Agenda Scavenger Hunt

1. On what page will you find Study Skills posted?

2. On what page will you find the essential features of a piece of writing? List them.

3. Record the topics presented on all pages in the Resource Section. (Hint: some pages have more than one topic.)

5. What code would you use on your hallway passport if you needed to go to the nurse? the library?

6. What are the lyrics to the Matador Fight Song?

7. There are 4 pages marked Hallway Passport. Write your name, (first and last), and your grade at the top of each page.

8. Being a student at an IB MYP school, how many hours of Community Service are students expected to complete throughout the school year?

9. Notes must be received by the attendance specialist within ____ days of the absence or tardy. After ____ days, the absence or tardy will remain unexcused.

10. List at least three examples given for both excused and unexcused absences.

11. What steps must you follow when arriving late or returning from an absence?

12. What are the consequences that can be assigned for excessive tardies and how many tardies do they each excuse?

13. How can you access your textbooks online?

14. Cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off and “out of sight” between what hours?

15. What are the behavior expectations in the cafeteria?

16. Write the first sentence of the Matador Honor Code.

17. Where can students find homework assignments if they are absent or forget to record it in their agenda?

18. What is bullying?

19. What is sexual harassment?

20. Who investigates complaints of bullying or sexual harassment?

21. List 5 things that cannot be worn to school.

22. If your cell phone is confiscated, how and when can you get it back? How much will it cost you?

23. What 2 websites are important to know?

24. List the ten IB Learner Profiles. Which one do you best identify with?

25. List the dates of all the “B” days in March.

26. If you are afraid of fish, what phobia do you have?

27. What is the area of the United States in square kilometers?

28. What is the population of Canada? Write the number in word format.

29. How many bones are you born with?

30. What do humans and giraffes have in common?

31. What is the elemental symbol for Iridium?

32. What types of elements are colored pink on the Periodic Table of Elements?

33. How many phases does the moon go through? List them.

34. Which planet, or star, in our solar system has the largest diameter in kilometers?

35.How many sides does a decagon have?

36. What is the angle measure of a right angle? a supplementary angle? an obtuse angle?

37. When do you use a semicolon?

38. What is cyberbullying?

39. What is SQ4R?

40. Who was the 21st President of the United States and what years did he occupy the Oval Office?

41. Name the three branches of the U.S. government.

42. Who was Prime Minister of Canada in the year you were born? Who was President?

43. How many pounds are in a ton? How many ounces are in a ton?

44. If you get lost, where can you find a map of our campus?

45. What does TRAC stand for?

46. On what pages will you find the monthly calendars? the weekly calendars?

47. What are four features found on both calendars?

48. Find the word Habits and record what they say about it here.

49. What four categories are the “Offbeat Oddities” divided into?

50. Finally, looking at the school academic calendar on page 10, go through your agenda and record the following:

1.  All school holidays. Be sure to mark the first day back to school after winter break and the last day of school at the end of the year.

2.  Mark all “A” days and all “B” days in the square that says DAY after each day of the week on the weekly calendars.