
DATE 1 April 2009

VENUE Committee Room 2, Guildhall, York

PRESENT ExDB Members: Cllr. Andrew Waller, Chair

Rachel Johns, Chair, Healthy City Board

Julia Massey, Manager, Learning City York

Colin Stroud, Chair, Inclusive York Forum

Jacqui Warren, Sustainability Officer, Environment Partnership

Pete Dwyer, Joint Chair Lifelong Learning Partnership

Janice Murray, Chair, York@Large

In Attendance: Bryn Jones, Head of Economic Development CYC, Economic Development Partnership

Bill McCarthy, Chief Executive CYC & Safer York Partnership

Mike Newbury, Audit Commission, CAA Lead

Alan Humphreys, Audit Commission

Charlie Croft, Assistant Director for Lifelong Learning and Leisure, CYC for York@Large

Secretariat: Nigel Burchell, Head of Strategic Partnerships

Denise Simms, Senior Partnership Officer

Robert Third, Partnership Performance Officer

APOLOGIES Roger Ranson, Economic Development Partnership

Jane Mowat, Safer York Partnership


Cllr. Waller welcomed everyone and invited the two guests from the Audit Commission to introduce themselves.


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2008 were agreed and approved.

Joint working/Action Planning

Nigel Burchell reminded Executive Delivery Board members of the joint working opportunities identified and asked that members continue to support and develop these.

Without Walls Communication Strategy

Denise Simms introduced the paper which outlined the key proposals for future Without Walls communications. Key points highlighted from the paper included:

·  The proposal suggested: a quarterly WOW Partnership newsletter and biannual thematic partnerships newsletters. These would also be used to produce a comprehensive annual year book aimed at a wider public audience which would highlight all partnership achievements.

·  The company responsible for the WOW website would design and create e-newsletters and would work with Partnerships to provide support and help to produce the content.

·  The funding could come from thematic partnerships or from the left over £6000 of the LAA2 Delivery Fund. Newsletters cost approximately £300 (for 500 words).

The ExDB discussed the proposals and key points included:

·  Members supported the communications approach outlined because it translated for the public all partnership work into meaningful good news stories and would strengthen the website as a communication tool if newsletters were available to download from there too.

·  Members remained unsure about the frequency of the newsletters, the cost and how to fund future such communications.

Comprehensive Area Assessment

The Chair invited Mike Newbury from the Audit Commission to add anything to the CAA framework briefing and cover what the future under CAA would be like. Key points highlighted were:

·  CAA requires a cultural and behavioural shift for the Audit Commission;

·  CPA focused on systems and processes and CAA is focused on what is happening in the real world and the “So what?” questions regarding people, place and outcomes;

·  CAA is concerned less with national priorities and more with local priorities;

·  CAA is attempting to join up with other inspectorates.

The discussion which followed highlighted that:

·  The other inspectorates organisational assessments (Police, NHS and Schools) would form part of and impact on the conversations and evidence for the Council’s Area Assessment.;

·  Red and green flags would be used in the conversation with AC. Green flags for things that were going well and red where it was found there was a clear lack of performance / achievement;

·  The area assessment conversation would begin in June 09 and this would be formalised ready for reporting by Autumn 09


  1. Strategic Partnerships Team to facilitate discussion meetings between partnerships to continue identifying and developing joint working arrangements and cross cutting contributions to the LAA.
  2. Bill McCarthy to underwrite the development of the communications proposal on behalf of the ExDB in the expectation that other partners would be able to give financial support in the future.
  1. CAA to be an agenda item at a future WOW Partnership to discuss and decide if the WOW Partnership or the ExDB should have lead responsibility.


Update - Quarter 3 Data

Nigel Burchell introduced the paper, explaining that it set out the position following a quarter three data update.

Key points to come from the discussion included:

·  The report lacked the depth of mid year and end year performance reports as it only highlighted quantitative data. It was missing the qualitative information from thematic partnerships on action planning, performance management and risk management;

·  It was suggested that such a quarterly report in the future could include previous data so that trends could be identified.


  1. Partnership chairs agreed to review the RAG (red, amber, green) achievability assessment of the LAA indicators that the thematic partnerships lead on, and to provide a short commentary on the red risk indicators that highlighted the actions planned to address these delivery issues. Deadline; ExDB on 15 June 2009.
  1. Partnership chairs agreed to discuss in the thematic partnerships the impact of the recession and consider how to respond and amend the action plans

4 LAA REFRESH 2008/09

Nigel Burchell thanked everyone for all their efforts during the LAA refresh exercise. Key points highlighted from the briefing paper included:

·  LAA refresh primarily involved tidying up ‘loose ends’. It was such a large task due to the number of gaps in the National Indicator Set.

·  The Council Executive signed off the LAA on 31 March 2009 and Ministerial sign off was timetabled for April 2009.


  1. Amendment to be made to local indicator LI 3 and GOYH to be informed.


Nigel Burchell introduced the item and the key points highlighted included details of the bidding and assessment process:

·  88 bids were received, 1 was withdrawn, 6 were ineligible, leaving 82 for initial assessment.

·  Assessments were carried out by officers from the Strategic Partnerships and Grants and Partnerships teams.

·  Chairs of thematic partnerships provided intelligence on the project bids.

·  The Assessment Panel carried out a final assessment/scoring and arrived at the list of recommended schemes for funding from the £664,000 fund.

·  Council approval was scheduled for the Council Executive meeting on 28 April 2009

·  Offer letters for successful schemes and feedback for unsuccessful projects would be sent out in May 2009.

Key points to note from the discussion included:

·  The Chair thanked all those involved for their had work acknowledging that such a large number of bids and limited resources made it a difficult task.

·  Members agreed that a professional and thorough process had been achieved.

Members then carried out a moderation discussion/exercise and reviewed the funding recommendations and assessment panel members provided details on the reasoning behind decisions. Key points from the discussion were:

·  That one scheme dealing with anti social behaviour should be replaced by another anti social behaviour project. The Capable Guardian project (scheme number 28) replaced the Graffiti project (scheme number 39) as it was felt graffiti removal was an issue for the council to pursue through mainstreamed budgets.


  1. That the projects recommended for funding by the assessment panel should be approved, with the exception of 39, which would be substituted by project number 28 (Capable Guardian).
  2. Thematic Partnerships to consider how the innovative ideas contained in unsuccessful bids should be captured and supported in the future.

6 WOW Performance Management Framework – Discussion/Update

Nigel Burchell briefly updated members on the PMF project and mentioned that a draft document would be circulated once completed.


  1. Draft PMF document circulated to members once prepared for their comments.


There being no other business, the meeting ended at 4:00pm

Dates of next meeting: 15 June 2009, 2 - 4pm

Strategic Partnerships Team

April 2009

Annex 1: Summary Table of Actions

No. / Action / Lead
1 / Strategic Partnerships Team to facilitate discussion meetings between partnerships to continue identifying and developing joint working arrangements and cross cutting contributions to the LAA / SPT
2 / Bill McCarthy to underwrite the development of the communications proposal on behalf of the ExDB. / SPT
3 / CAA to be an agenda item at a future WOW Partnership to discuss and decide if the WOW Partnership or the ExDB should have lead responsibility. / SPT
4 / Partnership chairs agreed to review the RAG (red, amber, green) achievability assessment of the LAA indicators that the thematic partnerships lead on, and to provide a short commentary on the red risk indicators that highlighted the actions planned to address these delivery issues. Deadline; ExDB on 15 June 2009. / All
5 / Partnership chairs agreed to discuss in the thematic partnerships the impact of the recession and consider how to respond and amend the action plans / All
6 / Amendment to be made to local indicator LI 3 and GOYH to be informed.. / SPT
7 / That the projects recommended for funding by the assessment panel should be approved, with the exception of 39, which would be substituted by project number 28 (Capable Guardian). / SPT
8 / Thematic Partnerships to consider how the innovative ideas contained in unsuccessful bids should be captured and supported in the future. / All
9 / Draft PMF document circulated to members once prepared for their comments. / SPT

Annex 2: Table of Meeting Papers (double click on icon to open document)

Agenda Item / Meeting paper / Document
Agenda /
2 / Minutes of Meeting and Matters Arising /
3 / LAA Performance Report – Quarter 3 2008/09 /
4 / LAA Refresh 2009/10 – Briefing Paper /
LAA Refresh 2009/10 – LAA Working Paper /
LAA Refresh 2009/10 – Plain English LAA /
5 / LAA Delivery Fund – Briefing Paper /
LAA Delivery Fund – Annexes A B C /

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