Definition: The revival of learning and art in Europe making the transition from Middle Ages to modern history that began in Italy in the 1300’s and then spread to other countries. Renaissance eventually became a style in itself.
*Renaissance Timeline*
Early period:1400-1495 High Ren.: 1495-1520 Late period: 1520-1600
1423: In Florence the painter Masaccio helps to establish a new style in art.
1434: Cosimo de Medici establishes his family as the banking masters of Florence. Now a great Art and learning made possible by A. Medici Pope.
1440: In Germany the invention of movable type makes possible printed books widely available.
1450: Francesco Sforza wins Milan and comes to terms with nobles and the Medici family.
1453: Constantinople founded in 310 falls to Turks.
1469-1492: Lorenzo the Magnificent rules Florence in a golden age of art and learning.
1471-1484: Pope Sixtus IV reestablishes the political power of the popes among the rulers of Europe.
1478: The Pazzi conspiracy threatens the De Medici in Florence and is crushed after two years of heavy fighting.
1479-1500: Milan, Italy’s golden age under Sforza
1493: Leonardo Da Vinci completes the last supper painting.
1492: Columbus sails west to find China…N. America.
1494: The Medici family loses Florence.
1508-1512: Michelangelo paints the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
1504-1508: Pope Julius II “the warrior pope” drives out the French invades with Spain.
1508: Raphael begins a series of great paintings in Rome.
1513: Machiavelli writes The Prince the first modern book of instruction for rulers on political strategy.
1513: Giovanni de Medici becomes Pope Leo X but is not able to stop the protestant reformation movement in Germany.
1515: King Francios I is made king of France and invades Italy and the Italian Renaissance spreads to France.
1523: Charles V becomes Holy Roman Emperor Crowned by the Pope begins war against France.
1527: Charles V army attacks and destroys Rome Pope and RC Church is weakened badly.
1558: Elizabeth I comes to power in England greatest Queen.
1576: Decline of Renaissance In Italy
1603: Spain’s great Navy Armada destroyed. Power Wanes.
*Renaissance In Europe 1300-1500*
Cause Effect
1.) Growing emphasis on individual Art celebrate individual and personal expression and is secular, not religious.
2.) Growing Prosperity of Merchants Merchants sponsor art sculptor, architecture, and pay to beautify city in Italy and the rest of Europe.
3.) Decline of Feudalism and growing power of kings and princes weakening of church and Pope Rulers sponsor artists and philosophers, not just RC Church and Pope
4.) Printing press and spread or learning and invention new/old political, social, and artistic theories were quickly spread.
5.) Inventions and new ideas of the Renaissance commercial, banking, credit, corporations telescope, microscope, glasses, pressure cooker, wind-up clock, pendulum clock, thermometer, spinning wheel, flush toilet, toothbrush and barometer, mechanical calculator, magnifying glass, improved sextant printing press, etc.
6.) Widespread growth of colleges and universities that are secular- not religious.
*Science during the Renaissance*
1.) Science built upon the scientific ideas of the Romans and especially the Greeks.
2.) Renaissance Science developed the scientific method of observation and experimentation.
3.) Renaissance Science challenged medieval superstition (causing fear of unknown)
4.) Renaissance Science uncovered much knowledge about the physical world & explained it. ( for the 1st time)
5.) Renaissance science reduced the importance of humanity by learning that earth was not the center of the universe.
6.) Renaissance science was opposed by the RC church because ideas conflicted with the bible.
7.) Renaissance Science improved the health of people (disease was caused by germs, not demons)
8.) Renaissance science established the basis for all modern science progress.
9.) Education became wide spread in the renaissance due to the printing press and renewed value of learning.
10.) Caused the age of discovery and invention and later the enlightment of the 1700’s in France.
*Renaissance Science*
1.)Copernicus- (1473-1543) Polish astronomer: discovered the sun was the center of the universe.
2.)Versalius- (1514-1564) Flemish doctor: did careful dissections of the human body. Founded anatomy.
3.)Francis Bacon- (1561-1626) English philosopher: popularized new scientific method of observation and experimentation.
4.)Galileo- (1564-1642) Italian astronomer/pysicist: demonstrated law of falling objects greatly improved telescope that proved Copernicus theory.
5.)Kepler- (1571-1630) German astronomer and mathematician: discovered that planets follow an elliptical, not circular orbit.
6.)Harvey- (1578-1657) English doctor: discovered that blood circulates through the body.
7.)Descates- (1596-1650) French Scientist mathematician and philosopher: discovered laws of optics, founder of analytical geometry. He said, “I think therefore I am.”
8.)Boyle- (1627-1691) English Chemist: discovered law of gasses foundation of modern chemistry.
9.)Leewenhoek- (1632-1723) Dutch naturalist: perfected the microscope studied bacteria cells.
10.)Newton- (1642- 1727) English mathematician and astronomer: discovered laws of light and color. Formulated laws of motion. Calculated laws of gravity.
*Timeline of Renaissance Invention*
1400: First piano called a spinet is invented.
1411: Trigger invented for firearms.
1420: Oil painting technique invented.
1455: Printing press invented by Johannes Gutenburg.
1475: Muzzle-loaded rifles invented in Italy and Germany.
1486: First copyright granted in Venice, Italy.
1485: First parachute is designed by Leonardo Da Vinci.
1487: Bell chimes invented. First flying machine designed but never flown by Leonardo
1494: Map globe invented by Martin Behaim.
1500: First flush toilets appeared.
1510: Pocket watch invented by peter Henlein.
1513: Etching technique invented by Urs Graf.
1568: Bottled beer invented in London, England.
1569: Mercator Map protection.
1589: Knitting machine invented in England.
1590: Compound microscope invented in Holland.
1593: Thermometer for water invented by Galileo.
1609: Galileo used the telescope & makes many important & revolutionary astronomical discoveries.
1642: First mechanical calculators invented by Blaise Pascal.
1643: Barometer invented by Torecelli.
1656: Pedulum clock invented. Improves time accuracy.
*Masters of the Renaissance*
Michelangelo: (1475-1564) who spent his life in Rome and Florence was another many-sided renaissance genius. Talented as a painter, sculptor, poet, and architect Among his many great works Pieta, David and Moses. The dome of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome, the Sistine Chapel
Leonardo Da Vinci: (1452-1519)Worked in Florence, Milan, Rome. Was ideal of a “Renaissance man” in that he was a versatile genius who mastered many skills as a painter, sculptor, engineer, scientist, and inventor. His profession was an engineer but his notebooks show over 5000 detailed sketches and drawings in every field.
Raphael: (1483-1520) A painter who worked in Florence and Rome. Captured the beauty of many religious works.
Donatello: (1386-1466) A Florentine Sculptor carved busts statuettes friezes for cathedrals and St. Georges in armor.
Masters of literature (letters)
William Shakespeare: (1564-1616) Greatest English poet and playwright of all time. Wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, King Lear, Mac Beth, and Julius Cesar.
Machiavelli: (1496-1527) Italian born in Florence. Was a diplomat, wrote The Prince the first book on political planning and tactics Machiavellian=sneaky or whatever it takes to win.
Cervantes: (1547-1616) Spanish wrote Don Quixote de la Mancha that made fun of knighthood and chivalry.
Miton: (1608-1674) English retold the Bible story of creation in his book Paradise Lost
Petrarch: Francesco Petrarca also known as Patrarch was the foremost and first student of humanism. He was born in 1304 near Florence. He believed in a positive future by study of Greek and Roman culture Humanism provided the intellectual climate reformation.
Eramus: (1460-1536) Dutch, a brilliant classical scholar wrote “In Praise of Folly” he made fun of superstition prejudice, upper class privileges and RC church abuses by satirizing social evils he encouraged people to reform and think for themselves.
Sir Thomas Moore: (1478-1535) English he wrote “Utopia” a book about the ideal perfect country, free from war, injustice, poverty, and ignorance. The word Utopia= any perfect condition.
Dante 1265-1321 Italian: born in Florence. The "Father of modern
Italian". First to write and important Book in Italian "Divine
Comedy"… An Imaginary Trip from hell to Heaven.
Chaucer 1340-1400 English: wrote 1st important book in English
"Canterbury Tales" story of Pilgrims on the way to a Shrine.
Moliere 1622-1673 French: Dominated French Lit. As the leading Writer
of Comedy especially plays.
*Renaissance Philosophy*
Humanism enemyRC Church weakened it
Humanism: the dominant intellectual movement of the renaissance was based on the idea that people were thinking (in Europe only) rational being. Humanism emphasized the dignity and work of Humans as individuals. Humanisms effect was the protestant reformation.
Origin of Humanism: humanism originated in the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture…i.e. Classical culture this study promoted an entirely new educational curriculum that emphasized a group of subjects known collectively as the humanities.
Humanities subjects included grammar, rhetoric history, poetry and ethics, the study of right and wrong. The humanities studies were a direct resection of education based on RC Scholasticism.
Scholasticism: was based on logic, natural philosophy and metaphysics… The study of nature of reality
Scholastics prepared students for careers in medicine, law, but most importantly, theology: the study of religion.
Humanism: clearly implied that there is something more than the study of theology and was a repudiation of the middle ages style of thinking.
Humanists believed that scholasticism was not based on practicality or the needs of society but are related heavily on abstract thought.
Humanism proposed to educate the whole person in the manner of the ancient Greeks in not only academics but physical and moral as well as the responsibilities of citizenship and social leadership.
*Timeline Age of Exploration*
Balboa: 1513 First European in America to see the Pacific Ocean
Ponce de Leon: 1513 First to explore Florida
Cortez: 1519-1521 Conquered Aztec Indians of central Mexico
Pizzaro: 1532 Conquered the Inca Indians of Peru
De Soto: 1541 First European to see the Mississippi river.
Verrazano: 1524 First European to sail the New York harbor.
Cartier: 1535 Explored the St. Lawrence river
Champlain:1603-1608 Explored E. Canada and N. New England
Marquette and Joliet: 1637 Explored upper Mississippi river and founded city of Quebec, Canada.
Cabot: 1497 Sailed to Labrador and NE coast of N. America
Drake: 1577-1580 led 2 expeditions to go around the world
Cook: 1768-1779 Explored New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii
Cabral: 1500 Sailed to S. America and reached Brazil
Hudson: 1609 Entered New York river and sailed up the Hudson River
Magellan: 1519 First European to circle the globe.
Columbus: 1492 Discovered the American Continent “New World”
1.) Columbus-1492 Christopher Columbus, an Italian navigator sails from Spain, knowing that the earth is round and perhaps possessing a lost outline map of unknown lands between Europe and China, Columbus had planned to reach the coast of Eastern Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. His primary mission failed because he ran into totally unknown land masses of N. and S. America that blocked the path to China.
Renaissance Review
• Focus of Scholasticism: Basis of Reality
• Greatest sculptor of Renaissance: Michelangelo
• Most famous Renaissance Painting: Sistine Chapel
• Pope was Great Patron of the fine arts: (3 Popes)= All of these
• Main philosophy of R.C.Church: Scholasticism
• Humanism originated in this culture: Greek and Roman
• Famous Wealthy family that supported Renaissance art: De Medici
• Why did Renaissance start in Italy: Italy's wealthy Mid-class supported art
• Greatest genius of Renaissance: Leonardo Da Vinci
• Italian merchants became rich from: Trade with Asia
• Who formulated laws of gravity and motion: Newton
• Not a new idea of the Renaissance: People wanting to go to Heaven
• Who improved the Telescope: Galileo
• Renaissance word means: Rebirth
• Cause of Renaissance: Rediscovery of Greek and Roman culture
• Who taught that Sun is center of Solar System: Copernicus
• Beginning of Sci. Rev. and Modern science traced to : Renaissance
• Who was a great Painter but also was a Architect: Bramante
• Protestant reformation created new Religions that: Weakened R.C
• Protestant reformation began in Germany by: Martin Luther
• English King that started his own Church: Henry VIII
• Main result of Humanism was: Religious wars
• Main enemy of Humanism was: R.CChurch
• Humanist believed that all mankind were: rational being
• Vernacular national language, English, French, Spanish, German, etc