Indiana Library Federation
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, September 18, 2014, 2:00 p.m.
Indianapolis, IN
Attendance: Marcia Au, Jim Cline, Kelly Ehinger, Beverly Gard, Amy Harshbarger, Susie Highley,Heather McNabb, Gigi Shook,Ruth Szpunar;Susan Akers (ILF),Laurel Setser (ILHB), Steven Schmidt (ISL).
Phone:Kathy Burnette (part), Kevin Petsche,Terry Rheinheimer
Absent: Renee Wozniak Anderson,LeeAnn Biggs, Robin Crumrin,Karen Evans
President Marcia Au called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm.
Approval of Agenda:by consent.
Approval of Minutes: On a motion by Beverly Gard with a second by Heather McNabb the minutes of July 2014 were approved as written. (all in favor).
Correspondence: Susan Akers reported no correspondence.
ILF Office Reports
- Treasurer’s Report - Amy Harshbarger reviewed the Statement of Activity with budget comparison. The Treasurer’s Report was approved on a motion from Beverly Gard and a second from Kelly Ehinger. (all in favor)
- Director’s Report- Susan Akers provided the board with highlights from the office:
- Insurance Fund: the office corresponded with 171 potential libraries from the original insurance group. 30 responded that they were of that group and refunds, minus fees for the legal work, are being prepared for the libraries which submitted paperwork back to the office. These refunds will be distributed in early October.
- Video to Trustees: President-Elect Beverly Gard prepared a video message to library board trustees across the state about the benefits of joining ILF.
- Conferences: An update on unit and association conferences was given. Registration for annual conference is already above 200.
- Membership: Membership continues to grow. Current personal membership is at 1331 plus trustee members. (AISLE 251, IALA 116, IPLA 964 + ILTA 607)
- New Library Directors: Akers has been touring the state, meeting with new library directors.
- Mentoring Update: We have 14 matches plus five additional people waiting for a match.
Discussion Items
- Logo Design:Akers distributed designs of a new ILF logo. The consensus of the board was to use the more vibrant colors with black on the bottom.
- Divisions:A list of the memberships in the current divisions was distributed. Discussion will continue on the viability of current divisions at the next meeting.
- Director’s Evaluation (Au): The board was reminded to complete the director’s evaluation and return to President Au by Monday, September 22, 2014 at the latest.
Action Items
- ILF Bylaws Section 4: Membership: The ILF office recommended that all membership years be tied to the calendar year. Currently, membership years for all associations and library types begin on January 1 with the exception of AISLE personal members. Because the office is required to hand-change the personal membership records for renewal purposes, messages, and tracking, the recommendation to make all membership years uniform would be more cost-effective. The ILF Executive Committee discussed this issue and makes the recommendation to the full board to change the bylaws for this reason. On a motion by Beverly Gard and second by Kelly Ehinger, the board voted to propose a change to the bylaws for vote by the ILF members in the following manner:
AnnualduesforPersonalmemberships will adhere to a calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31). repayableonJanuary1ofeachyear.AnnualduesforpersonalAISLEmembersarepayableonOctober1ofeachyear.Allotherpersonalmembers willadhere toacalendaryear (Jan.1-Dec.31).Duesreminders willbesent60daysinadvance toallmembers. Personalmembershipswillbeconsideredexpiredifnotpaid within60daysafterthebeginningofthe membershipyear.Alibrary’smembershipdues,as wellasaffiliates,Friends,andorganizationaldueswill continuetobestructuredtothecalendaryear.
The recommendation passed by a five (5) yes to three (3) no vote with two (2) abstentions.
- Awards, Honors & Scholarship Standing Rules: The Committee recommended changes to its standing rules with respect to voting members. The board approved those recommendations unanimously.
- Legislative Advocacy Award: The Legislative Committee recommended awarding the “Legislative Advocacy Award” to Bill Wiebenga. All in favor.
- Legislative Committee Standing Rules: The Legislative Committee recommended changes to its co-chair term. All in favor.
Association Reports
- IPLA- Kelly Ehinger reported that the IPLA board meets next week. The Association is finalizing plans for its fall conference on human resources. At the last meeting, legislative matters were discussed and prioritized. Matters of importance to public libraries this year include broadband capacity funds, alternative sources of revenue, and the use of Rainy Day funds outside of the growth quotient. These were forwarded to the Legislative Committee co-chairs. The IPLA election ballot is also out.
- AISLE- Susie Highley and Gigi Shook: The Association officers have been meeting with new members. The Indiana Chapter was recognized by International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) and they will be highlighted in FOCUS. Committees have been meeting. They are looking forward to the annual conference and Susie reported that she emailed the membership to encourage them to attend.
- IALA–Ruth Szpunar: Many attended an ACRL webinar on September 16. The Association has not met since the last ILF meeting.
- ILTA –Beverly Gard: The Association is still looking for a few good members. The video to trustees has been launched.
ALA Councilor’s Report: no report
Ex-Officio Member Report - Indiana State Library
- Steven Schmidt made the report for the Indiana State Library. State Library Director Jake Speer has begun his tenure at the library. A Northeast consultant has been hired and will be announced on September 22. The communications director position is open. InfoExpress quotes have been solicited and are being received now. Vision Expo will be held on September 27 with an expected attendance of around 3000. October 25 is the Genealogy and Local History Fair.
- Laurel Setser reported that the ILHB reviewed the compliance of public libraries in August. Public library standards committee is still meeting and will hold its last rotating meeting around the state in Jennings County on October 30. A final recommendation is expected to the ILHB by mid-December.
- An article about the BMV overcharging customers and the anticipated reduction in excise taxes to be received by local entities was distributed.
- The Strategic Plan was distributed with progress notes.
- The next board meeting will be held on December 2 at 11:30.
- Leadership Camp will be held on December 3 at the Carmel Clay Library.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm.
Submitted by Kelly Ehinger, Acting Secretary