Terms of Reference for Advisory Committee of Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmer Producers company Limited (MBCFPCL), Bhopal

1.  Background

1.1  Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmer Producers company limited (MBCFPCL), a state level conglomerate of farmer Producer company (FPC), is a profit organisation and registered under Companies Act (Producer Company under section 581A in Part IXA of the Company Act 1956, as reffered to under section 456 of the companies Act, 2013) was established in the year 2014, working with the objective to leverage the collective strength of the FPCs in the market place in one hand and provide larger capacity building support to the member FPCs and also to contribute to the FPC eco system in the state and in the country. MBCFPCL current has 40 FPCs share holders working in various parts of Madhya Pradesh covering around 50000 small and marginal farmers.

1.2  Key Business mix of MBCFPCL includes production of certified seeds ( soyabean, Wheat, Pulses etc), aggregation, marketing of agriculture produce and several other services.

2.  Purpose of Advisory Committee (AC)

Role of AC

2.1.  On 15-10-14, meeting of Bods of MBCFPCL was held at Bhopal, and it was decided to constitute an Advisory Committee of MBCFPCL. Considering the increasing role of MBCFPCL as apex body of Farmer Producers company in the state, it was felt that an institutional mechanism need to be created within MBCFPCL for multi-stake holder consultation and suggestions to the Board and executives. Such consultation, as felt, would not only benefit MBCFPCL by drawing enriched experiences from the members but also improve MBCFPCL’s responsibility as Farmers institution and commitment towards Share holders.

2.2.  The purpose of the AC will be to augment the knowledge, understanding and help to develop strategic thinking of MBCFPCL. Particularly the AC will give feedback to various business opportunity suited to MBCFPCL’s share holders and thereby to farmers and the impact it is making in achieving development objectives.

2.3.  Suggestions/advise for the improvement of overall functioning of MBCFPCL.

Relationship to MBCFPCL

2.4.  The AC’s role will be purely advisory, to support the functioning of MBCFPCL, and to provide additional inputs on the request of MBCFPCL. AC can provide expert insight and contacts , but the ultimate decision making authority and collective responsibility lie with MBCFPCL.

3.  Membership of the AC

Members’ profile

3.1  The AC shall be composed of members who are experts or knowledgeable in the field of agribusiness development, who can add real value to the development of MBCFPCL .

3.2  The AC shall be composed of a combination of the following people:

a)  Minimum one representatives from MBCFPCL’s Board of Directors, beside the CEO who shall be the member secretary of the AC .

b)  Representative from the FPC promoting institutions.

c)  Representatives from Agriculture university and other expert bodies

d)  Experts in the areas of rural development particularly on agribusiness development.

e)  Any others considered to be in a position to add value to MBCFPCL’s activities.

3.3  The AC shall comprise such number of members as MBCFPCL determine to be practical and feasible. This is likely to not less than 5 (five) and not more than (eleven).

Terms of Office

3.4  Two years. The members can be reappointed upon completion of terms of office.


3.5  The Chairperson will be selected by the members present in the AC meeting. There will be no permanent Chair for AC.

3.6  The duties of the Chair will include chairing meetings of the AC, ensuring that the meetings run as to the agenda and in a timely fashion. S/he may delegate any of his duties to AC members as is seen fit.

3.7  The CEO of MBCFPCL will be the member secretary of the AC


3.8  An AC member may, through the CEO of MBCFPCL, invite an individual or organisation to attend as an observer at a meeting or to provide information to the AC.

4  AC Modus Operandi

4.1  It is anticipated that at least 01 (one) AC meeting will be held once in a quarter.

4.2  Meetings will typically take place in Bhopal and will be a maximum of one day in length.

4.3  AC members will be reimbursed travelling expenses unless otherwise paid for through own organizations.

5  AC inputs

5.1  At the meetings, the members secretary will update the AC on the progress of the initiative taken up by MBCFPCL, highlighting points of issue or importance. MBCFPCL will inform the AC as to what input they are expecting for particular agenda items. The meeting agenda, relevant documentation and instructions will be sent to the AC members prior to the meetings, so that meeting time is used efficiently.

6.  Respnsibility of Member Secretary

a)  Agenda setting;

b)  Ensuring that essential documentation are made available to all members of the AC in advance of meetings;

c)  Organisation and logistics of meetings;

d)  Secretariat and report writing for meetings.


1 / Terms of Reference for Advisory Committee of Madhya Bharat Consortium of Farmer Producers company Limited (MBCFPCL), Bhopal