Heredity/ Review Game AP

Where is Mendel From?

What was his occupation?

What is the nucleic acid that is part of chromatin?

What is the process that makes RNA from DNA?

What it the term for organisms produced by the combination of DNA from different organisms?

What is the p value that rejects the null hypothesis typically?

What is the segment of DNA responsible for one protein?

What is the genetic disorder where a particular amino acid is problematic when in the patients diet?

Egg and sperm are examples of this?

What is the term for meiosis in the testes?

What genetic disorder does a person known as a “bleeder” have?

What is the term for the type of inheritance that involves multiple genes deciding one trait in a non-additive way?

What are the alternative versions of a gene for a particular trait called?

What type of chromosomal mutation leads to sections of different chromosomes trading places?

What is the result of X inactivation?

Why are males more likely to have hemophilia than females?

What is the term proportional to the percentage of crossing over between two genes?

What is an X chromosome called that has been inactivated by DNA methylation?

Nondisjunction leads to an irregular number of chromosomes known as what?

What type of inheritance involves multiple genes leading to a trait in an additive way?

Cells that have one copy of each chromosome are N. What is the term describing N cells?

How many autosomes does a normal somatic cell have?

What is part of the cell cycle responsible for dividing the nucleus?

What are XX and XY referred to as?

What is the process of gamete formation called?

What is the term for two genes on the same chromosome?

What builds up in the brain for a child with Tay-Sachs?

What Law says that chromosome one separates without affecting how chromosome two separates when forming gametes?

What is the process of genetic exchange during meiosis?

What is the process where chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis II?

What stage of meiosis does crossing over take place?

What is the type of inheritance where multiple traits come from one gene?

What is the actual genetic makeup of an organism as indicated by two letters?

What does F1 stand for in Mendel’s crosses?

What is the phenoytype ratio for the offspring of two parents heterozygous for two different traits that are not linked and follow the normal recessive dominant pattern?

In plants, are spores haploid or diploid?

What is the name for the disorder where a person is XXY?

What is the term for genes on the same chromosome?

What genetic disorder leads to mucus draining into the lungs?

What type of inheritance would involve mixing of colors to make pink?

How is the genotype for a person heterozygous for type A blood written?

If a person with type AB blood is crossed with a person with type O blood, what percentage of the offspring would have either type AB or type O blood?

How many different gametes can be formed from a person with the AaBb genotype?

What part of interphase is the time for replication?

What testing involves removing fluid from the area around the baby?

How many chromosomes are in a female skin cell with someone who has Turner’s syndrome?

What is the organelle responsible for making the ribosomes?

What macromolecule type is hemoglobin?

What is the term for water exiting a leaf?

What is an example of an organism that can do both asexual and sexual reproduction (explain each)?

What is the term for meiosis in females and where does it occur?

What is the cell junction type we discussed in plants?

What type of cytoskeleton component are actin and myosin?

What steroid is part of the plasma membrane?

What are the type bonds holding together DNA?

What is the formula for the disaccharide glucose?

What is reactant in the generalized reaction is reduced during photosynthesis?

What is the final electron acceptor of the light reactions?

What is the 5 carbon molecule that incorporates C into the light independent reactions?

What are the stacks of thylakoids referred to as?

What are two other names for the light independent reactions?

Name two accessory pigments.