
NHS Education for Scotland NES/PF/15/10


Draft Minutes of the Sixty-SeventhMeeting of the Partnership Forum held on Thursday 19 February at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.

Present: / Ms Liz Ford, Employee Director (Joint Chair)
Ms Caroline Lamb, Acting Chief Executive (Joint Chair)
Ms Dorothy Wright, Director of Workforce/Lead Officer
Professor Rose Marie Parr, Director of Pharmacy/Management Representative
Ms Linda Walker, GMB Representative (via VC)
In attendance: / Mr Tom Power, Head of OD & Learning (Item 6/via VC)
Dr Kristi Long, Equality & Diversity Adviser (Items 7 & 8/via VC)
Fearghas Torrans, UNISON Steward
Ms Alison Shiell, Corporate Governance Officer

1.Welcome and introductions

Caroline Lamb welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Linda Walker who was attending her first Partnership Forum as a representative of the GMB Union and Fearghas Torrans who was attending the meeting for information. It was noted that Tom Power and Kristi Long were attending via VC for Item 6 and items 7 and 8 respectively.

Members noted the useful discussion with NES staff from Dundee at the all-staff meeting which preceded the Partnership Forum. The following topics were covered during the all-staff meeting:

  • Recruitment of East Region Postgraduate Dean
  • The political landscape, particularly in relation to any changes in special health board arrangements before the 2015 UK and 2016 Scottish General Elections
  • The NES Staff Conference (27 May 2015)
  • Health and Wellbeing Strategy Group
  • Health and Social Care Integration
  • NES Staff Survey
  • iMatter Staff Governance Tool
  • Organisational Change, with particular reference to Medicine and Dental
  • Voluntary Severance

A separate report of the all-staff meeting explores the topics and issues in more detail.

2.Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received fromLynn McDowall (RCN), Jackie Mitchell (RCM) and David Forbes (UNISON).

3.Minutes of the Partnership Forum, 11 December 2014 (NES/PF/14/43)

The minutes of the Partnership Forum meeting held on 11 December 2014 were approved as a correct record.

Action: AS

4.Action List from previous meeting (NES/PF/14/44)

Dorothy Wright confirmed that action pointshad been completed or were in hand.

The following pointwas noted in discussion:

BMA Representative

Discussions to find a replacement BMA representative are continuing. Caroline Lamb will meet with Stewart Irvine (Director of Medicine) to take this forward.

Action: CL

5.Matters arising

There were no matters arising which were not covered on the agenda.

6. Staff Recognition Scheme (NES/PF/15/02)

Tom Power provided the Partnership Forum with an update on the development of plans for a Staff Recognition Scheme in NES, and sought input from members in relation to the awards categories and arrangements for seeking and assessing nominations.

At its meeting on 16 October, the Partnership Forum approved a proposal to develop a formal Staff Recognition Scheme for NES. Tom Power has worked with a short-life working group comprising staff from across the regions to help define principles for the process. The short-life working group considered the name of the scheme, potential award categories and the process for making, receiving and assessing nominations.

During discussion, the following points were noted:

  • Tom Power advised the Partnership Forum the Staff Recognition Scheme awards ceremony would be built into the NES All-Staff Conference planned for 27 May 2015.
  • Members discussed the proposed award categories and raised perception and equality concerns in relation to an award recognising/rewarding long service. The Partnership Forum agreed this potential category should be removed.
  • In relation to the awards nomination process, members felt that a directorate-specific approach could lead to regional inequities.
  • Members noted the need to formally launch the recognition scheme as soon as possible and invite nominations in advance of the staff conference. Tom Power confirmed he would take forward logistics with the short-life working group and organise the nomination review panel.
  • Members emphasised the need for sensitivity in relation to the overall cost of the Staff Recognition Scheme, which should be nominal as the focus is on recognition
  • The Employee Director noted the importance of bench-marking the NES Staff Recognition Scheme with other NHS organisations. Tom Power agreed to contact other OD Leads to gain information about their staff reward/recognition schemes. The Partnership Forum noted the importance of an evidence-based approach.

After discussion, the Partnership Forum thanked Tom Power for his work and endorsed the following Staff Recognition Scheme proposals made by the short-life working group:

  • Awards scheme name: NES STARS (Staff Thanks and Recognition Scheme)
  • Award categories:

- 7 Ways of Working

- Support provided to a colleague(s) in exceptional or challenging circumstances

- Customer care excellence

  • Award nomination process: Invite nominations from any staff member. Nominations will then be assessed by a panel comprising the Acting Chief Executive, Employee Director, Director of Workforce, Head of OD & Learning and one other to avoid split decisions.
  • Awards ceremony date: Thursday 27 May 2015, as part of the NES staff conference.

Action: TP

7.Equality and Diversity Progress Report (NES/PF/15/03)

Kristi Long presented a paper setting out the plan for developing and publishing NES’ statutory Equality and Diversity (E&D) progress report and which also summarised the outcomes of the NES E&D Lead Network annual review. The Partnership Forum was asked to comment on and note the information contained in both papers. Members noted the report has already been reviewed by the NES Executive Team, Staff Governance and Educational & Research Governance Committees.

The draft progress report provides a high level summary of E&D work being carried out in NES and is illustrated by case studies. The outcomes of the E&D annual review are presented as a detailed summary of progress against the action plan set out in NES’ 2013 statutory publication. The final report will be published on the NES website on 30 April 2015.

Members welcomed the detailed information and positive E&D progress contained within the report, and highlighted the case studies in particular. During discussion, the following points were noted:

  • Kristi Long confirmed the detailed action plan within the paper will be reduced to a high-level, one page summary in the final report.
  • Dorothy Wright acknowledged the work of the E&D Lead Network in NES and highlighted that Scottish Government are currently looking for information relating to health inequalities. It was agreed Kristi Long would contact Simon Williams (Educational Projects Manager) to collate appropriate information.

Action: KL

After discussion, the Partnership Forum endorsed the Equality & Diversity Progress Report and thanked Kristi Long for her work. Kristi Long confirmed a formal message would be sent to NES staff once the report is published on the NES website.

Action: KL

8. NES Spiritual Care Policy (NES/PF/15/04)

Kristi Long presented a proposal that NES discontinues its current Spiritual Care Policy. NES’ Spiritual Care Policy was originally ratified in 2008; however a number of legal and policy developments have rendered the current policy out of date. Significant aspects of spiritual care as defined in the policy are now incorporated into other NES policies, particularly the Occupational Health and Wellbeing, Dignity at Work and Equality and Diversity policies.

During discussion, Kristi Long confirmed that no updates to the Spiritual Care Policy’s PIN guidelines had been received. Without receipt of further national policy guidance, members felt it would be more appropriate to ‘retire’ rather than ‘discontinue’ the policy.

After discussion, the Partnership Forum agreed to retire the current Spiritual Care Policy until any further policy guidance is received. Kristi Long confirmed staff will be made aware that the provisions of the existing policy have been taken forward in more recently developed policies.

Action: KL

9. HR Shared Services Consultation (NES/PF/15/05)

Dorothy Wright presented the HR Shared Services (HRSS) proposals to the Partnership Forum for discussion. Members, and the Chair of Staff-Side in particular, were asked to advise on how to manage the staff-side response to the consultation. Scottish Government has instigated a formal consultation process which closes on 27 February.

The Employee Director confirmed that Staff-Side supported NES’s overall position and gave particular support to the proposal for NES to become the Lead Employer of Medical and Hospital Dental Trainees. The Partnership Forum notedthe importance of working in partnership throughout the HRSS programme.

After discussion, the Partnership Forum noted the information contained in the HR Shared Services Consultation.

10.Staff Management Information

  1. Staff Management Metrics (NES/PF/15/06)

Dorothy Wright presented the HR and OD Metrics Report for Quarter 3 of the 2014-15 financial year to the Partnership Forum for review. This report specifically provides staff management metrics information for October – December 2014.

During discussion, the following points were noted:

  • Members noted the staffing establishment may change in the approach to the end of the financial year due to contract completions/changes.
  • The Partnership Forum noted the need for a balanced budget going forward. Caroline Lamb confirmed a review has taken place of posts that have been empty for longer than six months which also still have budget attached to them. The staffing establishment has been amended to reflect these changes in relation to the overall budget. It was agreed an agenda item should be included at the next ETSR (Executive Team Sub-Group on Recruitment) meeting to ensure these posts are formally deleted from the staffing establishment, along with posts that will be removed through Voluntary Severance.

Action: DW

  • Members discussed the planned national implementation of e:ESSThe Partnership Forum raised a concern that NES should not lose any staff management data through the implementation of e:ESS. Members highlighted the quality of NES’ workforce data. It was agreed the Corporate Risk Register should be amended to highlight risks associated with e:ESS implementation.

Action: DW

After discussion, the Partnership Forum noted the information contained in the Staff Management Metrics report.

11.Policy Development

  1. Policy Tracker (NES/PF/15/07)

Dorothy Wright presented the NES Policy Tracker to the Partnership Forum for information.

The Partnership Forum noted the information contained in the Policy Tracker. During discussion, members queried whether the tracker was completely up-to-date, particularly in relation to policies recently ratified by the Staff Governance Committee. Dorothy Wright agreed to review completion dates within the Policy Tracker and issue an updated version to the Partnership Forum via email.

Action: DW

12.Health and Safety

  1. Managing Health, Safety and Welfare Committee (NES/PF/15/08)

The Partnership Forum noted the unconfirmed minutes of the Managing Health, Safety and Welfare Committee meeting held on 23 January 2015.

During discussion, Dorothy Wright highlighted that a debate is currently taking place with staff in the Medical Directorate regarding mandatory Driver Safety Awareness Training. Doctors in Training who are travelling around remote and rural areas have to undertake mandatory Driver Safety Awareness Training, however this has been challenged by members within Medicine. Dorothy Wright is in contact with a GP Training Director with a view to resolving this issue. The Employee Director requested to be kept up-to-date.

Action: DW

Dorothy Wright also thanked members for their support in relation to improving compliance rates of mandatory health and safety training in NES.

13.Change Management Programme Board Minutes (NES/PF/15/09)

The Partnership Forum noted the unconfirmed minutes of the Change Management Programme Board (CMPB) meeting held on 17 December 2014.

14.Any other business

Therewas no further business requiring consideration by the Partnership Forum.

15.Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting of the Partnership Forum will be held on Monday 20 April 2015 at 11:00am, 2 Central Quay, Glasgow.


February 2015
