Melvin B. Benson IV, Teacher

HollandMiddle School

Holland PA 18966


1. Course Description -- 8th Grade Social Studies, Academic/Honors/Gifted

The content of the course is primarily a discussion and study of the early history of the United States of America. As 7th grade left off at European exploration, this class picks up with a very brief overview of the British colonies in North America and ends with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. A major unit during the year will be spent discussing the political philosophy of the 18th and 19th centuries that led to the formation and early growth of our country and government. Classroom activities will be prepared for and supplemented by homework from the text and other reading materials.

Alongside the study of history will be an ongoing discussion of Current Events requiring both preparation at home and classroom presentations.

2. Grading and Grades

All graded work will fit into one of the categories listed below. Each assignment will be given a raw score. Grades are approximately weighted as follows:

Quests:40% (Is it a quiz or a test? It’s a QUEST!)

Projects:40% (often involves work outside of class)

Homework:10% (includes Current Events, when assigned)

Classroom Participation:10% (considered as ‘being on task’)

The final grade will be an average of the four marking periods.

In the past, students who do all the homework completely and on time (including current events) achieve the highest grades. This is because the homework helps prepare them for Quests. Also, consistent attention to assignments is a sign of a responsible student and learner – that is ultimately reflected in the grade earned.

Projects, whether written or otherwise, must be the student's own work. When references are made or pictures used, credit and documentation must be given. On this note, occasionally, a quest will be open-note. In this event, Photocopies of other students’ notes or the textbook are not acceptable. The entire notebook, except for handouts and other directed supplements, must be in the student’s handwriting.

3. Textbook & required reading

Academic & Honors, American Stories Beginnings to 1877, National Geographic Learning Cengage, Chicago, 2018

Gifted, Creating America, Beginnings through Reconstruction, McDougal Little, Evanston, IL, 2007

Sections of the textbook will be assigned for homework reading. Questsmay be directly drawn from these sections. There will be references to and readings from many primary texts. These include but are not limited to John Locke’s Second Treatise on Government, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and various speeches and other articles.

Current Events directions are provided on another handout.

4. Classroom Guidelines

Please refer to “Benson’s Classroom Rules and Procedures”. In general, “Respect” is the key word to be applied. All school rules and policies must be followed, discussions should be polite and respectful, no horseplay, be on time, prepared, and complete homework at home.

5. After School Clinic or Consultations

By appointment, I am available for help or review after school on Thursdays from 3:05 to 3:45. RA period by appointment also. These are the preferred times to make up Quests.

6. Parental Contact or Conferencing with the Teacher

Parents may contact me by email at r by calling the school office (I prefer email). During the school day, I can best return calls before 8:00 a.m. and directly after 3:00 p.m. Other arrangements can be made if those times are not convenient. Conferences or classroom observations are welcome and may be scheduled as requested.