2016-2017 Candidate Questionnaire Page
2016-2017 Candidate Questionnaire Page
Due date: February 10, 2017 to
RETURN TO: Laura J. Butler, NCRA Headquarters
(12030 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 400, Reston, VA 20191-3484)
Please type your responses after each question. Your completed questionnaire should be e-mailed to Laura Butler at by February 10, 2017. Please include a header with your name on each page of the questionnaire.
NCRA’s Nominating Committee may utilize your answers within this questionnaire and information provided in your curriculum vitae to reduce the number of candidates under consideration for an in-person interview. Please provide as much detail as possible when responding. The answers to your questionnaire are confidential and are for Nominating Committee’s eyes only. However, if there is more than one candidate for an office, all responses will be published to the NCRA Website. The questionnaires will be removed immediately after the election.
Please attach a comprehensive resume/CV with your questionnaire, along with three letters of reference from within or outside of the profession.
1. What do you seek to gain from NCRA Board experience, both personally and professionally?
a. What motivated you to pursue this position? Why do you want to be on this Board?
b. What is your understanding of the time and financial commitment of the position for which you are applying?
c. Why is now the best time for you?
2. Where do you see yourself professionally in 5 years? In 10 years?
3. What are your interests and activities outside of the court reporting/captioning environment? Do you feel that any of those would be an asset to NCRA?
4. Describe any weaknesses you perceive in yourself. How are you working to improve upon these areas?
5. Do you have a personal or professional relationship with any existing NCRA Board Member, that could create a potential conflict; or on the other hand, contribute to a positive working environment? If, so, please explain.
1. Describe the qualities of ideal NCRA Officers and Directors.
2. What strengths would you bring (or continue to bring) to the NCRA board?
3. What specific leadership skills do you possess which qualify you for the position you seek?
4. Indicate your most significant contributions to NCRA, your state, or other professional organizations.
5. Have you created a program or service for your state association or other professional organization? If so, was it successful and why? If it was not successful, then why not?
6. Have you experienced any extraordinary challenge related to your volunteer service for NCRA, your state, or other professional organization? If so, please explain the challenge and how you personally contributed in addressing the challenge.
7. Is there a particular person that has served or is serving as a role model/mentor for you? If so, how and why?
8. Are you engaged in social media? Have you had an experience in dealing with misinformation on social media and/or difficult or unreasonable people? If so, please explain.
1. In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges facing the profession and why?
2. What is your understanding of the current state of our court reporting schools?
3. Do you have suggestions on how to address the challenges facing our schools?
4. In your opinion, what are the greatest challenges facing NCRA and why?
5. Of the programs or services in which NCRA is currently engaged, which do you think are most important to the profession’s future? Do you have suggestions for enhancing or strengthening current programs or creating new programs?
6. What thoughts do you have, if any, on the current board makeup and whether it adequately represents NCRA’s constituency groups?
7. In reading NCRA’s Vision 2018, the Strategic Plan, what are your thoughts?
8. What is your vision of the profession five years from now, and what role do you see NCRA playing in that vision?
Name ______Date ______