2012 SMS Grade 3 Contest

February 2012

Grade Three Mathematics Contest

Please observe the following instructions:

1)You have 45 minutes to write the contest.

2)The contest is multiple-choice with four choices for each question. Write the CAPITAL letter of the answer you choose on the line to the right of each question.

3)Each question answered correctly is worth one mark, and the sum of the correct answers is the score.

4)Marks are not taken off for wrong answers.

5)No calculators are allowed.

Student Name: ______

Score: / 30

1) /
A) / 20 / B) / 40 / C) / 45 / D) / 60
2) / The temperature in Vancouver is 5°. If the temperature in Ottawa is 10° colder than Vancouver, what is the temperature in Ottawa?
A) / 0° / B) / -2° / C) / -5° / D) / -20°
3) / Yesterday, my maple tree had 1000 leaves! During the wind storm last night, all but 400 leaves fell to the ground. How many leaves are left on my maple tree? /
A) / 1400 / B) / 600 / C) / 400 / D) / 60
4) / Which one of these is NOT a palindrome?
A) / RACECAR / B) / 11 011 / C) / HANNAH / D) / 1 230 123
5) / Five pennies plus 3 dimes is:
A) / 35¢ / B) / 40¢ / C) / 41¢ / D) / 48¢
6) / Hilary has a red hat and a blue hat. One of them is not the blue hat. What colour is the other hat?
A) / Red / B) / Blue / C) / Pink / D) / Cannot tell
7) / How many days are in there in 3 weeks?
A) / 3 / B) / 14 / C) / 17 / D) / 21
8) / The hundreds digit in the number 7902 is:
A) / 7 / B) / 0 / C) / 9 / D) / 2
9) / Bobby was born 1 year after 3 years before 6 years after his sister Betty. If Betty was born in the year 2005, what year was Bobby born?
A) / 2011 / B) / 2009 / C) / 2006 / D) / 2005
10) / Which number below is not a prime number?
A) / 47 / B) / 51 / C) / 53 / D) / 59
11) / Number of sides on a pentagon + Number of sides on a square = ?
A) / 24 / B) / 10 / C) / 9 / D) / 4
12) / Mary’s movie starts at 4:40pm and ends at 5:20pm. If she misses the first 7 minutes of the movie, how many minutes of the movie does she watch?
A) / 33 / B) / 60 / C) / 67 / D) / 93
13) / Andy, Billy, Calvin, and Derek are the only people standing in a line. Derek is the last in line. There is one person between Derek and Andy. Billy is in front of Andy. Who is the first person in the line? /
A) / Calvin / B) / Derek / C) / Billy / D) / Andy
14) / Chelsy loves to play chess! She enters a tournament with 18 other people and is so excited because she gets to play every person once. How many games of chess will Chelsy play?
A) / 18 / B) / 50 / C) / 153 / D) / 171
15) / / Princess Pentagon has to rescue Prince Parallelogram from the Polygon Palace! If she can only travel north and east on a 3 by 4 grid, how many different paths could she take to rescue him?
A) / 9 / B) / 20 / C) / 35 / D) / 126
16) / Noodle the Poodle ate pasta from Monday to Friday. He ate 2 bowls of pasta on Monday, 5 bowls on Tuesday, 8 bowls on Wednesday, and 11 on Thursday. If he kept eating according to this pattern, how many bowls will he eat on Friday?
A) / 11 / B) / 12 / C) / 14 / D) / 15
17) / A witch is making potions this winter. If she makes a total of 285 potions during 5 days, what is the average number of potions that she makes each day?
A) / 51 / B) / 57 / C) / 270 / D) / 300
18) / Will the Wizard waves his wand to grant wishes in December! If he waves his wand an average of 7 times every day for the first 30 days in December, how many times will he have to wave his wand on December 31st in order to wave his wand 285 times in total? /
A) / 75 / B) / 175 / C) / 210 / D) / 255
19) / Big Tuna chops sushi rolls into pieces by making parallel cuts. It takes him 2 seconds to make one cut. If he needs to make 8 pieces, how long will it take him?
A) / 10 seconds / B) / 14 seconds / C) / 16 seconds / D) / 18 seconds
20) /
A) / 42 / B) / 670 / C) / 4200 / D) / 6700
21) / There are 75 photos at the Art Gallery. Twenty-five of them were done by DianeArbus. What fraction of the photos at the Art Gallery were notdone by her?
A) / / B) / / C) / / D) /
22) / Becky, Darla, and Sophia decide to share a pizza that is cut into 8 equal pieces. Becky is really hungry so she eats half of the pizza! Then, Darla eats half of the pizza that is left. How many pieces of the pizza are left for Sophia?
A) / 1 / B) / 2 / C) / 4 / D) / 8
23) / Michael has 4 dozen pairs of shoes. How many shoes does he have?
A) / 8 / B) / 48 / C) / 96 / D) / 192
24) / Lucky Lucy won XV dollars in the Roman Numeral lottery. Her cousin Linda won IX dollars. How much money did they win together?
A) / $24 / B) / $25 / C) / $30 / D) / $31
25) / 5! minus 3! equals ? (Hint: 6! = 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)
A) / 2 / B) / 10 / C) / 15 / D) / 114
26) / At the Crazy Frog Pond, all 30 frogs like to eat flies. Twenty-two of the frogs also like to eat crickets and 16 of the frogs also like to eatmice. How many frogs like flies, cricketsandmice?
A) / 6 / B) / 8 / C) / 30 / D) / 38
27) / Maggie has lot of colourful markers! She puts 2 pink, 2 yellow and 2 blue markers into her pencil case. If she cannot see the colours inside the pencil case, how many markers does she have to take out to be sure she has 2 of the same colour?
A) / 2 / B) / 3 / C) / 4 / D) / 6
28) / A rectangle measures 3cm by 5cm. The sum of the perimeter and the area of this rectangle is:
A) / 15 / B) / 16 / C) / 25 / D) / 31
29) / Joe is buying milk at the store. It costs $2.49. He gives the store clerk, Al, a $5 bill and receives $2.49 in change. Who still owes more money?
A) / Joe owes Al / B) / Al owes Joe / C) / Cannot tell / D) / No one
30) / How many squares of all different sizes are in the diagram?
A) / 11 / B) / 12 / C) / 23 / D) / 24

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