

I. Personal Data

Office Address: 321B Minard Hall

Department of Communication Studies

North Dakota State University

Fargo, North Dakota 58105

Office Telephone: (701) 231-7290

Email Address:

Home Address: not listed at this time

Moorhead, Minnesota 56560

Home Telephone: not listed at this time

II. Educational Experience

University of Nebraska College of Law, Lincoln, Nebraska

18 hours earned towards Juris Doctorate, 1995-1997

University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah

Doctor of Philosophy, Communication, 1986

Dissertation: “An Investigation of Jury Decision Making Based on

Post-trial Interviews,” directed by Dr. Richard D. Rieke

University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, Colorado

Master of Arts, Communication, 1981

The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Bachelor of Arts, Economics, 1980

III. Employment History

Associate Professor, North Dakota State University

Fargo, North Dakota, 1997 – present

Director of Women’s Studies, 2002 – present

Associate Professor with tenure, University of Nebraska

Lincoln, Nebraska, 1988 – 1997

Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University

Nashville, Tennessee, 1986-1988

Graduate Assistant, University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah, 1983-1986

Graduate Assistant, University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona, 1981-1982

Graduate Assistant, University of Northern Colorado

Greeley, Colorado, 1980-1981

III. Publications, Presentations and Research Interests

A. Publications

Pearson, Judy; Hest, Theresa; and Burnett, Ann. (2002). Interpersonal

communication research on heterosexual romantic relationships: An agenda for

the next decade. Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 3, 64-74.

Burnett, Ann. (2002). Ain’t no cure for the coaching blues. National Forensic Journal, 20,79-81.

Burnett, Ann, and Badzinski, Diane. (2000). An exploratory study of

argument in the jury decision-making process. Communication Quarterly, 48,


Burnett, Ann, and Beto, Rhea Reinhardt. (2000). Reading romance

novels: An application of parasocial relationship theory. North Dakota Journal

of Speech and Theatre, 13, 28-39.

Burnett, Ann; Brand, Jeff; and Meister, Mark. Winning is everything:

Education as myth in forensics. Paper accepted for publication, National

Forensic Journal, December, 2000.

Burnett, Ann; Brand, Jeff; and Meister, Mark. (1999). Forensics

education? How the structure and discourse of forensics promotes competition. Argumentation and Advocacy, 139-150.

Burnett, Ann. (1999). Jury decision-making processes in the O.J.

Simpson criminal and civil trials, in J. Schuetz and L.S. Lilley (Eds.), The O.J.

Simpson Trials: Rhetoric, Media and the Law, pp. 177-201, Carbondale: SIU


Burnett, Ann. (1999). “Mock trials,” “Cause of action,” “Civil action,”

“Plea,” and “Testimony,” Magill’s Legal Guide, (pp. 153-156, 676-677), Salem


Burnett, Ann, and Olson, Clark. (1998). The dark side of debate: The

downfall of interpersonal relationships, Speaker and Gavel, 35, 31-45.

Burnett, Ann. (1996). Good people speaking well: Delta Sigma Rho-Tau

Kappa Alpha, Argumentation and Advocacy, 33, 85-86.

Burnett, Ann, and Cronn-Mills, Daniel. (1995-96). The reason for

decision in individual events: Its implementation and impact. The Forensic

Educator, 10, 22-29.

Badzinski, Diane, and Pettus, Ann Burnett. (1994). Nonverbal

involvement and sex: Effects on jury decision making. Journal of Applied

Communication Research, 22, 309-321.

Burnett, Ann and Danielson, Mary Ann. (1994). Coaching

intercollegiate debate and raising a family: An analysis of perspectives

from women in the trenches. National Forensic Journal, 11, 47-53.

Mills, Daniel, and Pettus, Ann Burnett. (1993). Competitors’ perceptions

of questions in individual events rounds. National Forensic Journal, 11,


Mills, Daniel; Pettus, Ann Burnett; and Dickmeyer, Scott. (1993). The

role of forensics when departments/programs are targeted for elimination: A

proposal to insure a ‘call for support.’ National Forensics Journal, 10, 53-58.

Davis, Jimmy T., and Pettus, Ann Burnett . (1992). Radio and world

maintenance: A root metaphor analysis of the Grand Ole Opry, 1948-1958. Journal of Radio Studies, 1, 121-131.

Pettus, Ann Burnett, and Danielson, Mary Ann. (1992). Analysis of

forensics program administration: What will the 1990s bring? National

Forensics Journal, 10, 11-18.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. (1991). From attitudinal inherency to permutation

standards: A survey of judging philosophies from the 1988 National Debate

Tournament. Argumentation and Advocacy, 27, 159-170.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. (1990). The verdict is in: A study of jury decision

making factors, moment of personal decision, and jury deliberations -- from the

jurors’ point of view. Communication Quarterly, 38, 83-97.

Pettus, Ann Burnett, and Dittus, Jim. (1989). The Debate Tournament

Administrator: The dawning of a new era in tournament tabulation? National

Forensic Journal, review of professional resources, 7, 145-49.

Aden, Roger A., and Pettus, Ann Burnett. (1989). Revealing decisions

in debate: Some philosophical and practical concerns. Spheres of Argument:

Proceedings of the Sixth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation. Ed.

by Bruce E. Gronbeck. National Communication Assn: Annandale, VA., 446-


Burnett, Ann K., and Drecksell, G. Lloyd. (1985). An investigation of

relational interaction and interpersonal argument. Argument and Social

Practice: Proceedings of the Fourth SCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation.

J. R. Cox, M.O. Sillars and G.B. Walker (Eds.). National Communication

Assn: Annandale, VA., 692-704.

B.  Submissions

Burnett, Ann, and Gold, Abby. Fast-paced couples: Dialectic tensions and coping strategies in a busy lifestyle. Paper submitted to Journal of Family Communication, September 2002.

Burnett, Ann. Sex and argument in jury deliberations. Paper submitted to Women’s Studies in Communication, under revision and resubmission, 2002.

Burnett, Ann, and Meister, Mark. Rhetorical power and cultural

legitimacy in The United States v. Leonard Peltier, under revision and resubmission to American Indian Quarterly, 2002.

Burnett, Ann. Judge nonverbal communication on trial: Do jurors

notice? Paper under third revision and re-submission to Journal of Communication, November 2001.

C. Convention Presentations

national conventions

Ross, Tina and Burnett, Ann. Autonomy and Connection in Fast-Paced

Marital Relationships. Paper submitted to the Family Communication division,

NCA, February 2003.

Communication 708. Commemoration as Spectacle: Interpreting the First

Anniversary of 9/11. Paper submitted to the American Studies Division, NCA,

February 2003.

Burnett, Ann and Gold, Abby. Fast-paced couples: Dialectical tensions

and coping strategies in a busy lifestyle. Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2002.

Burnett, Ann. The fast-paced lifestyle and marriage: Cramming in just

one more thing, (selected competitively). Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001.

Burnett, Ann, Brand, Jeff and Meister, Mark; and Borchers, Tim, Hinck,

Ed, and Olson Clark. The myth of education in intercollegiate forensics. Panel

discussion regarding Burnett, Brand and Meister essay presented at the National

Communication Association convention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Burnett, Ann. Judge nonverbal communication on trial: Do jurors

notice? (selected competitively). Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1999.

Burnett, Ann. An examination of judges’ power and juror fear in jury

selection, (selected competitively). Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1997.

Burnett, Ann, and Olson, Clark D. The darkside of debate: The downfall

of interpersonal relationships, (selected competitively). Paper presented at

the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1997.

Burnett, Ann; Hill, Bill; Hefling, Joel; Iverson, Orv; Louden, Allan; and

Schnoor, Larry. Operationalizing wellness: A roundtable of forensics

leaders. Panel presented at the National Communication Association

convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1997.

Burnett, Ann. “A rush to judgement”?: An analysis of the O.J. Simpson

jurors’ decision making process. Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, San Diego, California, 1996.

Burnett, Ann. Judging philosophies in individual events. Poster session

presented at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio,

Texas, 1995.

Burnett, Ann. Unifying research and practice in legal scholars and

attorneys. Panel presented at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, Texas, 1995.

Burnett, Ann, and Badzinski, Diane M. Twelve angry jurors:? Argument

in the jury decision making process, (top three in Communication and Law).

Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, New

Orleans, Louisiana, 1994.

Burnett, Ann, and Mills, Daniel D. The reason for decision in individual

events: Its implementation and impact. Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1994.

Brown, Craig; Elton, Katie; Olson, Clark; Pettus, Ann Burnett; Pober,

Peter; Schnoor, Larry; and Yates, Guy. An AFA round-table: A discussion

of the Code of Program and Tournament Standards 10 years after adoption.

Panel presented at the National Communication Association convention,

Miami, Florida, 1993.

Badzinski, Diane M., and Pettus, Ann Burnett. Nonverbal involvement

and gender: Effects on jury decision making (selected competitively).

Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention,

Chicago, Illinois, 1992.

Pettus, Ann Burnett, and Danielson, Mary Ann. Having a family and

coaching intercollegiate debate: An impossibility? Paper presented at the

National Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1992.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. If it ain’t broke... The traditional approach: An examination of the problems, concerns, and advantages of the 1:15 and 1:30 forensics tournament schedule. Paper presented at the National Communication

Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1992.

Mills, Daniel, and Pettus, Ann Burnett. Competitors’ perceptions of

questions asked in individual events. Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, Atlanta, Georgia, 1991.

Danielson, Mary Ann, and Pettus, Ann Burnett. Status of forensics

programs: A survey. Paper presented at the National Communication

Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1990.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. Evidence usage in policy science analysis. Paper

presented at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago,

Illinois, 1990.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. Research deficiencies in the study of legal

communication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association

convention, special seminar series on legal communication, Chicago, Illinois,


Pettus, Ann Burnett. Rookie NDT debate as training in argumentation.

Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, San

Francisco, California, 1989.

Pettus, Ann Burnett, and Davis, Jimmy T. You got to have smelled mule

manure: A root-metaphor analysis of the Grand Ole Opry (selected

competitively). Paper presented at the National Communication Association

convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. A survey of judging philosophies at the National

Debate Tournament. Paper presented at the National Communication

Association convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988.

Anderson, James; Avery, Robert; Eastman, Susan T.; Burnett, Ann;

and Congalton, Jeanine. Voter rationale for candidate preferences: An

analysis of conversational data. Paper presented at the National

Communication Association convention, Denver, Colorado, 1985.

international conventions

Anderson, James A.; Avery, Robert K.; Pettus, Ann B.; Congalton,

Jeanine; and Eastman, Susan T. Ideology and history in campaign

conversations. Paper presented at the International Communication

Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1986.

regional conventions

Meister, Mark and Burnett, Ann. Rhetorical power and cultural legitimacy in the United States v. Leonard Peltier. Top paper to be presented at the Central States Communication Association convention, Omaha, NE, 2003.

Allen, Lini; Schuetz, Jan; Keele, Lucy; Hunt, Steven; Hohmann, Hans;

Burnett, Ann. Trials of the century: Communication perspectives on the

twentieth century’s most celebrated trials. Panel presented at the Western

Communication Association convention, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, February, 2001.

Burnett, Ann. Sex and argument in jury deliberations. Paper presented at

the Central States Communication Association convention, Detroit, Michigan,


Burnett, Ann; Brand, Jeff; and Meister, Mark. The ethics of collegiate

forensics: Education as myth. Paper presented at the Central States

Communication Association convention, St. Louis, Missouri, 1999.

Burnett, Ann. Judicial power in voir dire. Paper presented at the

Western Communication Association convention, Denver, Colorado, 1998.

Pettus, Ann Burnett; Mills, Daniel; Gaer, David C.; and Givens, Alan.

The role of Cornhusker forensics in the 1991 University of Nebraska

budget crisis. Paper presented at the Central States Communication

Association convention, Cleveland, Ohio, 1992.

Pettus, Ann Burnett. The verdict is in: Factors contributing to jury

decisions - - from the jurors’ point of view (selected competitively). Paper presented at the Western Speech Communication Association convention, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1987.

Burnett, Ann K. Prima facie responsibilities in policy and non-policy

debate. Paper presented at the Western Communication Association convention,

Tucson, Arizona, 1985.

Burnett, Ann K. The juror decision-making process: An investigation of

perception utilizing personal construct theory. Paper presented at the

Western Speech Communication Association convention, Fresno, California, 1985.

state conventions

Burnett, Ann; Miller, Vicki; Borgen, Jessica; Onstad, Kristie; Ross, Tina;

Graff, Rhonda; Brown, Amanda; Hanson, Cathy; Iszler, Jocie. Time just gets swallowed up: Fast-paced lifestyles and marital relationships. Paper and panel presented at the North Dakota Speech and Theatre Association convention, Mandan, North Dakota, 2000.

Seiler, Bill; Pettus, Ann Burnett; and Davis, Matthew. Fostering

forensics codependence: Strengthening relationships between secondary

and post-secondary forensic programs. Panel presented at the Nebraska

Speech Communication and Theatre convention, North Platte, Nebraska,


D. Convention Activities


Chair, Communication at North Dakota State University: The engaged discipline

within the engaged university. A convention spotlight panel presented at the National Communication Association convention, Seattle, Washington, 2000.

Chair and Respondent, Exploratory studies in communication and law. A

panel presented at the National Communication Association convention,

Chicago, Illinois, 1999.

Chair and Respondent, Helping and/or hindering our occupational, relational,

social and physical lives: A panel on wellness issues that affect the forensics

community. A panel presented at the National Communication Association

convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1999.

Chair and Respondent, Traditional and alternative methods of communication

in the legal arena. A panel presented at the National Communication

Association convention, New York City, New York, 1998.

Respondent, Competitive papers: Contemporary theory in argumentation.

A panel presented at the National Communication Association convention,

San Antonio, Texas, 1995.

Respondent, Abuse of the “Abuse Excuse?”: An inquiry. A panel presented

at the National Communication Association convention, New Orleans,

Louisiana, 1994.

Chair, And justice for all: Trust and the American judicial system. A panel

presented at the National Communication Association convention, Miami,

Florida, 1993.

Chair, Communication issues in the courtroom. A panel presented at the

National Communication Association convention, Chicago, Illinois, 1992.