The Newsletter of EUROCARERS
Issue no. 5 – July 2012
Dear readers,
Here we are with the fifth issue – the second in 2012 – of EuCaNews, the Newsletter of EUROCARERS (or EuCa), the European Association Working for Carers! In this issue you will find the periodical updates from the Executive Committee in the form of a summary of the main decisions taken during its last teleconference on 14 June, and those prepared by Christine Marking on recent EU policy developments. This time, the section dedicated to the contributions coming from our members is opened by a contribution from the Netherlands, with Anita Peters reporting on community care and the partnership between professional and informal carers in the Dutch context. This is followed by an update on recent events in Ireland, while Henk Bakkerode provides the text of a Policy letter on informal and family care recently sent to the Dutch Parliament. The newsletter closes with the presentation of the Dr. Rana International Parkinson's Community Service Award Winners.
As usual, your feedback, comments and ideas for the Newsletter are important to help us understand how it can be improved. We would be pleased to include any contributions relating to your own organisation, experiences or relevant events which you would like to disseminate to a larger audience interested in caregiving issues in Europe. So please do not hesitate to email them to us: we will use them in future editions of the Newsletter.
Enjoy reading and take care
Giovanni Lamura Hilary Arksey
(INRCA, Italy (freelance consultant;
e-mail: ) e-mail: )
Contents / PageNews from the Executive Committee / 2
Policy developments at EU-level, by Christine Marking / 5
Contributions from our members / 8
Community based care: partnership between paid carers and informal carers in the Netherlands, by Anita Peters / 8
Recent events in Ireland / 12
Policy Letter on Informal and Family Care to the Dutch Parliament, by Henk Bakkerode / 14
Dr. Rana International Parkinson's Community Service Award Winners / 16
News from the Executive Committee
In this section of the Newsletter, we report the core issues discussed during the teleconferences that take place periodically between the members of the Eurocarers Executive Committee, namely: Robert Anderson (President), Hanneli Döhner (Treasurer), Frank Goodwin (Secretary), Giovanni Lamura (Vice President Research), Stanislav Trnovec (Vice President Carers Associations), Licia Boccaletti and Åke Fagerberg (N.B.: in addition, the Executive is supported by two advisers, Christine Marking and Marja Pijl). Below, are brief summaries of the main items discussed during the Executive’s last teleconference.
Teleconference on 14 June 2012
During the last teleconference of Eurocarers’ Executive Committee, the following items were discussed:
1. Financial issues:
a. Accounts management: the Secretary is in discussion with The Carers Association Ireland with a view to their providing account management support for Eurocarers. This possibility looks very positive and should have confirmation in the next week or two.
b. Accounts audit: Frank noted that the Company Registration Office in Luxembourg does not require audited accounts. Neither does the EU in relation to projects we are/will be involved; however, they can ask for audited accounts if they choose to do so. It is therefore good practice to have the accounts audited. Giovanni noted that this may also be helpful in the fund-raising activities. It was agreed that we should have the accounts audited, as soon as funds permit.
2. Fundraising update:
a. Meeting with companies: Áke is in Stockholm today (N.B.: 14th June) meeting representatives of several private sector companies; he will send a brief to the Executive Board arising from these meetings.
b. Core funding for Eurocarers: Giovanni commented that we are getting more information now on how best to apply for projects arising from our involvement in INNOVAGE. Information was sought from Age, our official project contact person and others. Age receive core grant funds, i.e. funds from the EU which are not tied into specific projects but are intended to assist in the development of the organisation concerned, as an EU wide organisation with a wide membership. Following some discussion, Giovanni expressed the view that our membership has now grown and we are more established in the EU consciousness, so we should apply for these core EU-funds. Hanneli spoke to an official from the Commission when she was in Vienna recently at a conference, so suggests inviting some key officials to the Grundtvig conference on the 26th June (see point 3d below); she will follow up with the person with whom she is already in contact. It was agreed that Christine will explore further the present position and options, and Frank will assist her in seeking a meeting with an official who was most helpful previously.
3. EU matters
a. Interest Group: Christine noted the next Interest Group meeting will most likely be in the week of 8th October. This date is important as we plan to have a General Meeting of members at the same time. Christine suggested suitable topics as: “Employment Package”, “Home Help Services” or “Long-term care paper”.
b. Social Platform: Frank proposed that we join the Platform. Some discussion took place, including reflection on the best form of membership, fees and a potential “get-to-know-you“period. They are a very active organisation and we will have to be clear about what our role with the platform might be. All agreed that we should apply to join as Associated Members and that Frank should start this process straight away.
c. COFACE campaign towards 2014 as the European Year for Reconciling Work and Family Life: Following discussion, it was agreed that Eurocarers will formally support this campaign. Frank will write to COFACE confirming this. Robert noted that the new Director is keen to involve carers and has a focus on policy.
d. Grundtvig Project “Carers Self Assessment Tool Project “: The launch of the outcome by Marian Harkin will be on 26th June, during the Conference that Marian Harkin agreed to host on “Reconciling Work and Care” responsibilities. Robert is a speaker at this event and Frank is chairing a session. Christine will also attend, while Áke is sending to Eurocarers two stands and a supply of brochures and Factsheet for the event through Marian Harkin’s office.
e. Chronic Disease project: The Commission will have concrete proposals by the end of the year;
f. DG Employment & DG Sanco: There is a call by way of Consultation on Personal Services, as part of the Employment Package. Christine plans to have a draft paper ready next week, which will be circulated to Executive.
4. Research
a. Overview of projects: Giovanni thanked Hanneli for her work to bring the information concerning all different projects into one single overview;
b. INNOVAGE: Giovanni noted that, within this new project, which will include Eurocarers in a WP focussed on ICT-based services for informal carers, we now have more clarity about the cost profile. The project is scheduled to start towards the end of this year and it is good that we have involved Elizabeth Hanson (from the Swedish Family Care Competence Centre) to complement the scientific input from Hanneli and Giovanni (integrated by Frank for the administrative issues).
c. Staff issue: We spoke recently in relation to AIDA (a new project in which Eurocarers is involved) and two possible applicants in Italy. Áke now has a real possibility of receiving support from the Swedish Family Care Competency Centre, who are members of Eurocarers and whose director is Lennart Magnusson. They are considering strong support, including office space and a part-time person to support these projects and Eurocarers secretarial work. Áke will report further on this matter shortly. Giovanni noted that we need to clarify and coordinate these matters and perhaps join both projects (AIDA and INNOVAGE) with regard to managing the work-load. Licia has being working on this too, as noted in previous minutes. In addition, Frank is exploring the possibilities of getting the accounts and website work done on a voluntary basis in Ireland. All agreed that these are very positive developments; Giovanni agreed to draft a brief pulling together the various aspects, and Frank offered to forward his thoughts to Giovanni.
5. AGM:
a. Overall evaluation: All executive members were satisfied with the results of the last AGM in Varberg;
b. Audited Accounts: Following discussion on this matter, it was agreed that we should endeavour to have the accounts audited, bearing in mind the cost within the context of our current budget. It was agreed to clarify the matter by adding “in due course” to the record.
c. Next AGM: There was a discussion about the location of the next AGM (2013). Maximising attendance by members was an agreed priority. Giovanni noted that there are time constraints and that we should aim to give members 4/5 core criteria to assist in making decisions. Robert noted that giving members adequate time to consider all the relevant matters is important and suggested that we set a timeline for September. Giovanni suggested that the Executive should have all necessary information in time for the September meeting, so that a final decision can be made then. This was agreed, and Frank will email a draft paper to the Executive for consideration; following this consultation, Frank will email all Eurocarers’ members;
d. Work Plan: Robert made a presentation at the AGM which lead to a useful discussion and he will circulate a brief on the plan to be circulated in the next month.
6. A.O.B.:
a. Working groups: Frank agreed to circulate a draft document on working groups and sub-committees to the members of the Executive for consideration and discussion at the next Executive Meeting;
b. Website: a carer in Ireland with IT skills has very kindly offered to work with Frank to keep the Eurocarers website up-to-date. This will be done under the direction of the Secretary and accountable to the Executive through the Secretary;
c. Translations: Frank noted that we need to translate a defined number of documents, e.g. part of the website, and particular documents that we produce, if we wish to engage with a broader spectrum of the membership of our member organisations. This was discussed and Giovanni agreed that the newsletter or an edited version of it should be made available to a wider audience of members and also some of the work that we are engaged in, e.g. INNOVAGE project. Hanneli is arranging translation for her members of some material and supports this idea, too. Giovanni suggested that we need to define: A) what documents need to be translated; B) What network of translators; C) Two-way translation is required, e.g. to give documents to members and then get their feedback within a short time frame. Suggestions were made about translating our ten principles, Brochure, Factsheet, edited version of the Newsletter. It was agreed that this is the start of a discussion to explore this proposal; Frank will draw these points together and circulate to Executive, as well as adding this topic to the next agenda.
Policy developments at EU-level
by Christine Marking
In this section, Christine highlights recent developments at the European policy level, providing details concerning Horizon 2020, the contents of the last Social Affairs Council, an update on the Innovation Partnership on Active and Active Ageing and on the current debates on health cuts and personal and household services.
Research council adopts Horizon2020
On 31 May, research ministers adopted a ‘partial general approach’ on Horizon 2020, pending the European Parliament’s opinion and discussions on the EU budget for the period 2014-2020. Some €80 billion are foreseen for this Programme, which will take over from the current 7th framework programme for research in 2014. The Programme is also going through the European Parliament and Eurocarers has worked actively with the European Parliamentarians to insert references to the need to carry out research in the field of carers.
For more information:
Social Affairs Council
Ministers responsible for social affairs met on 21 June and the following items featured on their agenda.
Pension reform
Ministers endorsed the 2012 Commission report on pension adequacy, which warns against the risk of poverty for older people. Member states should also intensify their efforts to achieve the objectives as stated in the Europe 2020 strategy, and adopt structural reforms e.g. in relation to retirement systems. There are various ways of improving pension adequacy, in particular:
· promoting an increase of the duration of the working life in better health conditions;
· increasing pension scheme contributions.
Demographic challenges
Ministers also adopted a set of conclusions on demographic challenges, which underline the need to strengthen labour market and societal participation by all. The Council suggests investing in education and training; combating the intergenerational transmission of poverty and social exclusion, increasing the labour market participation of older persons and supporting better conditions for families.
Social change and innovation
Ministers also agreed a ‘partial general approach’ on a European programme for social change and social innovation (2014-2020). Final approval will depend on agreeing the budget with the Parliament. This programme (proposed in October2011) combines three existing programmes, e.g. Progress (programme for employment and social solidarity).
For more information:
Innovation Partnership on Active and Active Ageing: 261 projects committed
On 27 June, 261 projects were submitted by the stakeholders for inclusion in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. In addition, 54 regions and municipalities offered themselves as ‘reference sites’ to exchange good practice and to share knowledge and experience on successes in this domain.
The Partnership was launched at the end of 2010 and aims to mobilise the stakeholders in view of increasing the healthy lifespan of EU citizens by two years by 2020. The project aims to research solutions to:
· guarantee better adherence to medical treatment;