THE Governor of the Voronezh Oblast


from December 28, 2012 N 493-у

the Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast

In order to attract and efficiently use public and private investments for the development of economic and social sphere of the Voronezh Oblast and improve living standard of the population, I hereby order:

1. To create a Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast.

2. To approve the attached Regulations on the Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast.

3. To approve the composition of the Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast.

4. I shall be in charge of the enforcement of this decree.


Governor of the Voronezh Oblast


Approved by

the decree of

the Governor of the Voronezh Oblast

from 28.12.2012 N 493-у

Regulations on the Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast

1. General Provisions

1.1. The Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast (hereinafter referred to as the “Council”) is a permanent joint coordinating advisory body under the governor of the Voronezh Oblast. This institution helps attract investments into the economy of the Voronezh Oblast. The Council participates in the formation of the regulations most favored for the investment activity subjects in order to substantiate the implementation of economic, social and environmental interests of the population of the Voronezh Oblast, and ensure sustainable development of the economy.

1.2. The Council is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, laws of the Voronezh Oblast, decrees and orders of the Governor of the Voronezh Oblast, decisions and orders of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast, and these Regulations.

1.3. The Council’s work implies using sound approaches to the implementation of investment projects and the development of the areas of the Voronezh Oblast, taking into account the socio-economic development of the Voronezh Oblast, climatic conditions, and land use planning documents of the Voronezh Oblast and municipal districts of the Voronezh Oblast.

1.4. The Chairman of the Council is the Governor of the Voronezh Oblast.

1.5. Composition of the Council is composed of representatives of the executive authorities of the Voronezh Oblast, local authorities of the Voronezh Oblast, and associations of entrepreneurs, investors and experts.

1.6. Council meetings are held as necessary, but not less than once every two months.

2. The purposes of the establishment and main functions of the Council

2.1. The Council is established to:

- work out recommendations to the successful implementation of investment projects;

- develop proposals for the rational use of labor, energy and natural resources;

- improve the effectiveness of inter-agency coordination in regards to the implementation of investment projects.

2.2. Within its scope and authority the Council shall fulfill the following functions:

- development of common positions of the executive authorities of the Voronezh Oblast in regard to the implementation of investment projects;

- working out recommendations on the organization of interaction between the executive authorities of the Voronezh Oblast and other participants of the investment process;

- working out proposals for priority development of the region and coordination of financial and investment resources for the most important directions;

- working out recommendations to reduce administrative barriers, including in terms of shortening and simplifying the procedures for issuing permits and other related paperwork;

- considering the draft investment strategy of the Voronezh Oblast. Analyzing the progress and results of the implementation of the investment strategy of the Voronezh Oblast, preparation and consideration of proposals for its adjustment;

- assisting in creating the necessary conditions for rational distribution of productive forces in the Voronezh Oblast;

- working out recommendations for state support of investment processes and stimulating the investment activity in the region;

- developing uniform standards for the basic criteria of investment projects;

- considering the results of the implementation of investment projects, including failed and unsuccessful ones (based on the results of the last year), analyzing the causes of failures during the implementation;

- approving the draft plan for the establishment of investment projects and necessary facilities such as transport, energy, social and other infrastructure of the Voronezh Oblast;

- considering regular reports of the body authorized to conduct regulatory impact assessment;

- working out recommendations for the adoption and improvement of normative legal acts regulating the investment activity issues;

- developing proposals for the protection of investors’ rights, settlement of contentious issues in the implementation of investment projects.

3. The rights and duties of the Council

3.1. In performance of its functions the Council has the right to:

1) request the materials needed for the activities of the Council from the executive authorities of the Voronezh Oblast, local governments of the Voronezh Oblast, and other participants in investment projects, including information on the implementation of investment projects;

2) invite the representatives of interested organizations to the meetings of the Council;

3) invite representatives of power supply companies, regulatory authorities, territorial project, lending (financial) institutions, consulting agencies, research and other organizations to participate in the Council’s work;

4) establish advisory councils, working groups or commissions to address issues of concern to the Council;

5) provide interaction between the investors and the executive bodies of state power of the Voronezh Oblast in the implementation of investment projects;

6) encourage the preparation of legal acts of the Voronezh Oblast on issues related to attracting investments.

4. The rules of procedure of the Council

4.1. The Council meetings are chaired by the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence – Vice Chairman of the Council.

4.2. The Chairman of the Council shall perform the following functions:

- managing the activities of the Council;

- approving the plan of the Council’s work;

- holding meetings of the Council;

- bringing issues related to the activities of the Council to the discussion.

4.3. Organization of work on the preparation of meetings of the Council and bringing instructions of the Council to the attention of interested parties rests with the Executive Secretary of the Council.

4.4. The decision to hold the meeting of the Council shall be adopted by the Chairman of the Council, or in his absence by the Vice Chairman of the Council on the basis of proposals from the members of the Council, heads of executive bodies of state power of the Voronezh Oblast and municipal districts. Adoption of the agenda of the Council shall be the decision to hold the Council.

4.5. The meeting of the Council shall be considered competent if attended by more than half of its members.

4.6. Each member of the Council shall have one vote.

4.7. The Council shall take decisions on the issues discussed at the meetings, these decisions shall be protocoled. The protocol shall be signed by the executive secretary of the Council and approved by the Chairman of the Council or the Vice Chairman of the Council.

4.8. Decisions of the Council shall be taken by simple majority of votes present at the meeting of the Council. In case of equality of votes the Chairman of the Council, and in his absence – Vice Chairman of the Council shall have the right of the deciding vote. The decision of the Council shall be only recommendatory in nature.

4.9. Control of the consideration of the decisions of the Council shall be carried out by the Department for Economic Development of the Voronezh Oblast.

4.10. Organizational, technical and information-analytical support of the Council shall be carried out by the Department for Economic Development of the Voronezh Oblast.

4.11. Council meetings shall be held in public and openly. The opportunity for investors to personally participate at the meeting of the Council, who are not members of the Council, shall be provided, online broadcasting of the meetings of the Council on the Internet shall be carried out.

Deputy Head of the Department for

economic development of the Voronezh Oblast


Approved by

the decree of

the Governor of the Voronezh Oblast

from 28.12.2012 N 493-у

COMPOSITION OF the Council on improvement of the investment climate of the Voronezh Oblast

Alexei Vasilievich / - Governor of the Voronezh Oblast, Chairman of the Council
Alexander Victorovich / - Deputy Governor of the Voronezh Oblast – First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast, Vice Chairman of the Council
Members of the Council:
Anatoly Alexandrovich / - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast – Head of the Department of Agrarian Policy of the Voronezh Oblast
Aleksei Sergeyevich / - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast – Head of the Department of Industry and Transport Communications and Innovation of the Voronezh Oblast
Anatoly Mitrofanovich / - Head of the Department for Economic Development of the Voronezh Oblast
Maxim Iosifovich / - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast – Head of the Property and Land Relations of the Voronezh Oblast
Anatoly Leonidovich / - Head of the Control Department of the Government of the Voronezh Oblast
Sergey Nikolaevich / - Head of the Office for state regulation of tariffs of the Voronezh Oblast
Irina Leonidovna / - Head of the Business and Consumer Market Development Department of the Voronezh Oblast
Azret Yusupovich / - General Director of JSC “Concern “Sozvezdie” (as agreed)
Yuri Fyodorovich / - President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Voronezh Oblast as agreed)
Viktor Alexandrovich / - Director General of the Regional Association of Employers “Council of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Voronezh Oblast” (as agreed)
Maria Vladimirovna / - Deputy General Director of JSC “Voronezhatomenergosbyt” (as agreed)
Sergey Dmitrievich / - Chairman of the Voronezh Oblast branch of the All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses “Opora Rossii” (Support of Russia) (as agreed)
Boris Nikolaevich / - a member of the commission to fight corruption and negative impacts of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh (as agreed)
Vladimir Ivanovich / - Director General of OJSC “ All-Russian Scientific Research Institute “Vega”, Doctor of Economic Sciences (to be agreed)
Vladimir Naumovich / - Chairman of the Commission for Economic Development, Enterprise and Innovation of the Public Chamber of the Voronezh Oblast, Professor of the State educational institution of higher education “Voronezh State University” (as agreed)
Valery Alexandrovich / - Head of the Department of Chemistry of the State educational institution of higher education “Voronezh State Technical University”, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (as agreed)
Anatoly Ivanovich / - Head of administration of the Bobrovsk municipal district of Voronezh Oblast (as agreed)
Sergei Georgievich / - Director General of OOO Zarechnoye (as agreed)
Stefan Duerr / - Director General of the Management Company EkoNiva-APK Holding (as agreed)
Igor Alexandrovich / - Director General of LLC “Siemens Transformers” (as agreed)
Alexander Borisovich / - Director General of LLC “Stevenson-Sputnik” (as agreed)
Vitaly Yurievich / - Director General of OJSC “VASO” (as agreed)
Victor Alexandrovich / - Director General of JSC “Voronezhsintezkauchuk” (as agreed)
Alexei Leonidovich / - Chairman of the Board of directors of the “Talex” State Corporation (as agreed)
Pavel Vladimirovich / - Head of the Public-Private Partnership Office for Investment Promotion and Strategic Projects Support of the Department for Economic Development of the Voronezh Oblast, Executive Secretary of the Council