Washington County Association for Mental Health

February 23, 2016

Present: Jennifer Glenn, Sarada McGaha, Kimberly Hill, Haley Javine, Dianna Cooley, Shanon Cox, Cheryl Gilette, Jacqueline James, Jessica Smith, Fay O’Neill, Lindsay Hammond, Kara Marts, Kevin Suggs

I.  Call meeting to order and introductions – Sarada called the meeting to order and led introductions

II.  Approval of January 2016 minutes – Lindsay motioned to approve, Dianna seconded.

III.  Committee Chair reports

  1. Parenting – Kim will look into what is available in town for those seeking assistance with parent. Jacqueline reported that there is a support group for grandparents raising grandchildren. Youth and Family Services also offers parenting courses: Early Childhood, Love & Logic, and Parent Process group. YFS is looking into what would be additional offerings for next fiscal year including Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and Step parents.. Anyone can make referrals to those classes and can do so by calling YFS. The only closed class is Parent Process as this is through DHS. $45/individual, $60/couple
  2. Substance Abuse – Kerry Ickleberry – Jennifer reported in Kerry’s absence and stated that there was nothing new to report.
  3. Marketing – Jacqueline James
  4. McAlister’s fundraiser – Jacqueline report that there were many individuals in the community that were excited to hear about what we are doing. We were able to make a little over $200 with the fundraiser, and we made $27 from the tip jar.
  5. Workforce Development – M’Liss Jenkins – Jennifer reported in M’Liss’ absence
  6. March 4th – training with Dr. Julie Dupell on self-harm and eating disorders. Time is 9:00 – 4:30
  7. Ethics in May and December are on the website. The May training will be held May 20th.
  8. Angie Metcalf will also be providing the “Make and Take” training in August.
  9. Finance – Sheri Robertson – Sheri was not present for the meeting. No report.
  10. Health Homes – Kimberly Hill
  11. Kim reported on Health Homes within Grand Lake Mental Health Center. Kim introduced Ealisa Adams, new Care Coordinator in Osage County. GLMHC is continuing to serve over 200 families in Health Homes between Nowata and Washington County. GLMHC does have 3 open therapist positions if you know of any therapists who are looking for employment. GLMHC referral forms are on the Association website.
  12. Resource Support Team – no meeting today due to scheduling conflicts
  13. ONIT – referral forms are available on the Association website. Please check out the official ONIT website at http://oknowisthetime.org/.
  14. Fundraising- Dianna Cooley
  15. Jennifer reports that she has left a message about the Masonic Lodge.

IV.  Growing the Association

  1. Website: http://wcamh.org/
  2. Please visit the website and ask others to. When there subscribe to the newsletter. I will be using the e-mails of those who sign up for future e-mails about WCAMH.
  3. Don’t forget, once you sign up for the newsletter you have to confirm the email address from a message that is automatically sent.
  4. Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcamh.org
  5. Share with others on your Facebook

V.  New Business:

  1. Kara from Ray of Hope presented on their services. – She is a forensic interviewer for ages 2-17, must have an open investigation with DHS or Law enforcement. Physical abuse, sexual abuse, witness to a violent crime, witness to drug abuse. There is also a Family Advocate that meets with the non-offending caregivers, follow-up, help with court prep, working on getting a program called “Play it Safe” which would allow Ray of Hope to go into the schools to discuss sexual abuse prevention, what to do, helaht relationships. Due to Erin’s Law it is now required. “Darkness to Light” which will cover sexual abuse prevention to adults, how to talk with your children. Also , Sane exams for children that comes in that needs an exam. The officer or DHS worker will contact the examiner if an exam is needed.
  2. Anger management courses in town – non-violent can go to Youth and Family, violent will need to go to Family Crisis and Counseling or Larry French
  3. Jessica reports that About Face will start in April. They are still accepting referrals. Referrals can be found online or through Jacqueline James.

VI.  Upcoming Events :

  1. Phillips Health Fair – February 24th – Dianna and Ealisa will be hosting the event. Jacqueline was not able to get any donations. Kim will go and pick up a door prize.
  2. DaySpring will be doing a Depression screener for the Health Department on April 6th from 9-12. Sheri asked that everyone provide their agency information so that appropriate referrals can be provided. Kim will work the Association booth
  3. Ethics training May 20th – discussed also doing Supervisory Ethics and offering a sponsorship package for agencies.
  4. Dr. Meichenbaum will be providing a training at Parkside. Trauma, Comorbid Disorders and Recovery: Road to Resilience on June 3rd for 6 CEUs. $80 for early registration before May 30th. Other trainings at Parkside can be found at http://www.parksideinc.org/resources/newscurrentevents
  5. Shanon reported that Parkside does have more adult beds open. She also reported that with the kids program there are more wellness groups, yoga, pet therapy.
  6. By Your Side Run for Parkside will be May 14th – offers food bank assistance, gas vouchers, other resources/supports for the families who are getting treatment at Parkside.

VII.  Task to be Completed:

  1. Kim will gather information and look into local parenting courses
  2. Sarada will bring flyers from Youth and Family
  3. All members will blast out to the community about the upcoming training with Dr. Dupell.
  4. Kim will ask Jennifer to present at the next meeting about Adult services in Washington County.
  5. Kim will put together flyer for Ethics training and supervisory ethics training. Will also put together a sponsorship packet as well individual pricing.
  6. Shanon is going to send flyers to Jennifer to put on the website.
  7. Kim will get basket for Health Fair.
  8. Kim will get Kara flyers for services.

VIII.  Motion to Adjourn – Dianna motioned to adjourn, Cheryl seconded.

Next Meeting: March 22, 2016 at 8:30 am

At Torrey Place Clubhouse, 901 E. 3rd St., Bartlesville, OK 74003