Fauquier County EMS Committee Agenda

EMS Committee Meeting held October 14, 2014 at 1900 hours

1. Natasha Randall DFREM
2. Jim Kudla co 11
3.Shawn Wilberger 14
4. Esther Mullins 13
5. John Gouldthorpe 13
6. Melissa Mainville Little Fork
7. Doug Monaco Little Fork
8. Paul Komar , Castleton, co. 5
9. Sharon Komar Castleton Co 5
10. Matthew Shields DFREM
11. Kurt Kight DFFREM
12. Amanda Martin 9
13. Bryan Putman co. 8
14. Daniel Abeel #4
15. Samuel Jones NBVFRC
16. Colleen McElhinney 14
17. Joe Williams 14
18. Greg Gardner Co. 19
19. Dr. Jenks OMD
20. Jason Pickett Amissville

  • Protocols- BC Randall
  • Time Line
  • See attached.
  • Turn on date is projected for Jan 2, 2015
  • Training update- Lt. Shields
  • The online portion of the training can be found at then create account. Choose courses under course catalog and enroll accordingly. When ready to begin the courses click “view course.”
  • Providers will need to bring the “invitations” given at the end of the courses to their training.
  • There are training boxes available from the training center for the department sessions.
  • There are a few items that departments will need to purchase for training. A list will be provided to the T-t-T people.
  • Grants-
  • No update available.
  • A question was raised about the funding for the grant writing company. As of this time there has been no approval of funds or presentation made.
  • Samuel Jones will represent Central Bat, James Kudla Northern, and Joe Williams Southern. Doug Monaco Culpeper, Jason Pickett Rapahannock
  • OMD- Dr. Jenks
  • Fauquier Hospital is preparing for any possible Ebola Virus Disease patients.
  • Any potential patients will be met at the ambulance doors by staff that will be properly prepared while the EMS staff on the call will go immediately to the decontamination room.
  • Old Business
  • Bariatric protocol
  • Colleen McElhinney did research in to bariatric transports but has not been able to secure solid information as of this time.
  • Chief Joe Williams suggested locating another jurisdiction’s protocol for guidance and then secure resources.
  • ALS/BLS Trainer kit equipment and cost
  • Detailed lists with links and prices were provided to the members present at the meeting. Companies have the option to sign out training boxes from the training department instead of ordering their own supplies.
  • New Business/Round Table
  • Ebola Virus Disease update
  • Dispatch will be performing call screening and will ask specific questions based on known risk factors recommended by the CDC. Responders will be notified if risk factors are present.
  • PPE: use masks, eye protection, gloves, gowns and shoe coverings.
  • Virex is approved to decontaminate equipment.
  • Response Plan was handed to members present.
  • Training
  • Powerpoint discussing basic precaution and the response plan will be available October 15, 2014 on the web site.
  • Fit testing
  • OSHA requires that N95 masks require fit testing. Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
  • Bryan Putnam motioned that we approve the $2,800 purchase of required PPE equipment. Greg Gardner seconded the motion and the motion passed. This is to get everyone initially outfitted, any follow up purchases will be done by the departments.
  • Exposure documentation Image Trend
  • Exposure documentation is no longer defaulted to Not Applicable in the report. Providers can manually enter not applicable as applicable.
  • If a provider is calling in to the hospital with a suspected Ebola Virus Disease patient please say during the patient report “Precautions indicated due to amended protocols.”
  • REMS QA/QI information for this past period includes financial information. Chief Williams expressed concern over providing this information.
  • Sam Jones inquired about having a program to follow up on patients if a provider is interested in the information. Dr. Jenks stated he would have to discuss this idea with the hospital’s Risk Management department.

Amanda Martin


EMS Committee

Projected EMS Protocol Implementation Timeline

  • Introduction at EMS Committee 10/14
  • Advertise online starting Oct 20
  • T-t-T Nov 10 and 13
  • Skills sessions can begin after Nov 14 through Dec 31
  • Order knox box locks and keys starting Oct 30
  • Order BLS Drug boxes Nov 3
  • Purchase start up drug inventory Dec 1-5
  • Change out day is Jan 2 0600-1800
  • Turn on new protocols at 1800 Jan 2, 2015