Well-Child Visit: 12 months Age______mo

CG’s name: © Kevin Marks, MD 2012; Last Revised 2-22-2012

o Mom o Grandparent

Who is at the WCV? o Dad o Foster parent

o Sibling(s) o Other Caregiver

Health or growth concerns?






Interval Hx? _____

Breastfeeding o Yes o No

Cow’s milk oYes o No Whole or 2%? ___ oz/day

Fe-rich cereal/ foods 2x qd? o Yes o No

Meats, fish, eggs, soy protein? o Yes o No

Vegetables, fruits? o Yes o No

Age-appropriate finger foods? o Yes o No Fruit juice, sugar? o Yes o No

Elimination concerns? o Yes oNo ______



Administered: o ASQ o PEDS o PEDS:DM

Interpretation: o Typical/ observe o Atypical/ action needed

Domains: o expr. lang. o recept. lang. o cognitive

of concern o fine motor o gross motor o SE/ behavior

o self-help/ adaptive o other

Circle if: no bottle in bed · Brushing · Fluoride

o Refer to dentist per AAP & ADA

o Fluoride varnish + handout


Updated in Problem List / EMR




Tobacco exposure? o Yes o No DV? o Yes oNo

Cap Hemogram or HemoCue (If Hgb<11 or if high-risk for iron deficiency then venipuncture CBC, ferritin, CRP)

o Blood lead level

o TB Skin Test if at risk per TB questionnaire

Red Reflex: o Present bilaterally

Corneal light reflex: o Symmetric

Hearing: o Turns to voice o Startles

Vitals & Growth Parameters

T °C/°F ax/rect/tymp P R BP __ /

HC cm ( %) Length cm ( %)

Wt kg ( ____ %) wt / ht ratio _ __ %










Parent-Child Interaction


Growth: o typical o obese o overweight o underweight/ FTT

Development & Behavior: see above

Other: See EMR problem list



12 mo WCV handout (Bright Futures: Early Childhood)

ROR book & literacy counseling

o “Healthy Habits” / obesity prevention handout + counseling

o EI referral & care coordination phone #

o Positive parenting support group or counseling

o Fluoride 0.25mg + MTV w/ iron & Vit D 400 IU PO qd

Refer to Dentist______

q  Consistent, positive discipline; use distractions; be a role model; make time for self, partner, friends;

q  Ask for help with domestic violence

q  Parenting support or education groups; maintain or extend ties with community; parent-toddler playgroups

q  Rear-facing car seats until maximum allowable weight

q  Reminder to complete AAP home safety checklist

q  Brush teeth 2x daily with soft toothbrush & water

q  Bedtime routine w/ quiet time, singing, reading; 1 nap/day

Refer to EMR for vaccines given, CDC handouts given

o Vaccine counseling

o Refusal to vaccinate AAP form signed

o Next routine well-child visit

o Early return OV

o SE (ASQ:SE) screening needed (per AAP)

FPS Depression Scale

Target Ages: 1 month and again at 12 months

1. How often in the last week have you felt depressed? 0 1-2 3-4 5-7 days

2. In the past year, have you had two weeks or more during which you felt sad, blue, or depressed, or lost pleasure in things that you usually cared about or enjoyed? yes no

3. Have you had two or more years in your life when you felt depressed or sad most days, even if you felt okay sometimes? yes no

FPS Scoring

Positive answers are 1. 5 – 7 days, 2. yes and 3. yes.

Two or more positive answers are considered a positive screen.