Tennant Street Medical Practice are following advice from Hartlepool & Stockton Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and will no longer prescribe the products listed below which are available to be bought from community pharmacies.

Product / Alternatives
Analgesics for short courses including Migraleve tablets / Adults: short courses of analgesics for acute conditions can be bought over the counter. Community Pharmacists can support self-care. Up to 96 paracetamol can be bought at discretion of Community Pharmacist.
Children: paracetamol and ibuprofen to treat acute common ailments can be bought over the counter. Community Pharmacists can advise appropriate use.
Antifungal nail paints / Mild cases of fungal nail infections for up to 2 nails can be self-treated by products available over the counter. Community Pharmacists can advise appropriate use.
Antihistamines for hayfever / Hayfever symptoms can be self-treated. Several products available to buy over the counter. Community Pharmacists can support self-care. Need only attend GP if all over the counter products failed and should bring information about which ones tried.
Nasal sprays for hayfever and congestion / Nasal sprays for relief of hayfever and congestion can be bought over the counter. Community Pharmacists can support self-care.
Antimalarial drugs / Anti-malarial drugs that are not Prescription Only can be bought over the counter. Community Pharmacists can advise on all aspects of malaria prevention.
Complementary therapies,
herbal supplements and homeopathy / Limited evidence of effectiveness and some associated with severe adverse effects. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) does not recommend use. Available to buy but beware they may interact with other medication.
Cough and cold remedies / Limited clinical value for cough mixtures, aromatic inhalation, decongestants, sore throat lozenges etc. Community Pharmacists can advise suitable products to buy over the counter.
Dental products / Fluoride tablets, toothpastes and mouth washes should be bought over the counter or prescribed by dentists.
Glucosamine and chondroitin / National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends not to use for management of osteoarthritis. Available to buy if patient chooses to use.
Haemorrhoid preparations / Haemorrhoids can be self-treated. Several products available to buy over the counter. Community Pharmacists can support self-care.
Headlice treatment and prevention / Headlice infestations can be treated and prevented by self-care. Several products available to buy over the counter. Community Pharmacists can support self-care.
Infantile colic products
e.g. Colief, Infacol, gripe water / Colief: No evidence to support lactase deficiency causes colic.
Infacol: No evidence that excess gas causes colic.
Gripe water: Not licensed for colic and should not be used.
Lactose-free milk (these differ from milks used to treat proven Cows Milk Protein Allergy) / Lactose Free Formula (e.g. SMA LF or Enfamil-o-Lac.) available to buy and milk vouchers can be. Supermarket alternatives are available for children over 12 months.
Lutein and other antioxidant eye vitamins / No evidence that lutein and other eye vitamins are beneficial. Products are food supplements, not licensed medicines and can be bought.
Omega-3 and other fish oils / National Institute for Health and Care excellence (NICE) does not recommend:
-Omega-3 supplements to prevent a second heart attack (should eat a Mediterranean-style diet)
-Omega-3 manage sleep problems in children and young people with autism
-Fish oil to prevent high blood pressure in pregnancy or omega-3 for familial high cholesterol
-Fish oil preparations to prevent cardiovascular disease in people with type 2 diabetes
Probiotics (except VSL#3 for ileoanalpouchitis) / Food supplements and can be bought.
Rubefacients (heat rubs) / Rubefacient preparations contain irritant ingredients. No evidence of effectiveness for musculoskeletal pain or osteoarthritis. Can be bought.
Sunscreens / Only available on prescription for abnormal cutaneous photosensitivity resulting from genetic disorders or photodermatoses, including vitiligo and those resulting from radiotherapy; chronic or recurrent herpes simplex labialis.
Vitamins and minerals / Vitamins and minerals should be obtained through a healthy diet. Multivitamins and minerals can be bought over the counter.
Sure Start vitamins for children and pregnant women are available from health visitors and midwives.

There may be exceptional circumstances when one of these products is necessary for a particular patient.