10:07:58:10

They buy it,

and therefore their money,

0144 10:07:58:10 10:08:02:15

we get the benefit of it

the following year.

0145 10:08:02:15 10:08:04:03

Because the following year,

0146 10:08:04:03 10:08:08:04

if they give us £20,000 of things

we were going to buy this year,

0147 10:08:08:04 10:08:12:11

the following year we have

a £20,000 surplus in our budget.

0148 10:08:12:11 10:08:16:09

Their efforts built the swimming

pool that's still here today.

0149 10:08:16:09 10:08:19:02

And I can't tell you

how many children

0150 10:08:19:02 10:08:21:09

must have learnt how to swim

in that pool.

0151 10:08:21:09 10:08:24:04

And when you live by the sea,

it's a life-saving skill.

0152 10:08:24:04 10:08:27:03

It's a very, very valuable asset

to our school.

0153 10:08:27:03 10:08:29:16

It's one that we use

in our marketing as well.

0154 10:08:32:17 10:08:37:11

We have many lettings in the school

after school, through the evenings.

0155 10:08:37:11 10:08:39:13

The school's used at weekends.

0156 10:08:39:13 10:08:42:00

We don't charge a huge amount

for those lettings,

0157 10:08:42:00 10:08:44:20

so that attracts customers.

0158 10:08:47:18 10:08:49:21

The benefits are huge to us

in doing that.

0159 10:08:49:21 10:08:51:18

Firstly, we get people in

from outside

0160 10:08:51:18 10:08:54:20

who wouldn't normally

have visited South Malling.

0161 10:08:54:20 10:08:56:22

They see the school for what it is,

0162 10:08:56:22 10:09:01:06

and they are on the whole

very impressed with what they see.

0163 10:09:01:06 10:09:04:00

So there's good PR

being established there.

0164 10:09:04:00 10:09:08:07

We've also got our own community

using it for keep-fit classes,

0165 10:09:08:07 10:09:12:01

martial arts, dancing.

All sorts of things go on.

0166 10:09:12:01 10:09:14:24

Hello! We're playing football.

0167 10:09:14:24 10:09:18:09

We make sure we cover our running

costs, and then we make a little.

0168 10:09:20:17 10:09:24:24

Most evenings there will be at least

one or two activities going on -

0169 10:09:24:24 10:09:28:11

the swimming pool being used

or the halls being used.

0170 10:09:28:11 10:09:30:11

So we do let the school out.

0171 10:09:30:11 10:09:33:20

It helps to bring the community

into the school.

0172 10:09:36:22 10:09:38:16

There isn't a lot in the village,

0173 10:09:38:16 10:09:42:12

there aren't any big businesses

or big shops that can sponsor us.

0174 10:09:42:12 10:09:45:08

So we have to try and be

as creative as we can.

0175 10:09:48:09 10:09:51:06

Plumpton College

is an agricultural college

0176 10:09:51:06 10:09:53:16

which is about two miles away

from here.

0177 10:09:53:16 10:09:58:16

We have a link because some of

our parents work at the college,

0178 10:09:58:16 10:10:02:04

and so we've been able

to ask their students

0179 10:10:02:04 10:10:06:14

for advice on our playground

and play area.

0180 10:10:06:14 10:10:09:22

They have also been involved

in actually coming in

0181 10:10:09:22 10:10:13:13

and building structures for

our children and things like that.

0182 10:10:13:13 10:10:16:08

Doesn't cost us anything.

We like that.

0183 10:10:17:17 10:10:19:07

When you go to your community,

0184 10:10:19:07 10:10:22:12

your local businesses, your parents,

the government, and say:

0185 10:10:22:12 10:10:26:02

"I wish to build an ICT suite",

if that's what you want to build,

0186 10:10:26:02 10:10:28:08

"here's the plan,

that's where we'll do it,"

0187 10:10:28:08 10:10:31:16

"we can do this, what can you do?",

you'll get an answer.

0188 10:10:31:16 10:10:34:23

If you go to any community,

any businessman, any government

0189 10:10:34:23 10:10:37:16

and say, "Give us £100,000"

and they say, "What for?",

0190 10:10:37:16 10:10:41:20

you say, "I haven't decided yet,"

the answer will always be no.

0191 10:10:44:21 10:10:47:10

We've got homework on it,

homework suggestions,

0192 10:10:47:10 10:10:50:19

links for parents

so that parents have to use it.

0193 10:10:50:19 10:10:53:10

All our letters go on it.

All that sort of stuff.

0194 10:10:53:10 10:10:57:13

We create a base of people that

are using it on a regular basis.

0195 10:10:57:13 10:11:01:24

Once you have the number of hits on

it - you have to put a counter on -

0196 10:11:01:24 10:11:04:16

you end up then with something

which is marketable,

0197 10:11:04:16 10:11:08:09

because people

always want to advertise

0198 10:11:08:09 10:11:11:11

on areas where people

are going on a regular basis.

0199 10:11:11:11 10:11:15:16

We've a link with an estate agency,

and the estate agency are very keen

0200 10:11:15:16 10:11:19:16

because our school is quite popular

and people want to find out

0201 10:11:19:16 10:11:22:02

where they should buy a house

and so on.

0202 10:11:22:02 10:11:24:16

They pay for the privilege

to be there.

0203 10:11:24:16 10:11:26:17

We see them as business partners.

0204 10:11:29:18 10:11:33:00

Some of them work in the city

0205 10:11:33:00 10:11:37:09

and have a very clear idea

about finance.

0206 10:11:38:06 10:11:41:00

Sometimes, when I'm a bit concerned

0207 10:11:41:00 10:11:45:17

about a piece of

proposed expenditure,

0208 10:11:46:20 10:11:49:17

and I'm thinking, "I'm not

really sure we can afford it,"

0209 10:11:49:17 10:11:52:10

one of them will do

a mental arithmetic calculation

0210 10:11:52:10 10:11:56:14

and say, "Well, you're talking about

0.3 of one per cent of your budget,

0211 10:11:56:14 10:11:58:24

so just do it."

0212 10:11:58:24 10:12:03:08

I think that sense of realism

is invaluable in a school.

0213 10:12:06:10 10:12:09:09

If the school's

not run well financially,

0214 10:12:09:09 10:12:11:19

the following will occur:

0215 10:12:14:21 10:12:17:24

lack of investment

in the right areas,

0216 10:12:18:24 10:12:22:14

curriculum initiatives stagnating,

0217 10:12:23:14 10:12:29:10

staff feeling a lack of development

and investment in the school -

0218 10:12:29:10 10:12:33:21

which could lead to

demoralised staff -

0219 10:12:33:21 10:12:36:17

governors feeling there's

no point in doing anything

0220 10:12:36:17 10:12:41:24

because there's nothing exciting

to be done left at the school,

0221 10:12:43:15 10:12:47:21

children feeling that they're now

back in a place that's drifting

0222 10:12:47:21 10:12:52:21

and becoming tired-looking

0223 10:12:52:21 10:12:55:04

and backward-looking.

0224 10:12:55:04 10:12:58:17

And I think when you have

all those elements coming together,

0225 10:12:58:17 10:13:03:18

you may end up with a school

that has falling standards.

0226 10:13:06:04 10:13:08:23

Everything in this school,

everything you look at,

0227 10:13:08:23 10:13:12:09

everything we do

has a financial implication.

0228 10:13:12:09 10:13:14:17

And it's us

working behind the scenes

0229 10:13:14:17 10:13:16:24

to ensure that the funds

are available.

0230 10:13:16:24 10:13:19:10

Of course, ultimately,

if you don't manage it,

0231 10:13:19:10 10:13:23:04

it isn't money you're not managing,

it's education you're not managing.

0232 10:13:26:24 10:13:30:21

We have money, and we only just have

enough to get through each year.

0233 10:13:30:21 10:13:34:20

So we need to make sure we handle

that resource really carefully,

0234 10:13:34:20 10:13:37:11

because that is the tool,

the power, the lever

0235 10:13:37:11 10:13:40:08

that brings in educational

opportunities for children.

0236 10:13:50:00 10:13:53:17

Visiontext subtitles

by Katherine Appleby

0237 10:13:53:17 10:13:55:17