Joyeuse Saint-Valentin!

A Find in the text the French for the words and phrases below.

really / sweethearts
wishes / girlfriend
postmark / tree
stunned / mail
at my house / twinned
fireworks / postage stamps
from elsewhere / affectionate

B Use the context of the text to work out a translation of the underlined verbs. Then check your answers using a dictionary.

my translation / checked answer
je ne comprends pas
se trouve
se faire photographier

C Answer the following questions in English.

1  Describe Sara’s normal relationship with her brother.

2  What is Sara’s reaction to this latest news about her brother?

3  Why do you think the village of Saint-Valentin hosts these celebrations?

4  Name three things that you can do in Saint-Valentin during the celebrations.

5  Why should you go to the post office during a visit to Saint-Valentin?

6  Is this a popular celebration? How do you know?

D Use words and phrases from this text with others that you have found yourself to create a Saint-Valentin shape poem. Don’t forget to be descriptive!



really vraiment sweethearts (des) amoureux

wishes (des) vœux girlfriend (une) copine

postmark (une) obliteration tree (un) arbre

stunned abasourdi(e) mail (le) courrier

at my house chez moi twinned jumelé(es)

fireworks des feux d’artifice postage stamps (des) timbres

from elsewhere d’ailleurs affectionate affectueux


je ne comprends pas I don’t understand

se trouve is located

se faire photographier to have one’s photo taken

reçoit receives

accueille welcomes


1  She finds him tiresome and annoying, and really selfish. They squabble a lot and she feels that she doesn’t get on well with him.

2  She is stunned that he can be so romantic and doesn’t understand it!

3  Because it shares its name with Saint Valentine, the patron saint of lovers.

4  Any three from:
visit the Jardin des Amoureux
have your photo taken in the Kiosque des Amoureux
tie a ribbon onto the Tree of Wishes
dine and dance in the restaurant
watch a fireworks display
buy souvenirs

5  Because the mail is stamped with a special postmark and there are special stamps.

6  Yes, it is popular. It has happened every year since 1965, and visitors come from all over France and from as far afield as Japan.


Note for the teacher:

A shape poem is a poem laid out in a form that is appropriate to the theme of the poem. There are plenty of examples that can be viewed on the internet. Students do not have to write a traditional rhyming poem. They could even provide a factual piece of text, if they prefer.