abdominal mass 789.3

abdominal pain 789.0

abdominal wall anomaly 756.70

achalasia 530.0

adenopathy 785.6

adhesions 608.89

acute lymph adenitis 683.

acute pancreatitis 577.0

acute appendicitis 540.

acute cholecystitis 575.0

anal fissure 565.0

anal fistula 565.1

anal stenosis 569.2

ankyloglossia 750.0

annular pancreas 751.7

anomaly intestinal fixation 751.4 (congenital adhesion)

anterior ectopic anus 751.5

atresia, stenosis colon, rectum & anal canal 751.2

atresia, stenosis small bowel 751.1

axillary adenopathy 785.6

benign neoplasm breast female 217

benign neoplasm breast 217.

benign neoplasm skin eyelid 216.1

bilateral inguinal hernias 550.92

bilateral inguinal hernia w obstruction 550.12

biliary atresia 751.61

biliary sludge 686.9

birth trauma 767.

bowel duplication 751.5

bowel obstruction 560.9

bowel obstruction postop adhesions 560.81

bowel stricture 560.9

brain tumor 191

branchial cleft anomaly 744.4

breast fibroadenoma 217

breast lump/mass 611.72

buttock abscess/cellulitis 682.5

cerebral palsy 343.

cerebral palsy infantile 343.9

cervical adenitis 683

cervical adenopathy 457.8

choledochal cyst 751.69

cholelithiasis 574.0

chronic pancreatitis 577.1

chronic cholecystitis 575.11

chronic lymph adenitis 289.1

cloaca 751.5

colostomy prolapse 569.62

colostomy 569.60

congenital diaphragmatic hernia 756.6

congenital cyst lung 748.4

congenital hydrocele 778.6

congenital spherocytosis 282.0

conjoined twin 759.4

constipation 564.0

Cronhs disease 555.0

decubitus ulcer 707.0

Down's syndrome 758.0

duodenal or gastric fistula 737.4

duplication bowel 751.8

earlobe foreign body 931

Edward's syndrome 758.2

enterocutaneous fistula 569.81

epidermoid inclusion cyst 706.2

epigastric hernia 553.2

esophageal atresia, TEF, stenosis 750.3

esophageal perforation 530.4

esophageal stricture 530.3

eventration diaphragm 756.6

evisceration (complication) 998.3

face cellulitis 682.0

failure to thrivechild 783.41

fecal incontinence 787.6

fecal impaction 560.39

femoral hernia 553.00

fibrocystic disease breast 610.1

finger injury 959.5

fistulainano 565.1

foot abscess/cellulitis 682.7

foot mass 719.67

ganglion cyst 727.4

gangrenous appendicitis 540.9

gastrocutaneous fistula 537.4

gastroesophageal reflux 530.81

gastroschisis 756.7

Gonadal dysgenesis 758.6

gynecomastia 611.1

hand abscess/cellulitis 682.4

hand mass 719.64

hemangioma 228.0

hemivertebrae 756.1

hemolytic anemia 282

hepatic congenital cyst 751.62

Hereditary spherocytosis 282.0

hiatus hernia 750.6

Hirschsprung's disease 751.3

Hydradenitis 705.83

hydrocele 603

hypertrophied labia minora 624.3

Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura 287.3

ileostomy status V44.2

imperforate anus 751.2

imperforate hymen 752.42

ingrow toe nail infection 681.02

indeterminate sex 752.7

inferior ankyloglossia 529.9

inguinal adenopathy 785.6

intestinal fistula 569.81

intestinal fixation anomaly 751.4

intussusception 560.0

jaundice acquired 283.9

jaundice congenital 282.0

keloid 701.4

leg abscess/cellulitis 682.6

lipoma 214

lymphangioma 228.1

malignant neoplasm leg 171.3

malrotation 751.4

Meckel Diverticulum 751.0

megacolon NEC 564.7

mesenteric adenitis 289.2

mesenteric (omental) cyst 568.89

molluscum contagiosum 078.0

Morgagni hernia 756.6

myopathy 359.9

muscular dystrophy (congenital 359.0)

muscular dystrophy (hereditary 359.1)

musculoskeletal anomaly 756.9

neck abscess/cellulitis 682.1

necrotizing enterocolitis newborn 777.5

nephrotic syndrome 581.9

neuroblastoma adrenal 194.0

neuroblastoma thoracic 195.1

neurofibromatosis 237.7

nevus, nonneoplastic 448.1

nevus sebaceous 702.8

omphalitis newborn 771.4

omphalocele 553.1

omphalomesenteric remnant 751.0

ovarian cyst 620.2

ovarian teratoma 189.0

ovarian torsion 620.5

pancreas pseudocyst 577.2

pancreas tumor 577.2

paraesophageal hernia 750.6

paronychia/onychia 681.02

parotid mass 527.2

pelvic organ injury 867.0

perforated appendicitis 540.0

perianal abscess 566

perineal abscess 682.2

pilomatrixcoma 229.8

pilonidal sinus/cyst 685.1

pneumothorax 512.0

polydactyly fingers 755.01

polydactyly toes 755.02

prematurity 765.1

pressure decubitus ulcer 707.0

Prune belly syndrome 756.71

pyloric stenosis 750.5

pylorospasm 537.81

rectal bleeding 569.3

rectal prolapse 569.1

recurrent inguinal hernia 550.1

reflux esophagitis 530.11

Retinoblastoma 190.5

retractile testis 752.52

rhabdomyosarcoma 171.9

sacrococcygeal teratoma 170.6

scar/fibrosis of skin 709.2

sequestration lung 748.5

short bowel syndrome 579.3

Sickle cell disease 282.6

skin ulcer lower limb 707.1

spinal muscular atrophy 335.0

stitch abscess 682

thrombosed hemorroid 455.4

thyroglossal duct cyst 759.2

thyroid cancer 193

thyroid nodule 241.0

thyrotoxicosis 242.9

torticollis 754.1

tracheoesophageal fistula 530.84

trunk abscess/cellulitis 682.2

umbilical granuloma 686.1

umbilical hernia 553.1

undescended testis 752.51

unilateral inguinal hernia 550.90

unilateral recurrent inguinal hernia w obstruction 550.11

urachus 753.7

vaginal bening mass 221.1

vascular hamartoma 757.32

ventral hernia 553.2

verruca seborrheican702.19

viral gastroenteritis 008.6

volvulus of intestine 560.3

Wilm’s tumor 189.0