/ September 11, 2014
Dear Parents,
As a staff, we have been working very hard to project a positive image of our school and athletic program with an emphasis on GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP. The athletes and coaches have been doing a great job so far but we desperately need your cooperation and leadership in this endeavor. I hope that the following excerpt provided by the PIAA will help everyone to understand his or her responsibilities at an athletic contest.
  • Remember that you are at a contest to support and yell for your team and to enjoy the skill and competition; not to intimidate or ridicule our team, our coaches, our cheerleaders, school staff, officials, or anyone associated with the other team.
  • Remember that interscholastic athletics are a learning experience for students and that mistakes are often made. Praise student-athletes in their attempt to improve themselves as students, as athletes and as people as you would expect them to be praised in the classroom.
  • Attendance is a privilege to observe the contest, not a license to verbally assault others and be generally obnoxious.
  • Learn the rules of the game so that you may understand and appreciate why certain situations take place.
  • Show respect for opposing players, coaches, spectators, and support groups. Treat them as you would treat a guest in your own home.
  • Respect the integrity and judgment of contest officials. Understand they are doing their best to help promote the student-athlete and admire their willingness to participate in full view of the public.
  • Recognize and show appreciation for outstanding play by either team.
  • Refrain from the use of controlled substances before the contest.
  • Only yell things that support and uplift the teams involved.
  • Do NOT coach from the stands, let the coaches coach
We would also like to remind you that players are not to be talking to fans before or during the game. Parents please save any communication until after the game. Last year we had two parents walk out onto the sideline and interfere with our medical personnel and our coaching staff. This behavior is a clear violation of the PIAA code of conduct and school rules. There will be a zero tolerance for such behavior and violators will be removed from the property and possibly banned from attending further home contests the remainder of the school year. These games are not community recreational league games, where parents stand with their children on the sidelines. These are PIAA high school sports and governed by a strict set of rules.
We will have additional security and high school administration for the remaining home games to see that the fans are adhering to YAIAA and PIAA Code of Conduct. It is our hope that you will take the lead in setting a good example for the student-athletes and the young children present. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
Rob Caruso
Athletic Director