Friday September 24, 2010 11th Annual Conference on Case Study Teaching in Science

Early Afternoon Session B Cyberlearning Resources

Online at click on Cyberlearning Resources

We are well aware that the Internet provides access to a nearly unimaginable treasure of resources for teaching. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to and will explore a wide variety of cyberlearning sources that can be linked to case studies and PBL problems. We will look at ways that case-based methodologies can set up and transition learners from lecture to case to lab or other inquiry. We will look at resources, such as Gapminder and Worldmapper, which are rich with data and offer ways to address issues affecting multiple disciplines. Participants will be invited to share some of their favorite internet "finds" and how they use them.

Example 1. Using a case to transition to resources

CASE: Oil and Alabama / Deepwater Horizon Oil spill - case
The Challenge:
Using Maps to Evaluate Environmental Tradeoffs
Group work time / Link to the training exercise on using ESI maps Environmental Sensitivity Index
Page with lots of links to background info
Situation map - up to date daily
Interactive google map with data New on June 14th from NOAA
Information about the interactive map
Shoreline assessment chartsHas links to several charts and image sets for assessing the amount and type of oil
Response methods A description of 28 different types of responses
handouts from the Alabama ESI maps (you have on your flashdrive)

Example 2. Using resources to intitiate a case and investigations

Worldmapper Ecological footprint maps

Ecological footprint simulations

This animation is animated

I like this one

Some other kinds of online resources

Available Libraries of Case Studies

NationalCenter for Case Study Teaching in Science (

BioQUEST’s Investigative Case Based Learning resources ( )

the University of Delaware PBL project (

Cases Online for K-20 education

Other libraries of good science stuff

The Science Education Resource Center

Mainly earth science resources

Cutting edge prof. devel.

OER Commons

AMSER Applied Math Science Education Repository

DLESE Digital Library for Earth Systems Education

Look at educator resources at NASA, EPA, USDA, USGS, NOAA

Free software

Aipotu, formerly Molecular Genetics Explorer

Instructions for use

Virtual Genetics Lab

BioQUEST Library modules Click on the library link from the list of projects

CaseIT! Multimedia cases and software for simulate molecular biology cases

TerraViva Global data portal and free data viewer


interactive simulations for several sciences

Data-based visualizations/ data sets



Real time statistics

Quantitative Reasoning

Numbers Count data sets

Chemistry quantitative reasoning

Animations: Just google for them

Cell size and scale - great animation with scales!!!!!

PCR how it works and simulate it!

Cancer Quest great animations

A collection of photosynthesis animations

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) resources

UNESCO Decade of Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014

the “Toolkit” for ESD

Canada’s Learning for a Sustainable Future, The “theme” documents provide good summaries. The :”progression tables” are akin to standards.

U.S. Partnership for Sustainable Development

Teaching resources

National Starndards forEducation for Sustainability

Science Education for New Civic Engagements (SENCER) program Has “model” courses, many of which are multidisciplinary, focus on cases

Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education resources

Margaret Waterman,