Princess Aaesheh Bint Al-HusseinCollege of Nursing and Health Sciences
Course Syllabus
Department: Medical Laboratory / Course Title: Health care Management
Credit Hours: 1hour / Course Number:0902101
Pre-requisites:------/ Course Year Level: 2
Faculty Member: Atika AL-Rawadeh / Day, Time:
E-mail : / Office Hours:10-11 Tus.
Course Website: / Office Phone:------
Academic Year: 20 16 / 2017 / Semester: First semester
Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the students to management and leadership concepts and principles necessary in developing managerial knowledge and leadership skills needed in health care organizations especially in health care departments. Emphasis is placed on the organizations management of resources, including planning, organizing, directing, controlling and decision making. Also includes principles of improving health care and human relations.
General Learning Objectives
1- Define leadership, management, followership, planning , and emotional intelligence
2-Recognize the attributes & tasks of leaders and managers
3- Describe organizational theories that could be applied in health service management
4- Differentiate between critical thinking, decision making, & problem solving.
5-Select appropriate models of decision making in health service situations.
6-Explain the SWOT analysis process.
7- Describe the process of strategic planning & goal setting.
8- Descripe the difference between policies & procedures.
9- Recognize change management in health care
10- Identify steps of change management
11-Describe how organizational structure affects communication, flexibility, & satisfaction
12- Identify processes of recruitment, interviewing, selection, & indoctrination.
13-Identify motivation theories.
14- Explain factors that increase the utilization of healthcare services.
Specific Learning Objectives
1- Describe organizational theories that could be applied in health service management
2- Identify characteristics of successful decision making.
3-Understand the common staffing formulas.
1- Develop skills of critical thinking, decision making, & problem solving.
2-Building teams for productivity and efficiency
1-To cooperate together as team work .
2-Respect the opinions of each other .
Instructional Resources
1- Lectures / Discussion
2- PowerPoint slides/ Data show
3- Internet
4- library
Teaching & Learning Methods
-Lectures / Discussion
-Overhead projector
-PowerPoint slides
Evaluation Scheme
Expected Date / Percentage
First Exam / 8-11 / 20%
Second Exam / 6-12 / 20%
Final Exam / In due time / 50%
Participation and
Attendance / Home works / 10%
Course Contents
Week / Date / Topic / Duties /Tasks1 / 27-9-2016 / Introduction
2 / 4-10-2016 / Leadership, Management
3 / 11-10-2016 / Leadership, Management / Home work
4 / 18-10-2016 / Critical Thinking, Decision Making, & Problem Solving
5 / 25-10-2016 / Critical Thinking, Decision Making, & Problem Solving / Home work
6 / 1-11-2016 / Planning / Home work
7 / 8-11-2016 / First Exam
8 / 15-11-2016 / Time Management
Change Management
9 / 22-11-2016 / Time Management
Change Management / Home work
10 / 29-11-2016 / Organizing
11 / 6-12-2016 / Second Exam
12 / 13-12-2016 / Staffing
13 / 20-12-2016 / Directing / Home work
14 / 27-12 / Cost Management & Budgeting / Home work
15 / Final Exam
References, Textbook
Title / Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application
Author(s) / Marquis, L. B., & Huston, C. J.
Publisher / Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Year / 2009
Edition / 6thed
Recommended Textbooks: / Marquis, B Huston, C (2006) leadership roles and management functions in nursing, 5th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins -Patricia S .Yoder –Wise (2003) Leading & Managing in nursing :third edition .Mosby company.
-Ellis (2005) Managing & coordinating nursing care >4th edition .Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Student Responsibilities and Academic Conduct:
Students are expected to:
- Prepare for lectures in advance.
- Attend ALL classes. However, for those who miss more than 15% of lecture hours with or without acceptable excuse will be dismissed from the course.
- Meet the course teacher at the posted office hours or by appointment.
- Avoid cheating, academic misconduct, fabrication, and plagiarism. Such behaviors will lead to disciplinary action as described in the students’ handbook.