Rameen Mohammadi

Associate Provost

Associate Professor of Computer Science

703 Culkin
State University of New York
Oswego, NY13126


  • Ph.D. - Computer Science (Completed Course Work), BinghamtonUniversity, Binghamton, NY.
  • MS - Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (1987)
  • BS - Computer Science and Mathematics, FraminghamState College, Framingham, MA (1981)


  • Associate Provost, State University of New York, Oswego, NY (2009 - present)
  • Acting Associate Provost, State University of New York, Oswego, NY (2007 - 2009) Responsible for Undergraduate and Special Programs. Direct reports: Registrar, Honors Director, General Education Director, Experience Based Education Director, 1st-year Program Coordinator, Transfer Program Coordinator, Artswego Director. Responsible for the Oswego Reading Initiative, College Hour, New Faculty Orientation, and SUNY System liaison on new programs and program assessment.
  • Associate Professor and Chairman, Computer Science, State University of New York, Oswego, NY (1998 - 2006)
  • Interim Chairman, Computer Science, StateUniversity of New York, Oswego, NY (1997 - 1998)
  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science, StateUniversity of New York, Oswego, NY (1985 - 1997)
  • Instructor, Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (1984 - 1985)
  • Teaching Assistant, Computer Science, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA (1982 - 1984)
  • Programmer/User Consultant, ComputerCenter, Framingham State College, Framingham, MA (1981 - 1982)


  • Tools for Computing Laboratory Modules with Office2007 and OU Educate, 8th Edition (ISBN 10: 0-555-05013-0), Pearson, 2000-2008.
  • Tools for Computing Laboratory Modules, Addison-Wesley, 1999.


  • “Growing Comprehensive Professional Development: Creating Synergy Through Collaboration” with Susan Coultrap-McQuin, Jack Gelfand, David Clendinning, Greg Ketcham, and Mark Morey, Conference on Advancing Excellence in SUNY, March 2008.
  • ``Report on Hybrid Pilot’’ with G. Ketcham, G., M. Burrell, and K. Dutton. CIT Conference, May 2007.
  • ``A model for institutionalizing Hybrid Instructional modes from the ground up’’ with G. Ketcham, G. Auleta, M. Burrell, K. Dutton, L. Karns, and Z. Peng. ALN Conference, November 2006.[Refereed]
  • ``Object Orientation in CS1/CS2 with Java'' with Doug Lea and Craig Graci, CSICC'97, December 1997.[Refereed]
  • ``Java in the Classroom'' with Doug Lea and Craig Graci, Dr. Dobb's Journal, September 1997.


  • `` Computer Science/Math Scholarship Program", CSEMS. Grant with Jack Narayan (Co-PI), Margaret Groman (Co-Pi), Rolando Arroyo Sucre (Co-Pi), Rhonda Mandel (Co-Pi). $396,000, 2004-2008.
  • ``Conference on Hybrid Courses’’, COCID grant. With David Bozak. $6725. March 2006.
  • Book-consultation, Prentice Hall Donation. $5,814, summer 2002.
  • `` Computer Science/Math Scholarship Program", CSEMS. Grant with Jack Narayan (PI), Margaret Groman (Co-Pi), Rolando Arroyo Sucre (Co-Pi), Rhonda Mandel (Co-Pi). $260,000, 2001-2003.
  • `` Collaborative Project Laboratory''. SCAP. Funded $7,500, spring 1999.
  • `` Science of the Internet''. Curriculum Development Grant. CO-PI Sunil Labroo. Funded $3,310. Spring 1998.
  • ``Proposal for the Development of a General Education Intellectual Issues Course Entitled, Science of the Internet''. Undergraduate Faculty Enhancement. CO-PI Sunil Labroo. Funded $1,700. Fall 1997.
  • ``Firewall Simulation + Web-Based Concurrent Programming Course'', two project funded by SUN Micro Systems. CO-PI Doug Lea. Funded $30,000. Spring 1997.
  • ``Development of Structured Labs''. Curriculum Development Grant. Funded $2,000. Summer 1992.


  • Member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, 2008- Present.
  • “Silver Excellence in Sponsored Research Recognition Award”, ORSP, spring 2006.
  • “Most Outstanding Advisor”, the Campus Life/LEAD Center, 1996.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for Continuous Dedication and Service to the ALANA Community'”, fall 1994.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Professional Member since 1986

Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (CCSC), Member since 2006

New York State Transfer and Articulation Association (NYSTAA), Member since 2007


  • "Angel Pilot Panel Discussion", SLN MID Conference, March 2007, andQUEST'2007, April 2007.
  • “SLN RoundTable discussion for new Fall 2006 faculty”, SUNY Training Center, August 2006.
  • “Hybrid Pilot Project at Oswego”, COCID on Hybrid Instruction, Oswego March 2006.
  • “ISC329 as a Blended Course”, Best-Practice Workshop on CourseSpace, May 2005, April 2006, and May 2006.
  • ``Panel Discussion’’, Northeast regional PI Workshop, FairleighDickinsonUniversity, September 2004.
  • ``Banner Training Workshop on PCs'' with Mike Pisa and Marry Gosek, Winter Breakout Workshop, SUNY Oswego, January 2000.
  • ``Banner Training Workshop on Macs'' with Mike Pisa and Marry Gosek, Winter Breakout Workshop, SUNY Oswego, January 2000.
  • ``Panel Presentation--Transfer Council'' with Douglas Deal, Robin Mcaleese, Marilyn Seago, Howard Gordon, and Rhonda Mandel NYSTA'99, June 1999.
  • ``Workshop--Designing GUI Interfaces with Java Swing'', CSICC'98, January 1999.
  • ``Banner Training Workshop'' with Mike Pisa and Marry Gosek, Winter Breakout Workshop, SUNY Oswego, January 1999.
  • ``Transfer Credit Articulation Project'', Transfers in Transition, SUNY Oswego, October 1999.
  • ``Progress Report on Automation of Transfer Credit Evaluation Project'', Transfer and Transition: Oswego and You, September 1997.
  • Moderator, ``Web Site Development'', Transfer and Transition: Oswego and You, September 1997.
  • ``Banner Training Guide'', Training Program for Faculty and Staff, SUNY Oswego, spring 1997.
  • ``Banner'', Workshop for Advisement Coordinators, SUNY Oswego, September 1996.
  • ``Automation of Transfer Credit Evaluation'', Transfer Workshop, Sponsored by School of Business, SUNY Oswego, September 1996.
  • ``Automation of Transfer Credit Evaluation'', Transfer Workshop, September 1996.
  • ``Degree Audit at SUNY Oswego'',MohawkValleyCommunity College, July 1995.
  • ``Degree Audit at SUNY Oswego'', FUG conference, November 1994.
  • ``Degree Audit/Progress Reports'', SUNY at Oswego, January 1994.
  • ``C++ Programming Examples'', Eastern SmallCollege Computing Conference, November 1993.
  • ``OOA and OOD in Ada'', SUNY at Oswego, OOSE (a short course for software professionals), June 1991.
  • ``Test Case Generation via Predicate Dragging'', BinghamtonUniversity, April 1991.
  • ``Using LDM in Program Specification'', BinghamtonUniversity, December 1990.
  • ``Use of Structured Labs in the Introductory Computer Science Sequence'', Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, School of Engineering Colloquium, November 1990.
  • ``Development Techniques for Structured Labs'', Univ. of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Graduate Seminar, November 1990.
  • ``Introduction to CANDE'', SUNY at Oswego, Workshop, 1988, 1987, 1986.
  • ``Introduction to UNIX'', SUNY at Oswego, Workshop, 1987.
  • ``Design of a Form Oriented Database Interface for Relational Databases'', Worcester Polytech. Inst., Graduate Seminar, 1985.


  • Co-Chair, Poster Session, CSCSCNE'2008 @ SUNY Plattsburg, April 2009;Wagner College, April 2008;CSCSCNE'2007 @ RIT, April 2007.
  • Attendee, SUNY Leadership Conference, January 2008.
  • Attendee, Middle State Conference, December 2007 and December 2008.
  • Attendee, JohnsonSchool Leadership Program, June 2007.
  • AP Computer Science Reader June 2007; June 2008; June 2009.
  • Program Committee Member, COCID Conference on Hybrid Instruction, March 2006.
  • Participant, PKAL Raleigh Planning Facilities workshop, March 2006.
  • Program Review, Computer Science Department, JeffersonCommunity College, spring 2000, 2005.
  • AP Computer Science Prospective Reader since November 2004.
  • Program Committee Member, Northeast Regional CSEM PI Workshop, FairleighDickinsonUniversity, September 2004.
  • “NSF-CSEM Panel Meeting”, CSEM Grant Proposal reviewer. March 2004.
  • Participant, ``Design Fest’’, OOPSLA’2003, Anaheim, CA.
  • Coordinators, ACM Regional Programming Contest, fall 2008, fall 2007, fall 2006, fall 2005, fall 2004, fall 2002, fall 2001, fall 1999, fall 1997, fall 1996, and fall 1992.
  • ``Session Chair--Database Design'', CSICC'98, January 1999.
  • Registered Consultant, SUN Micro Systems, (May 1996 - Present)
  • Database Consultant, Administrative Computing (June 1992 - Present).
  • Systems Analyst, OLS (August 1991 - May 1994).
  • Member, Association of Computing Machinery.
  • Member, IEEE Computer Society.
  • Reviewer, Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  • Reviewer, West Publishing.
  • Reviewer, OxfordUniversity Press.
  • Software Consultant, various regional businesses.


  • CSC212 - Principles of Computing
  • CSC241 - Abstract Data Types and Programming Methodology
  • CSC365 - Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC380 - Software Engineering


  • Computing Tools (small section, large section, and online)
  • Principles of Computing
  • FORTRAN as a Second Programming Language
  • Assembly Language Programming Using 360/370 Assembler
  • Computer Organization
  • Introduction To Business Programming In Cobol
  • Advanced Business Programming
  • Data Structures
  • Advanced Data Structures and File Structures
  • Database Design
  • Database Systems for Business (online, hybrid, and web-enhanced)
  • System Simulation
  • Software Engineering
  • Software Design
  • X Window Application Programming (Independent Study)
  • Configuration Management (Independent Study)


  • “CSEMS PI Workshop”, member of the Steering Committee, FairleighDickinsonUniversity. September 2004.
  • “NSF-CSEM Panel Meeting”, CSEM Grant Proposal reviewer. March 2004.
  • ``NSF-CSEM PI Meeting’’, WashingtonD.C., September 2003.
  • OOPSLA’2004, Anaheim, CA.
  • “Workshop #1- Essentials of Online Course Development and Pedagogy”, SUNY Learning Network, Spring 2003.
  • “Workshop #2 - Instructional Design Intensive”, SUNY Learning Network, Summer 2003.
  • “Workshop #3 - Effective Online Course Management”, SUNY Learning Network, Summer 2003.
  • ``Object Oriented Programming in the Real World'', SUNY at Oswego, Spring 1993.
  • ``Workshop on Oracle DBMS'', SUNY Training Center, spring 1992.
  • ``Workshop on Oracle'', SUNY Training Center, spring 1992.
  • ``Workshop on Relational Databases'', SUNY Training Center, spring 1992.
  • ``Software Engineering Analysis'', SUNY at Binghamton, fall 1991.
  • ``Software Engineering'', SUNY at Binghamton, Spring 1991.
  • ``Implementation of PROLOG'', SUNY at Binghamton, fall 1990.
  • ``Programming in Lisp and PROLOG'', SUNY at Binghamton, Spring 1990.
  • ``Finite Automaton Theory'', SUNY at Binghamton, spring 1990.
  • ``Software Engineering Seminar Series'', SyracuseUniv., 1990 - 1991.
  • ``Multicultural Workshop'', SUNY at Oswego, August 1990.
  • ``Object Oriented Programming in C++'', SyracuseUniv., July 1990.
  • ``Software Reuse Workshop'', SyracuseUniv., January 1990.
  • ``Algorithm Design and Analysis'', Worcester Polytech. Inst., summer 1987.


  • Member, Student Outcome Assessment Committee 2004-2007.
  • Chairman, 1997 - 2007.
  • 1st-Year Advisor 2000-2007.
  • Chair, Computer Science Search Committees, 2001-2007.
  • Chair, Information Science Search Committees, 1998-1999.
  • Coordinator, Tools for Computing Laboratory Component, 1998-1999.
  • Member, Advisement Committee, 1995 - 1997.
  • Member, Budget Committee, 1995 - 1997.
  • Member, Search Committee, Tenure-Track position in Computer Science, 1997.
  • Member, Personnel Committee, 1989 - 1991, 1992 - 1995.
  • Chair, Curriculum Committee, 1986 - 1995.
  • Alternate, Faculty Assembly, 1992 - 1996.
  • Coordinator, SUNY Oswego's high school Programming Contest, spring 1993.
  • Advisor, Computer Science Association, 1997-Present, 1992-1993.
  • Chair, Assessment Committee, 1989 - 1990.
  • Chair, Operations Committee, 1985 - 1987, 1990 - 1992.
  • Minor Advisor, Computer Information Systems, 1990 - Present.
  • Member, Advisement Committee, 1987 - 1989.
  • Member, Budget Committee, 1985 - 1987.
  • Coordinator, CSC 212, 1987-1991.
  • Member, Ad hoc Committee on Classroom Evaluation Instrument, 1985.


  • Foundations of Excellence 1st-year and Transfer Self-Study. 2009-Present.
  • Chair, Admission to Major Task force. 2009–Present.
  • Member, Enrollment Management. 2009–Present.
  • Member, Retention Committee. 2009-Present.
  • Member, Pre-req committee. 2007-Present.
  • Ex-Officio, Academic Policies Council. 2007-Present.
  • Ex-Officio, General Education Council. 2007-Present.
  • Member, Student Concern Committee, 2007-Present.
  • Member, Leadership Committee, 2007-2009.
  • Member, Orientation Implementation Committee, 2007-2009.
  • Member, Student Affair’s Retention Committee, and subcommittee on College Withdrawal, 2007-Present.
  • Chair, Chairs and Directors Workshop Planning Committee, January 2008.
  • Strategic Planning Committee Summer 2006-2007.
  • Member, HCI Program Committee, 2000-2007.
  • Member, Faculty Assembly, 2004-2007.
  • Member Outreach Council, 2004-2007.
  • Member, Information Technology Council, 2004-2007.
  • Member, Science Planning Board 2000-2007.
  • Member, Science Facilities subcommittee, 2003-2007.
  • Chairman, Hybrid Course Pilot Project Oversight Committee, 2005-2007.
  • Member, Hybrid Course Committee, 2004-2005.
  • Chairman, Board of General Education, 2001-2003.
  • Member, Board of General Education, 2000-2003.
  • Member, CTO Search Committee, 2001.
  • Member, Web Registration Committee, 1999-2000.
  • Member, MBA Advisory Board, 1998-2005.
  • Member, A&S Subcommittee on Adjuncts, 2000.
  • Member, Transfer Coordinator Search Committee, 2000.
  • Member, Web Registration Committee, 1999-2000.
  • Member, Assistant Network Administrator Search Committee, 1999.
  • Instructor, Tae Kwon Do club, 1995 - Present.
  • Senior Programmer Analyst, Administrative Computing, 1992 - Present.
  • Member, International Students Advisory Council, 1997 - Present.
  • Member, Transfer Advisory Council, 1995 - Present.
  • Member, Touch-tone Registration Committee--Policies and Procedures, 1995 - Present.
  • Member, Touch-tone Registration Committee--Implementation, 1995 - Present.
  • Member, The Campus Committee on Human Diversity, 1994 - Present.
  • Member, President's Committee on Diversity, 1992 - Present.
  • Advisor, Asian Student Association, 1990 - Present.
  • Computer Consultant, Office of Learning Support Services, 1991 - 1994.
  • Advisor, Freshman/Transfer Orientation, 1992 - 1995.
  • Participant, Faculty Calling Program, 1986 - Present.
  • Founder and Chair, Multicultural Association, 1990 - 1991.
  • Member, OLS Advisory Council, 1990 - 1993.
  • Speaker, Residential Life Program. Spring 1989.


  • Home Address: 145 Barker RD, Oswego, NY13126
  • Telephone: (315) 564-5911 (Home), (315) 312-2232 (Work)
  • Fax: (315) 312-5183
  • Email:
  • Web:
  • Birth Date: October 19, 1960
  • Citizenship: U.S.A.