Post World War II


  1. Margaret Thatcher
  1. Leonid Brezhnev
  1. Boris Yeltsin
  1. Mikhail Gerbachev
  1. Helmut Kohl
  1. Charles de Gaulle
  1. Harold Wilson
  1. François Mitterand
  1. Jacques Chirac
  1. John Major
  1. Winston Churchill
  1. Edward Heath
  1. Lech Walesa
  1. Joseph Tito
  1. Nicolea Ceausescu
  1. Alexander Dubček
  1. Imre Nagy
  1. Nikita Khrushchev
  1. Joseph Stalin
  1. Konstantin Chernenko

Identify the consequences of the following :

  1. Truman Doctrine
  2. Helsinki Accord
  3. Gdansk Agreement
  4. Maastricht Treaty
  5. Warsaw Pact
  6. NATO
  7. Dayton Peace Agreement
  8. Treaty of Rome
  9. Treaty of Warsaw
  10. Marshall Plan


  1. Explain how the Cold War unified Europe. Discuss the situation from the Eastern and Western perspectives.
  1. What were the causes of the Cold War?
  1. With specific explain how the Soviet Union was able to keep Eastern European countries in line.
  1. Could the Cold War have been avoided and what action would have had to be taken by which countries?
  1. How did the Cold War change Europe between 1945 and 1961?
  1. What was the intent and purpose in the creation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact? Which countries benefited from joining and which countries had to make the greatest political and economic sacrifices?
  1. How did Stalin influence politics in Russia and in Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1953?
  1. What was the Marshall Plan and what was the rationale behind such a plan?
  1. What did the Eastern European countries feel about Soviet control and how did they respond to the Soviet demands prior to 1989?
  1. How did the end of the Second World War signal the end of European domination in global affairs?
  1. What is glasnost and how did it alter the political and economic shape of Europe?
  1. Discuss the events that led up to the Dayton Accords.
  1. What was the purpose of the European Union and what are some of the criticisms that have been voiced by EU members?
  1. Why could it be said that 1989 was as significant to European history as 1789?
  1. How has nationalism been a factor in the break up of Eastern Europe?
  1. Why did Europe witness significant unrest in 1968? Which countries were involved and why?
  1. Describe the evolution of the Common Market. What were the initial goals of the Common market countries and how did those goals change over time?
  1. How did European society change during the 1960s and 1970s?
  1. How did the role of women in Europe change in the period from 1945 to 1990?
  1. Why did the Balkans remain the “powder keg of Europe” throughout the century? Discuss the problems for Europe caused by the events in Yugoslavia in the 1980s and 1990s.