Phonics Overview
Grades 2-6
· Systematic phonics instruction has a significant effect on reading achievement. Within the phonics instruction in Trophies, letter-sound correspondences are taught sequentially. The systematic instruction allows students to continually build on what they learn. The individual sounds represented by letters are blended to form words, and those words are applied in decodable text.
· Explicit instruction in decoding lessons provides students with various strategies, including understanding syllable types and patterns, as well as recognizing word structures such as prefixes, suffixes and root words to decode multi-syllabic words.
Charts on the following pages allow you to see the decoding/phonics skills taught per selection and the progression from Grade 2 to the upper grades where students receive direct instruction in decoding multi-syllabic words.
Grade 2
Systematic phonics instruction has a significant effect on reading achievement. In phonics instruction found in Trophies, letter-sound correspondences are taught sequentially and cumulatively and are then applied. The following chart allows you to see the decoding/phonics skills taught per selection.
Selection / Decoding/Phonics SkillsThe Mixed-Up Chameleon / Phonograms -id, -idle
(hide, sideways)
Get Up and Go! / Phonograms -ame, -ake
(games, take, make)
Henry and Mudge Under the Yellow Moon / Inflection -ed
(picked, licked)
Note: Lesson points out the /t/, /d/ and /ed/ sounds made by the inflection -ed.
Days With Frog and Toad / Inflection -ed (y to i)
(cried, hurried)
Wilson Sat Alone / Phonograms -at, -ate
(sat, ate)
The Enormous Turnip / Phonograms -ack, -ock
Helping Out / [ T ] R-controlled Vowel /ûr/ ear
Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane / [ T ] Common Abbreviations
Hedgehog Bakes a Cake / [ T ] R-controlled Vowel /ôr/ our
(four, poured, your)
Lemonade for Sale / Phonograms -ar, -arm, -ark
Johnny Appleseed / [ T ] R-controlled vowels /ir/ ear, eer
(pioneers, cheers, clearing, hear, nearby, year)
From Seed to Plant / Consonant Blends spr, str, thr
(sprout, streams, through)
The Secret Life of Trees / [ T ] Vowel Digraphs /ōō/ oo
(smooth, roots, food)
[ T ] indicates tested skill
Grade 2 (continued)
Selection / Decoding/Phonics SkillsWatermelon Day / Digraphs /n/ gn, kn; /r/ wr
(knelt, knew, wrinkled)
Pumpkin Fiesta / [ T ] Inflections -s, -es, -ies (y to i)
(beauties, babies)
The Day Jimmy’s Boa Ate
the Wash / [ T ] Diphthong /ou/ ou, ow
(cow, how, out, sounds, without, around, found, house)
[ T ] Suffixes -ful, -less (Extra spread in day 4)
How I Spent My Summer Vacation / [ T ] Diphthong /oi/ oi, oy
(voices, cowboys)
Dear Mr. Blueberry / [ T ] Vowell Digraphs /ōō/ oo, ue
(too, Blueberry, blue)
Suffixes -ful, less (Extra spread in day 4)
Cool Ali / [ T ] Inflection -es (f to v)
(leaves, wives)
Suffixes -ful, -less (Taught on day 4 phonics spread)
The Emperor’s Egg / [ T ] Suffix -ly
Inflections -ing
(completely, actually, doing, taking, swimming, getting, generally, starting, standing, freezing, egg-sitting, luckily, slowly, particularly, remembering)
The Pine Park Mystery / [ T ] Prefixes re-, pre-
[ T ] Prefixes mis-, under- (Extra spread in day 4)
Good-bye, Curtis / [ T ] Contractions ‘ll, n’t, ‘s
(we’ll, let’s, won’t, don’t)
Max Found Two Sticks / [ T ] Vowel Digraphs / oo / ew, ui
Prefixes mis-, under- (Extra spread in day 4)
[ T ] indicates tested skill
Grade 2 (continued)
Selection / Decoding/Phonics SkillsAnthony Reynoso: Born to Rope / Digraphs /f/ gh, ph
(petroglyphs, Phoenix, photo)
Chinatown / [ T ] Suffixes -er, est
Prefixes: mis-, under- (Extra spread in day 4)
Abuela / [ T ] R-controlled Vowel /âr/ air, are
(airport, airplanes, chair, careful)
Beginner’s World Atlas / [ T ] Vowel Variant /ŏŏ/ oo, ou
(look, could, would)
Dinosaurs Travel / [ T ] Vowel Variant /ōō/ ou, ough
(souvenirs, through, you)
Montigue on the High Seas / [ T ] Vowel Variant /ô/ aw, augh
(crawled, saw, caught)
Ruth Law Thrills a Nation / [ T ] Prefixes over-, un-
[ T ] indicates tested skill