
These terms and conditions govern the use by persons or organisations [the “Hirer”].

of the Winchester Sports Stadiumincluding its equipment [the “Facilities”] which are owned andmanaged by The University of Winchester [the “University”]

Acceptance of Conditions

The hiring of any Facilities will only be permitted onthe conditions included in this document. Signing of the declaration on the booking form is deemed to be acceptance of these conditions.

Compliance with Conditions

The person or organisation named in the booking form as the Hirerwill be responsible for compliance with all of these conditions by themselves and all persons using the Facilities during the Hiring.


The University reserves the right to alter charges and the availability of the Facilities and cancel bookings without notice.


All applications for the hire of Facilitiesshall be made in writing to the University


TheUniversity reserves the right, with absolute discretion, to refuse the admission of any person to the Facilities or to evict any person from the Facilities. If in the reasonable opinion of the University, the Hirer is not making full use of the Facilities the right is reserved to re-allocate unused parts thereof.

Playing surfaces and equipment

Any person or team using theFacilities do so at their own risk, and by using any playing surfaces or equipment without raising any concerns withthe University before the start of the activity,will be deemed to accept responsibility for their own safety.

Refusal of Hire

The University reserves the right to refuse an application to hire the Facilitiesif there has been any damage to the Facilities, or breach of these conditions during previous use of the Facilitiesby the Hirer, or for any other reason the University deemsappropriate.


All hire charges must be paid within 7 days of the invoice being issued. Invoices will be issued at the end of each month for all bookings made in that month.If requested, a 10% deposit in respect to the hiring of the Facilities must be paid by the Hirer tothe University, when a booking is made. Once the booking has been confirmed the deposit will be non refundable. All new and or occasional users may be required to pay the full fee for hiring before the Facilities are used.

TheUniversity reserves the right to invoice the Hirer for any costs arising from excessive cleaning time incurred as a result of the Hirer failing to leave the Facilitiesin a reasonable condition, or for the repair of the Facilities damaged by the Hirer, or resulting from the Hirer failing to vacate the Facilitiesby the time stipulated on the booking form such costs to equal the cost to the University of cleaning or repair or loss of revenue for failure to vacate.

Cancellation of Bookings by the Hirer

In the event that the Hirer cancels or postponesabooking at short notice, the University will make every effort to re-sell the Facilities. The cancellation termsare as follows:

1)All cancellations must be made in writing to the University.

2)If cancellations are received less than14 days prior to the hire date, a charge of 50% of the total hire cost will be made.

3) If cancellations are received less than 2 days prior to the hire date, a charge of 100% will be made.

Any person or group not using the booked Facilities 15 minutes after the scheduled start time will lose the right to use the Facilitiesduringtheperiod booked.

Cancellation of Bookings by the University

The Universityreserves the right to close or prohibit the use of any of the Facilities at its discretion. All monies paid in respect of a booking cancelled in accordance with this condition will be refunded, but the University will not be liable for any other expenditure incurred or loss sustained directly or indirectly by the Hirer, arising from the cancellation.


The use of the Facilities or any part thereof is entirely at the risk of the Hirer and the University accepts no responsibility for any loss, claims, actions, demands, proceedings or costs arising out of any claims made by the Hirer or against the Hirer by a third party. The Hirer agrees that neither the Hirer nor any person using the Facilities as part of the hiring shall cause any loss or damage to the University or the Facilities and the Hirer will indemnify the University if any such loss or damage occurs.

Attendance and Behaviour

The Hirer will ensure that the number of persons using the premises does not exceed that for which the bookingwas made. The Universityreserves the right to refuse access to the Facilitiesif it is deemed necessary in order to limit numbers. TheHirer will ensure that good order is preserved at all times until the Facilities are vacated and that there is no excessive noise or disturbance made by persons leaving the Facilities. All persons on the Facilities will be expected to behave appropriately and responsibly. Failure to abide by these Terms and Conditions and any other regulations that may apply will result in the person/sresponsible beingbanned from the Facilities.TheHirer will be held liable for any damage caused by inappropriate or unruly behaviour. The Hirer will ensure that only the appropriate part of the Facilities are used for the playing of any sport.

Throughout the period of hire and during the time that any person is on the premises, the Hirer shall be responsible for ensuring the following rules are abided by:-

All Weather Pitch: Suitable footwear and clothing must be worn on the Artificial Turf Pitch, and under no circumstances should heels, spikes, studded, moulded or bladed boots be worn. Only footwear approved for use on Artificial TurfPitches shouldbe worn on the playing surface and footwear should be clean and free of mud before entering the Pitch. Those participating in an activity must wear what the University determines to be appropriate dress for the activity in which they are engaged.The University reserves the right to refuse use of the Facilities in the event that inappropriate clothing or footwear is used.

Athletics Track And Field:Suitable footwear and clothing must be worn for the use of the track and field area. Those participating in an activity must wear what the University determines to be appropriate footwear and clothing for the activity in which they are engaged.The University reserves the right torefuse use of the Facilities in the event that inappropriate clothing or footwear is used.

Food and Drink:No food, alcoholic drinks or chewing gum is to be brought inside the perimeter fence of the Pitch or on the Athletics Track and Field other than drinks in non-spillable plastic containers and oranges or lemons for use at half time.

No rights to sell refreshments of any kind whatsoever shall be deemed to be given to any Hirer or to any other person/organisation by grant of the use of the Facilities. All arrangements for catering must be made in the first instance with the University.

Alcohol, Smoking and Illegal Substances: No alcohol, smoking or illegal substances are permitted on the Facilities. No person will be allowed to use the Facilities if they are presumed to be, or are under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, and if found to be in possession of illegal substances, the appropriate authorities will be notified.

Metal Objects:No metalobjects or any item considered hazardous by the Hirer or the University of any Sortwill betaken on to the Facilities.

Accident Reports: If an incident occurs whilst on the Facilities, the Hirer must report the incident and record the details in the accident book located at the reception desk.

Conduct:No disorderly conduct or conduct which might cause annoyance or danger to others is permitted on the Facilities.

Audio, Broadcasting and Filming Rights:No person or organisation booking the Facilities may grant broadcasting (sound or television) or filming rights without the prior written consent of the University. If such consent is given, the University reserves to itself the right to take part in any negotiations, to be a party to the terms and conditions of any agreement reached, and to share in any publicity derived thereof.

Photography:Photographs for professional use for publication must not be taken without the written consent of the University, which reserves the right to prohibit the taking of photographs without giving any reason.

Bicycles, Rollerblades and Skateboards:No bicycles, rollerblades and skateboards are permitted on the All Weather Pitchnor Athletics Track and Field.

Dogs and Animals:Under no circumstances should dogs or animals, other than registered guide dogs, beallowed on the Facilities.

Pavilion Emergency Exits:All passages, gangways and fire exits at the Pavilion on the Facilitiesmust be kept clear at all times. Fire doors mustnot be left ajar.

Equipment:Any equipment used which is not the property of the University must be approved by the University. No equipment must be used without prior permission of the University and can only be used when an adult with appropriate qualification for the activity is present.

Parking:All visitors’ cars and coaches must be parked in spaces designated by the University, which may include Park and Ride car parks and are left at the owner’s risk. TheUniversitydoes not accept responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur while the Hirer is using the Facilities.

Signage: All signage must be observed and adhered to at all times.

Appropriate Use: TheHirershall not use, or cause or permit any person to use the Facilitiesfor any purposeother than that for which they were hired.

No Assignment or Sub-Letting: TheHirer shall not assign or sub-let the right to use the Facilitieswithout first obtaining the permission of theUniversity.

Litter and Cleanliness: TheHirer is responsible for the condition in which the Facilities are left prior to leaving the Facilities . It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensureall equipment used, and the surrounding area, is left in a clean, tidy and orderly condition at the end of each period of hire and all refuse is removed.

Faultsand Hazards: Any person who is aware of a fault that could be hazardous towards other personsmust immediately contact a member of staff on site. If for any reason no staff member is available, University Security or the Police must be contacted as appropriate.

Child Protection: You are responsible for ensuring that any event involving children under the age of 18 is properly supervised and that only fit and proper persons have access to the children You are responsible for any children who attend the event and their behaviour.