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In order to be eligible for the Booster Club Scholarship, you must meet all of the following conditions:
- You must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or above.
- You must complete the scholarship application.
- You must return the completed scholarship application materials to the
principal’s office byYou must return the completed scholarship application
materials to the principal’s office by 3:30 P.M. on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018.
- You, or your parents, must have been a member of the HLV Sports Booster Club during three of your high school years.
- You must have participated in a minimum of two sports, for three separate years of your high school career.
6. There are two (2) scholarships to be awarded in the amount of $500 each.
The scholarship money will be awarded during the second year of the
recipient’s college career. If the recipient drops out of college during the
first year, no amount will be awarded. If the student drops out during the
second semester of the secondyear of college, after the scholarship money
has been presented, the winner or their parentsmust reimburse the HLV
Sports Booster Club for the scholarship amount that hasbeen awarded.
You must meet the first five conditions above to be eligible for the Athletic Booster Club Scholarship.
Signaturesbelow indicate the following:
1.The above five criteria have been met in order to be eligible for this award.
2.Consent is given to a school official verifying my grade point average as needed.
3.It is understood that the decisions of the HLV Booster Club are final in any and all
matters relating to this scholarship.
4. Requested, necessary documentation to verify full time enrollment in a post
secondary accredited program during my freshman year of college will be
furnishedto the HLV Sports Booster Club.
5.If the recipient chooses not to attend a post secondary accredited program,
any and all claims to this aforementioned scholarship are forfeited
______Printed Name of Applicant
______Signature of StudentApplicant
______Parental Signature of Applicant
Sports Booster Club Scholarship
- Please put your name ONLY on PAGE 1 of this application form. These materials will be coded by the HLV Booster Club President and given to the Scholarship Committee. The Activities Director and HLV Booster Club Presidentare not members of the scholarship selection committee. Do this even though your identity may become apparent in your essay. The essay should be your own ideas, not those of your friends or your parents. Please type your essay.
- Fill out an activities form indicating what athletic activities you have participated in during high school. Please return this information by 3:30 P.M. onTuesday, April 3, 2018 to the principal’s office.
- You will be asked to write an essay. There will be two (2) questions asked and you must answer both. The essays must be typed and double spaced with a 250 word minimum. If you have further questions please direct them to Laurel Hollopeter, Mr. Lahndorf, or Mr. Jack. The Sports Booster Club is honored to be able to award two (2) scholarships for 2018.
1) Booster club has always been successful, how can we create higher involvement with community members, parents, students in working together and filling opened spots to help serve our community at our local events?
2) How has your participation in athletics and other extra -curricular activitiesmade you a strong student leader?
Sports Booster Club Scholarship
Please indicate your cumulative grade point average______
(Office Use Only: Date ______Initials ______)
(MUST BE COMPLETED by principal’s office or guidance counselor.)
Have you or your parentsbeen members of the HLV Sports Booster Club
for three years during your high school career? ______
List by year of high school what sports you have participated in (cheerleading for the sports of football, basketball, and wrestling are included). Please include only those sports in which you have finished the season in good standing or in which you would have finished the season except for an injury.
8th Grade (summer sports only)
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade