Assignment 2: Curriculum Analysis

Directions and Scoring

Introduced: Week 1

Due: Week 8

This assignment is worth 90 points, a significant portion of your overall grade for the course.

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a curriculum document from your school system to determine its quality and appropriateness. Through this process, you will become familiar with the contents of the curriculum document and assess its thoroughness of scope and depth, practical applicability, technology integration, and relevance for teaching and learning with all students, including those with special needs.

Materials for Analysis

You should select a curriculum guide used by your school system. Be sure to choose one that is in your area of expertise or interest. The guide may be one that was developed by the school system or one that was developed commercially. You may also choose to analyze a published teacher manual and corresponding student text.

The Analysis

The analysis includes two parts: a template with criteria for analyzing the curriculum document, and a written report summarizing your analysis and personal reflections. Each week, you should work on portions of the template, answering the questions as thoroughly as possible. A yes or no answer will not provide sufficient information. If the material required for a response to a question is not included in the curriculum document, indicate that in your response, reflect on possible reasons why the material was not included, and provide suggestions on how this section could be improved. If some of the questions seem repetitive, you may build upon your previous response.

Multimedia Presentation

After you complete the analysis, you will create a multimedia presentationthat highlights the main points of your written report. You will post your presentation in the Final Project Gallery Walk discussion forum the Saturday of Week 8. You are encouraged to use a creative format for your presentation, such as an online Web 2.0 application, rather than Microsoft PowerPoint.

Directions and Suggested Timeline for Completion

1.Each week, complete part of the Curriculum Analysis Template.

2.Write a brief report (5-6 pages) summarizing the information in your Curriculum Analysis Template. Be sure the reader understands the specifics such as the “who, what, and why” of the curriculum document you chose. In your report, reflect on detailed examples of instructional values, beliefs, and concepts in the curriculum document that are congruent or incongruent with your personal or school system’s philosophy, knowledge base, and practices.

As you write your report, think about:

  • To what extent is the philosophy contained in the curriculum congruent with your own?
  • How does the curriculum address the changing uses and applications of technology?
  • Has the document persuaded you to try some new approach or strategy? What results might you hope to achieve by incorporating any changes into your curriculum and instruction?
  • How has this analysis added to your understanding of curriculum and instruction in the selected content?
  • What do you believe are the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum document? What, if any, significant components or content were missing from the curriculum? What recommendations for improvement would you make to the authors?
  • Based on your analysis of the curriculum document, what recommendations would you make to leaders in your school or system about the curriculum it uses?

3.Create a brief multimedia presentationthat highlights the main points of your report. Post your presentation as an attachment or link to an external website, in the Final Project Gallery Walkwhole group discussion forum (or other area designated by your instructor) by Saturday of Week 8. Note: while PowerPoint is acceptable, you are encouraged to use a more creative tool or application for your presentation.

4.Sunday and Monday of Week 8, review the multimedia presentations of your classmates. Post feedback to at least each of your team member’s presentations.

5.Post all three parts of the assignment as one compressed, zipped file to individual discussion forum by the end of Week 8. Be sure to name your project to include your last name (i.e.,


This assignment is worth 90 points.

The final project consists of three parts, each totalinga significant portion of your grade for the course. The three parts with total possible point values include:

  • Part I: Curriculum Analysis Template – 20 points (due by the end of Week 8)
  • Part II: Curriculum Analysis Written Report – 60 points (due by the end of Week 8)
  • Part III: Curriculum Analysis Multimedia Presentation – 10 points (due by Saturday of Week 8)

Below are the scoring criteria for each part of the assignment.

Part I: Curriculum Analysis Template
Criteria / Points Possible / Points Earned
The responses in the template:
  • Clearly communicate an understanding of the questions
  • Adequately demonstrate a reflective response to the questions
  • Show a development of understanding of strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum document
  • Include concepts addressed in the course.
/ 15
  • The template is complete and well developed.
/ 5
Sub Total / 20
Part II: Curriculum Analysis Written Report
Criteria / Points Possible / Points Earned
CONTENT:The written report adequately addresses content across all six
specified areas below.
1. Personal Philosophy:
  • Description of it and how the philosophy contained in the curriculum document is congruent with personal philosophy
  • Explanation of whether you believe the implementation of this curriculum will lead to improved student achievement
  • Evidence of reflection on personal philosophy
  • Evidence of understanding the philosophy of the curriculum
/ 8
2. Changes in Curriculum and Instruction:
  • Reflection of possible changes in current approach or strategies in curriculum and instruction
  • Description of anticipated results from incorporation of new approach or strategies
/ 8
3. Understanding of Curriculum in Content Area:
  • Reflection on personal understanding of the selected content after curriculum analysis
  • Critique of curriculum in supporting instruction in the selected content
  • Evidence of understanding the elements of quality curriculum to support instruction
/ 8
4. Recommendations to Authors
  • Clear recommendations of improvement to authors of the curriculum that are appropriate for this audience
  • Evidence of concepts from course
  • Adequate description of strengths and/or weaknesses of curriculum
/ 8
5. Recommendations to School Leaders
  • Clear recommendations to school leaders that are appropriate for this audience
  • Evidence of concepts from course
  • Adequate demonstration of an understanding of curriculum and needs of school or system
  • Evidence of advocating for quality professional learning opportunities for improved learning and teaching with technology
  • Evidence of vision for technology use and communication of that vision
/ 8
6. Overall Curriculum Analysis
  • Overall, evidence of thorough assessment of scope and depth of curriculum
  • Reference to practical applicability of curriculum
  • Adequate references to teaching and learning with all students, including those with special needs
  • Evidence of an analysis of the use of appropriate technologies to enhance and support instruction and standards-based curriculum leading to high levels of student achievement
  • Evidence of emerging technologies and their uses in education
  • Evidence of consideration of promoting learner-centered environments that use technology to meet the individual and diverse needs of learners
  • Evidence of an analysis that supports collaborative technology-enriched learning environments conducive to innovation for improved learning
  • Evidence of an analysis that supports and enhances instructional methods that develop students’ 21st Century literacy skills
/ 12
FORMAT:The report is well-written, includes a clear introduction and conclusion, and meets report guidelines.
Introduction and Conclusion
  • Inclusion of an introductory paragraph that includes the “who, what, and why” of the selected curriculum document
  • Inclusion of a concluding paragraph, summarizing the report.
/ 4
Report Guidelines
  • The report is approximately 5-6 pages in length, and follows APA guidelines
  • The report is formatted clearly so that all six content areas listed above are easily located
/ 4
Sub Total / 60
Part III: Curriculum Analysis Multimedia Presentation
Criteria / Points Possible / Points Earned
  • Presentation includes highlights of the important points from the written report
/ 4
  • Interesting and engaging presentation that is designed to effectively support the information presented
/ 3
  • Appropriate presentation for an audience of school leaders
/ 2
  • Posted by midnight Saturday of Week 8
/ 1
Sub Total / 10

* 5% points will be deducted for each day the assignment is submitted late.