PRESENT:Cllr P. Davies (Mayor)
“ E.J. Breeze
“ Mrs J. Crisp
“ Mrs C. Edwardes
“ Mrs L. Evans
“ Mrs S. Mills
“ Mrs A. Morgan
“ G. Morgan
“ G. Rowlands
“ Mrs P. Smith
“ J. Whittal Williams
5 members of the public
1 member of the press
Town Clerk
414/01APOLOGIES Apologies were received from CllrsLady Hooson, Mrs M Jones & P. Rees
Declaration of Interest Forms were distributed and filed with the minutes.
Cllr G. Morgan declared an interest in items 7, 12 and 13 which involve PCC as he is a member of PCC and in item 10, Brynposteg Landfill site, as he has a pecuniary interest as he has Chaired liaison meetings on behalf of PCC.
Cllr Mrs S. Mills declared an interest in item 5, renewal of Lease, as she is an employee of the Solicitors consulted regarding the lease.
Cllr Breeze declared in item 13 Planning application P/2016/1204 as his work colleague is the applicant.
Cllr Crisp declared in item 6, Horses in Allt Goch woods, as she is a rider herself and has an interest in local routes and the use thereof.
414/03MINUTES The following minutes were read and confirmed:-
Minutes of Council Meeting held on 28.11.16 Unanimously agreed. True record Cllr Edwardes asked if a letter could be sent to PCC further asking for a response to our agreement to taking over the Church Lane Car Park for a sum of £1,500.
a)Rights of way Improvement Plan - Received
b)List of dates for Council Meetings 2017 - It was agreed to include AGM 12th May, 2017 and Mayoral Sunday 14th May, 2017
414/05TO DISCUSS RENEWAL OF THE LEASE TO MR MARCUS WILLIAMSThe following act was read out and the item taken in committee –
Pursuant to section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during consideration of the following item:- Cllr Mills declared an interest and left the room.
Cllr Davies informed Council that he has spoken to Mr Williams who has agreed that he will pay an increased rent of £1,200 per annum. Clerk explainedthat she has asked 2 other estate agents to give a valuation but for various reasons they are unable to attend. Cllr G Morgan wished it minuted that he is very very unhappy that there has been a shambles made of the previouslease to Mr Williams. It was agreed that the following should be inserted into the Terms of the new lease
- 5 years with an option to renew for further 5 years
- Costs to be paid by Mr Williams.
- Include that the Business rates are down to him and it is then down to him to apply for small business rate relief.
- Rent review after 5 years.
- Business insurance.
- Include in the lease that he can sub let.
The above was unanimously agreed. An appointment will be made for Cllr Davies and Cllr Morgan to speak to Mr Ransford at MJ&J for Thursday 22ndDecember 2.00 pm
414/06TO DISCUSS LETTING OF OFFICES ON THE TOP FLOOR OF THE TOWN HALLThe act as above was read out and the item was taken in committee
An estimate for rental of two rooms on the top floor was received from Morris Marshall and Poole. It was unanimously agreed to accept the recommended rental and let the rooms to FSC inclusive of one parking space. Cllr Davies expressed concern at a Dial a Ride van being parked in the Town Hall Car Park and suggested that it could be moved to an alternative safe area.
414/07TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON PLANS TO LOBBY PCC RE DAY CENTRE SERVICES Cllr Davies explained that a press release had come out today, stating that there is a recommendation to PCC Cabinet to accept Option 3, which would give an18 month reprieve for the Day Centre until an alternative group is found to run the centre. Cllr Davies stressed the importance of lobbying Cabinet on 20th December at Llandrindod and explained that the meeting is being held at 9.30 am. Coaches will leave from Caersws, Llandinam, Trefeglwys and the Town Hall. There will be a £5 charge for the bus which will cover the diesel and any profits will then go towards the “Save the Day Centre” fund. County Councillors Gareth Morgan and Graham Jones will be seeking leave to address the Cabinet.
414/08TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON BIOMASS BOILER SYSTEM AND TO LOOK AT QUOTATIONS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT No quotations have arrived as yet. Cllr Davies explained that the Hopper is not connected as yet but One boiler is working and is heating the Two units at the rear of the Town Hall. It is hoped that the big hopper will be connected before Christmas.
414/09TO DISCUSS LETTER RECEIVED FROM RESIDENT RE HORSES IN ALLT GOCH WOODS Cllr Crisp declared an interest and left the room. Cllr Davies explained that he and Cllr Crisp had a site meeting earlier in the day and Cllr Davies is under the impression that Council should look into opening the woods for the use of Horses. Cllr Whittal Williams expressed concern regarding exiting onto the Van road. Cllr G Morgan thought it would be a good idea if Council met on site with Rights of Way officer and Glyndwrs way officer. Cllr Edwards asked if more historical research could be done on previous rules made by this Council. Cllr Davies will speak to Mr Price regarding the hedge which requires cutting back.
414/10TODISCUSSBRYNPOSTEG LANDFILL SITE FURTHER TO A MEETING HELD ON FRIDAY 9th DECEMBER 2016 Cllr Morgan gave a brief update and explained that NRW gave the contractors a plan and conditions that had to be complied with – these are underway. The contractors have now employed a consultant who is very experienced but we should be under no illusions that the problem is over. They are now having more meetings than they have ever had, the next meeting will be held on 10th February. There will be a Drop in meeting at Chatwood on 20thJanuary which will be more extensively advertised. Monitors have been given out to residents around the area so that more accurate monitoring can take place. Cllr Smith explained that she had also attended the meeting and that there has been no investment for many years on the site until now. She explained that discussion took place at the meeting on the secretariat job for the meetings and she is of the understanding that NRW or PCC should carry out this job. Cllr Morgan had initially suggested that the County Council should provide the secretariat but they had made it clear that they did not have the resources and that NRW had suggested that Town Council should provide someone to carry out this work. Cllr Morgan was in agreement that the Town Council should provide the secretariat services.Cllr Davies thought that as a Town Council we should take on this job as we would then have the management of it. Clerk explained that she did not wish to take on the job as she did not have the time in her contracted day to do so but did not wish to discuss her contract in an open meeting. Cllr Davies thought that more research should be done on the secretariatpost and that there could be money available to pay someone to do the job. Whoever takes on the work would invoice Potters directly. Cllr Davies explained that he has recently had lots of flack on social media and if Town Council took it over, along with Llani Without, then they would be able to set the Agendas and invite anyone with concerns. A vote to look into Secretariat was taken, this was unanimously agreed.
414/11TO RECEIVE UPDATE ON CHARITY CONCERT HELD ON 08.12.16 The Mayor congratulated all those involved with organising the Concert. It was agreed that the Concert was a good showcase of local talent, although not well attended. More than £350 profithas been raised and will be shared between Dial a Ride, Crocodocodile and the High School.
414/12TO RECEIVE LETTER FROM PCC ON PRECEPT 2017/18 AND TO DISCUSS UPDATED PRECEPT 2017/18 REQUEST It was agreed that the draft precept (attached) is not far away from the final draft now that figures from PCC have been received. It was unanimously agreed that the next Council meeting should be moved to 16th January 2017 so that the final Precept can be agreed upon.
P/2016/1131 Demolition of 4 apartments and erection of 4 replacement apartments and associated works at 11, 12, 13 & 14 Gwaelod Y Bryn Llanidloes Powys No Objection
P/2016/1181 Installation of solar panels on garage roof at Garage at rear of Coach & Horses 12 Smithfield Street, Llanidloes, Powys - Full support
P/2016/1216 Change of use from hotel and restaurant to private residents (retrospective) The Lloyds Hotel Cambrian Place Llanidloes Powys – No Objection
P/2016/1204 Erection of a dwellinghouse and detached garage together with new access at Land at Parc Derwen Fawr Llanidloes Powys - No Objection
Cllr Davies agreed to sort out a lead for the projector so that the plans can be looked at on the drop down screen
Chq No
100468Powys Safety Solutions 240.00
100469Matthew Thomas 750.00
100470NWN Media 230.40
100471Mid Wales Welding 540.00
100472Petty Cash 78.92
100473PC-Q 36.74
100474The Poppy Appeal 15.00
100475Simon Edmunds 3,034.59
100476B.T. 224.46
100477Agri Power 148.38
100478Border Janitorial Supplies 74.93
100479PCC (Pension) 517.36
100480Inland Revenue 793.20
100481Petty Cash 76.93
Total £ 6,760.91
Cllr Davies suggested that a column for “Actions” should be inserted into the minutes. Councillors were in agreement
Clerk explained that the OMH had been hit again and photos have been taken and passed on to PCC and to the Police. Cllr G. Morgan thanked the Clerk for her swift action in the matter.
Cllr Whittal Williams had noticed an article in the County Times stating that a prohibition notice had been put up in another town. Councillors agreed to look for the information
It was noted that John Griffiths funeral will take place on Wednesday 14th December and anyone wishing to attend with Council will meet outside the Trinity Church at 1.15 pm
Cllr Davies wished to explore the possibilities of updating the Llani web page – Clerk explained that Mike Slater runs the site and invoices accordingly. Cllr Davies thought it a good idea if a meeting with Mr Slater is set up in the new year
414/16THE NEXT MEETING WILL TAKE PLACE ON 16th January, 2017
Meeting closed at 9.10 pm