Brant Broughton and Stragglethorpe Parish Council


Tuesday, 14th July 2015

7.30pm Jubilee Hall

  1. Parish Council
  2. Membership
  3. Declaration of interest – Cllrs to declare interest and why
  4. Dispensation of declaration of interest
  5. Declaration of gifts and hospitality over £50
  6. Cllr training
  1. Present and apologies
  1. Police and public time
  1. Report from District and County Councillors
  1. Approval of meeting minutes–Parish Council Meeting on 19th May 15
  1. Matters arising

15/62 reporting of crimes to Parish Council

14/77c Stone wall in Rectory Field

14/93c Issues around cars on Mill Lane

15/70 Playing Field request for support and planning permission assistance

15/71b Neighbourhood Plan steering group

15/71c Laptop

15/71d Rooted Christmas tree in Rectory Field

15/72 Footpath

  1. Financial matters to include (a – c Standing items)
  1. Asset register –
  2. Progress on repairs and maintenance programmeas per min no 15/68a
  3. Overview of income and expenditure against budget and bank reconciliation
  4. Progress on financial issues on website min no 15/68b
  5. Payment of invoices
  6. Continental Landscapes -Grant Playing field committee £194.40
  7. P Barnet – Grant PCC £775
  8. PCC balance of grant £4.20
  9. Callow and Holmes – internal audit £90
  10. PC World – Laptop and software £578.98
  11. Complete Clean – clean of bus shelter £20
  12. Internal Audit report – received 18th May 15 to review any issues
  1. Planning matters–
  2. Lincolnshire County Council Local Plan consultation
  3. Tree works CA14-168 Fell Oak and 2 limes at Beckfield Farm, Brant Broughton
  4. SKDC Sewstern Lane Long Bennington – 6 wind turbines
  5. 15/05/42/HOUS – The Old Rectory, 35 High St, BB Fitting of secondary double glazing
  6. 15/0606/LBC Lister Cottage, 2A Church Walk, BB replace existing driveway gates with 1.8m high Westminster style gates and reinstate the original style side gate
  7. Tree/400257 CA14-169 36 West Street, BB Fell yew
  8. 15/0789/out – Erection of 3 dwellings (outline all matters reserved) Resubmission of 14/1599/OUT Long Barn House 106a High Street, BB
  1. Correspondence –
  2. LCC speed management policy for schools
  3. Pensions Regulator legal duties
  1. Report from Parishes Cluster meeting (standing item)
  1. Health and safety issues
  2. Parish trees – NKDC provide a service to Parishes which includes a health check and log of trees at a cost
  1. Matters for discussion(items can be raised at the meeting but no decision taken unless listed belowand the wording is clear enough to indicate what the debate will be about)
  2. Nominated Cllr for responsibility for Speed Indication Device
  3. Community Watch Scheme - Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership membership
  4. Parish Council Policy Documentation list to be prioritised and reviewed
  5. Code of conduct policy to be adopted by the Parish Council
  6. Model Standing Order policy (rules surrounding meetings and the day to day running of the council) to be adopted by the Parish Council
  7. Welcome letter to new Parishioners to be agreed
  8. New email address to be set up for emails not relating to official parish business
  9. Parish Council website – review LCC offer of hosting Parish Council matters
  1. Closed session (if required)

SignedJanet Guest Parish Clerk

Correspondence received

Details of correspondence sent to Cllrs
LALC eNews No 154
Scopwick Parish Clerk re speeding signs contact to buy them
Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth - 14 March 2016
LCC speed management policy for schools draft comments by 24th July 15

Dates for 2015

All Meeting days will be Tuesdays with reserve days on Wednesdays

DateReserve DateSpecific agenda item / event


Sept 8th9thMeeting Full report on assets

Oct 20th 21stMeeting Financial standing orders

Oct 31st Last day for applications for Grants from Parish Organisations

Dec 8th9thMeeting Approval of Grants for Parish Organisations