Research Students of Professor Franz F Heymann’s Group
Department of Physics /Department of Physics & Astronomy
1954 to 1987
D.K. (David) AitkenPh.D. 1957(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“An investigation of ultra high frequency breakdown in resonant cavities at low pressures”
P.I.P. (Peter) KalmusPh.D. 1957(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“Design for the extraction and nuclear scattering of electrons from a 28MeV microtron”
G. (Gorra) HeymannPh.D. 1959(Supervisor H.S.W. Massey)
“Contribution to a Pion-Proton scattering experiment”
A. (Abdul) Ghani Ph.D. 1960(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“An Experiment on Polarization Effects in π+ - p Scattering”
A.L. (Lincoln) ReadPh.D. 1960(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“Contribution towards an experiment to measure the polarization of the recoil proton from
pion-propton collisions”
B.G. (Brian) Duff Ph.D. 1962(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
The Formation and Lifetime of Positronium in various gases”
Janet Knight (nee Wade)1961- 63(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
W. (Wit) BuszaPh.D. 1964(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“The Development and use of Spark Chambers for the Study of Meson production”
D.T. (Dave) WaltonPh.D. 1965(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“The production of π∘ mesons in proton-proton collisions at 600 MeV”
C.C. (Cyril) Nimmon
K.M. (Keith) PotterPh.D. 1967(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“The use of visual spark chambers in the detection of neutrino interactions and the study of
pion-proton elastic scattering”
E.N. MgbenuPh.D. 1969(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“The development of a wire spark chamber system for studying elastic scattering of high
energy particles”
R.A. (Roland) Rosner Ph.D. 1969(Supervisor B.G. Duff)
“The automatic acquisition and analysis of high energy elastic scattering data”
S.J. (Stuart) SharrockPh.D. 1969(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“A computer controlled Kaon-Proton Scattering Experiment”
T.P. (Terry) Swetman Ph.D. 1969 (Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“High Energy Meson-Proton Elastic Scattering”
A.D. (Alan) SmithPh.D. 1970(Supervisor F.F. Heymann)
“A Magnetostrictive Readout System forWire Spark Chambers and the Elastic Scattering of
Positive Kaons on Protons”
P.C. BarberPh.D. 1970
“The Elastic Scattering of K-mesons on Protons and the Capture of K-mesons by Heavy
L.A. (Laurie) Robbins
T.A. (Tim) Broome Ph.D. 1973
“Pion Proton Elastic differential cross section at pion momenta near 1 GeV/c”
J.K. (John) DaviesPh.D. 1974(Supervisor B.G. Duff)
“An experiment to measure the high energy coherent scattering of protons on helium nuclei”
D.R. (David) Quarrie Ph.D. 1974(Supervisor B.G. Duff)
“Single Particle Spectra in very High Energy Proton-Proton Interactions”
H.H.K. (Connie) Guettler Ph.D. 1976 (Supervisors F.F. Heymann & B.G. Duff)
“The Specta of Single Particles produced with low transverse momena in very high energy
proton proton interactions”
S.M. (Steve) FisherPh.D. 1976(Supervisor D.C. Imrie)
“The elastic and inelastic scattering of 19 GeV/c Protons on Helium Nuclei”
P.C. (Peter) Bruton Ph.D. 1977(Supervisor D.C. Imrie)
“The Coherent Production of N resonances in 19 GeV/c proton - He interactions”
S. (Sheila) Brittain (Kooijman)Ph.D. 1979(Supervisor D.C. Imrie)
“Investigation of Large Momentum Transfer Hadron-Hadron Scattering at High Energy”
R. (Bob) Lowndes 1975-78 (Supervisors B.G. Duff & D.C. Imrie)
J.J.K. (Jacinth) Downes1979-81(Supervisor B.G. Duff)
W.L. (Leslie) Causton Ph.D. 1982 (Supervisors B.G. Duff & D.C. Imrie)
“A study of Large angle Elastic Scattering of Hadrons at High Energies”
M.H. (Martin) PhillipsPh.D. 1982(Supervisor B.G. Duff)
“High Energy Hadron-Proton Elastic Scattering in the Large Momentum Transfer Region”
Z. (Zidan) Asa’dPh.D. 1983(Supervisor D.C. Imrie)
“Large Momentum Transfer Hadron-Proton Elastic Scattering at 50 GeV/c”
P.R. (Peter) HobsonPh.D. 1985(Supervisor D.C. Imrie)
“The Design and Construction of a Holographic Film Measuring Machine for the Heavy-
Liquid Bubble Chamber HOBC and a determination of the cross section for Charm
production by 360 GeV Protons”
O.R. (Rees) Williams Ph.D. 1985 (Supervisor B.G. Duff)
“A study of charmed particle production using holographic bubble chamber technique”
D.G. Davis(Corrections are welcome) 31 May 2005