Minutes of the 9th Huddersfield ScoutGroup Supporters Team 10July 2008

Present: Fran (joint Chair, Cub parent), Matthew (Treasurer), Phil (ExplorerLeader), Nuala(CubLeader) Liz (Joint Secretary, Scout parent), Judith (Cub parent) Dave and Diane(Scouts and Interested Party!)

For part of the meeting : Neil (joint secretary, Scout parent).

Apologies: Helen(BeaverLeader), Lee, Gareth


1 The minutes of the last meeting were all agreed as a true record.
2. All matters arising were all on the agenda.
3. CRB checks.
CRB checks to be filled in all to give to Dave /


4. Gala update
This event will concentrate on raising interest. BBQ may be problematic due to supplying food. Nuala to bring one for our use only.Matthew to bring BBQ lighters and briquettes.
Dave is sorting out the photos for the competition. This will be charged at 50p. We will take some small games at 20p.
A penalty shoot will be organised. Phil will provide the goalposts and all to bring footballs.
We will also have a sponge throwing event. The ScoutGroup can supply equipment for this. Nuala and Judith to get sponges.
Dave to bring his laptop with photos. Leaflets will be handed out and we will capture personal details e.g. so we can get in touch with interested people.
Fran to ask Fiona Cucksey.
Explorers also to attend and Judith's husband.
The area we have is next to the playground and we will rope this area off. Matthew to supply tape.
We will provide some Scouting activities e.g catapult making.
Matthew to follow up climbing wall idea.
Phil to get some hot air kites. Kite making to be taught as well.
Parachute to be taken.
Equipment at Scouts Nuala to get 100 bin bags and 6 rolls of sellotape.
Donation tin on table for kites.
Phone calls to parents to encourage them to attend Judith for Cubs, Dave to ring Scouts and Helen to ring Beavers parents and also a poster at the church. Parents to be asked to come for morning to set up or to help in the afternoon either 8am to 9am at the church or after 9am in the park. Lee to prepare the poster and ask for volunteers.
Photo competition £1. Kids tombola at 10p a ticket.Diane to get prizes for tombola.
Assault course to be set up. Will need a ground sheet, Dave to get some tyres, Lee to get ladders.
Golf holes to be used from Scouts. Phil to supply clubs.
Tug of war also to be set up Judith to bring.
Dave to try and get Giants tickets. Gareth to see if he can get a portable generator and cones.
Group to meet up on Friday 25th at 7.30 at church to put final plans in place. Dave won’t be at this meeting. / Nuala
Matthew/ Dave
Judith Dave
Phil/ Dave
5. BeaumontPark Heritage Day
Possibility of a tug of war competition. Big poster for pubs and clubs to advertise this and poster at the gala. Poster to go on back of Crosland Hill banner. Dave to do this. Prize to be beer or wine. Different age Groups for tug of war. Under 11s to get a bar of chocolate each and no entry fee. 11 to 16's 2 a team and a crate of coke as a prize. Men - barrel of beer £12per team, ladies bottle of wine each £12 per team.
100 club to be launched at the gala and details taken from parents on the day with the first draw on the Heritage Day. We can use the subs standing order form. Dave to print off. Monthly draw of small prizes with two big six monthly prizes in June and December, Christmas and holiday draw. £2 a month by standing order or cheque for the whole year at 22 for the year. £20, £10, £5 prizes each month. Guaranteed £100 for each jackpot. / Matthew
6. Gift aid status.
On hold until September.
7. Members reports
Treasurer’s report
Dave to get forms signed by Fran and Lee and to give Matthew old bank statements, receipts and a list of kids in each sections. Each section Leader gets a float of £50 to spend on Scouting activities and nees. All to think about how much we will need to run our various activities and to decide what to do. If we claim our expenses and then give a donation back to the ScoutGroup the Group gets £12 for each £10 claimed.
Discussed printer for CubLeader and agreed to buy up to a maximum amount. No-one should be out of pocket.
Beaver report
1. District trip to SundownPark was excellent, it rained, but the children didn’t even notice.
2. Two Beavers ready to go to Cubs in the nextcouple ofweeks, would like to re-instate our 'going up ceremony'.
3.Beaver meetings closingfrom 4th - 26th August (4 weeks) due to Leaders holidays - re-open Tues 2nd Sept 08
4. Will be celebrating 18 years of BeaverScouting at Crosland Hill on the 5th September - taking the boys/girls Ten Pin Bowling Tues 9th Sept.
Dave to put 18 years of Beavers at Crosland Hill on September 5th in the Examiner.
Cubs report - 2 new members plus 2 coming up from Beavers.
Scouts report - 3 still on a canoeing course. 3 new Scouts. On the way to get 20 by Christmas. Liz to ask if Lauren and Isobel if they want to come to Scouts as well as guides. / Dave
8. Donkey Derby
Matthew getting donkeys, Dave to check out Lockwood Rugby Club for dates and Phil to check out Broad Oak Cricket Club and to report back at the next meeting.. / Matthew
9. Monsoon curry night agreed at revised price of £7.50 Liz to confirm and ask for a birthday cake as this is day before Diane's birthday. / Liz

Next meeting Thursday 28 August 7pm, Shoulder of Mutton, Lockwood

July 2008 / Minutes, Group Supporters’ Team / 1/2