Lesson Plan #4


Lesson: The History of Farming
Length: 30 minutes
Age or Grade Level Intended: 1st Grade
Academic Standards:

1.4.2 Observe and describe that there can be differences, such as size or markings, among the individuals within one kind of plant or animal group

1.4.4 Explain that most living things need water, food, and air.
Social Studies:

1.1.1 Compare the way individuals in the community lived in the past with the way they live in the present.
Performance Objectives:
-While looking at the online timeline, the students will create a mini timeline
with a minimum of five years of farming information on it with 100% accuracy.
-After class discussion, the students will write down step by step instructions on
how to grow a plant with 100% accuracy.
-After writing down instructions, the students will grow a plant with the appropriate
The teacher will check students' instructions for accuracy based on previous class
discussion. Teacher will create a checklist of appropriate materials for students to
use to plant/grow plants. Students will create a list (to be checked by the teacher)
of how their plant is different/similar from their assigned partner (to be done at a
later date when plants are grown).
Advanced Preparation by Teacher:
-Print off copies of materials list.
-Gather materials (measure out soil into pots).
-Create a smaller timeline based off of info from website.
-Print off revised timeline for each student (enlarge copy for
students with visual impairments).
-Gather pictures of flowers to show students for engagement.
Introduction/Motivation: Show students pictures of items you receive from farming (bread, milk, corn, etc). Ask students why these people are smiling? (Bloom, Application)
Why do people enjoy getting flowers? (Bloom, Evaluation) Growing flowers? How
are flowers/plants made?(Bloom, Knowledge) "Yesterday we talked about the jobs
people do to help their community, and today we are going to talk about how
farming has influenced our country and how it has changed over the years."
Discussion/Lecture: Hand out copies of revised timeline to students.
Read selected few years to go over how history of farming has changed. Model

how to pick years from the timeline to create a smaller timeline of your own.
After discussion, ask students to form small groups (about 3-4), and pick
5 years to create a timeline of their own (in sequential order) (Gardner,
Interpersonal & Logical/Mathematical). Turn in when finished presenting
the timeline to the class. Tell students that we will be
planting our own flowers/plants today. Hand out a pot/soil to each student
and have them pick a seed to plant. Explain it's very important to follow the
directions on the materials list. Then tell them that they need to pick a partner
to help them compare plants as they grow. Teacher will give students a worksheet

with a blank Venn Diagram on it. The teacher will then give directions and model

how to fill it in while comparing two different plants.
Closure: Tell students that we will keep the plants in the sunlight and water them
daily (Gardner, Bodily/Kinesthetic). As the plants grow, we will keep track with
words and pictures (Gardner, Visual/Spatial).
-Students with a visual impairment: have copies of all handouts enlarged.
-Students with a learning disability in reading: may work with a partner or
teacher's aide to help read the directions/what is being discussed.
Students can create a timeline of how their plant is growing using
poster board, pictures, etc. to present to the class.
Self Assessment:
-Were students able to recreate directions taken to grow a plant?

Materials Checklist:
____Watering Pot/Water
____Place in Room with Sunlight