STA-21/NSI Welcome Aboard

From: NSI Class Officer

To: NSI Officer Candidates

1. Welcome to NSI and congratulations!

Below you will find some notes to help you until we meet Monday morning. If you have any emergencies prior to pick-up, contact the OTCN Command Duty Officer (401-862-4321). The CDO is located on the first deck of Nimitz Hall, behind the quarterdeck.

·  When reporting to OTCN you will report to the King Hall Quarterdeck located at 291 Kollmeyer Street on Naval Station Newport. If you desire to report earlier than your “Report No Earlier Date” on your orders please contact me at the address below in order to make arrangements.

·  Your first military obligation will be to muster on the 2nd Deck of King Hall on Monday morning, at 0700 for introductory briefs. Prior to muster on Monday, please have morning chow on your own at the NS Newport Galley located directly west of King Hall.

·  The room you are assigned will likely be the one you will live in until you graduate. Note any discrepancies and we will collect them later in the week. However, there may be some room changes for personnel reasons and these changes will take place by Tuesday evening.

·  In addition to the Galley, Newport Naval Station has a Gym, Commissary, Post Office, NEX, Navy Federal, etc. Additionally there are various stores and restaurants located just outside Gate 1. Please ensure that you have everything you need to train prior to Tuesday morning. Once the course starts, you will not have regular access to shopping, your car until directed by your class team, per the liberty SOP.

·  Please ensure you have your medical, dental, and service related records with you for processing at that time. Your original orders will be stamped by King Hall Quarterdeck or by Student Control Admin.

·  There is a chapel within walking distance (1/4 mile to the south) of King Hall for those who wish to attend Sunday services.

·  PLEASE REMEMBER who you are, what you represent, and why you are here. Be polite to military and civilian personnel on base and observe common courtesy at all times. Liberty incidents or disciplinary infractions are not tolerated and subject you to disenrollment from the STA-21 program. Please become familiar with the Student Regulations Manual.

·  In case of fire, quickly exit the building via the center ladder well or the end ladder wells and form up on the grass across the street from the quarterdeck of this building and get a head count. Stand by for further word from the Command Duty Officer.

Again, congratulations on your acceptance to the program and I look forward to meeting and working with you over the next eight weeks. If you have any questions prior to arrival please first ensure you have thoroughly read the website, and if anything additional is needed you may contact the CDO.