Date for your Diary: Service of Reconciliation: There is an opportunity to prepare spiritually for Christmas on Monday 22nd December at 7.00pm. A number of visiting clergy will be here to hear individual confessions during our service. It would be good to see families coming together to celebrate this wonderful sacrament. Please make every effort to be here.

Parish Meeting: The meeting was well attended; thank you all for coming along. It was a very successful evening.

Fundraising: The date for Tom Maguire’s sponsored swim is 17th December; the sponsor form is now out at the back of Church– all proceeds raised will be for the maintenance needs of our parish. Thank you once again for your generosity.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - Kings Mill Hospital, Mansfield: Before entering hospital would catholic patients, or their families, please inform Fr. Malachy or Deacon Barry on 01623 623458; so that the Sacraments of the Church can be administered by the priest/s and pastoral visits made by our Chaplaincy team. Details needed are, name, address and hospital ward (if known). .

Churches Together: A service will be held this Sunday, 23rd November at 6pm at the Salvation Army Citadel, Victoria Street, Mansfield; Need a lift? Please meet at St Philip’s at 5.30 at the latest.

Justice and Peace: The next meeting is on Wednesday 3rd December at 7pm. Maun Valley Citizens: In preparation for the Discernment Event on 26th, we would like you to consider issues of concern to you as residents of Mansfield and what might be changed in the town to make it a safer, more caring place to live, work and raise a family. Various members of the parish will be available to listen and make note of your concerns and carry them forward to the Discernment Event, when representatives from St Philip’s meet with 25 other member organisations and decide upon priorities for change.Food Vouchers: St Philip’s parish is acting as voucher holders for St Peter’s food bank. These will be held in the office by Debra so should anyone be in need or crisis they may approach Debra or Fr Malachy for a voucher. Mansfield Cold Weather Shelter: Work is underway to prepare for this year’s cold weather; can you help and support this? Either by volunteering your time at the shelter/provide prayer support/donate clothing or gifts for the people in need – more information please visit the website:

Are you expecting a baby? Congratulations! The parish of St Philip’s loves babies, and we welcome you and your new child. We want to help you to integrate your new baby and yourselves into our parish family. You will need to plan ahead if you wish to have your baby baptised. The date for the next course is Friday 28th November at 6pm.

Weddings 2015: May we remind couples intending to marry in 2015 that they should make contact with the priest as soon as possible. Diocesan Policy states that at least SIX MONTHS’ notice should be given. Couples are also reminded that they should book the Church first before booking the reception.

Repository: Christmas Cards, Advent Calendars etc, are now available from the meeting room; or contact the office during the week.

Please keep in your prayers the sick and housebound of our parish:

Peter Kudelasz, Shirley Brown, Winnie Bukowski, Maura Feely, Paul Hayton, Margaret Sipson, Ian Moore, Tony Corcoran, Helen Dignam, Roy Geeves, Bernard Haskew, Catherine Phillips, Sheila Lowe, Annie O’Brien, Paul Harkin, Angela Ward, Doris Burke, Cath Ball, Joe McHugh, Peter Tracey, Thomas Smith, Mary McMonigle, Rose Lycett, Garry Jones, Kathleen Kyne, Kathleen McHugh, Peggy Hazledine, Maureen Turner.

All items for the newsletter to be received by Wednesday noon


The Presbytery, 3 Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield, NG19 7AB

Telephone (01623) 623458 Parish Website:

Diocesan Website: NRCDT: Charity Number 1134449, Company Number 7151646


23rd November 2014

Parish Priest

Rev Fr Malachy Brett

Assistant Priest

Rev Fr Victor Dakwan

Parish Deacon

Rev Barry Dickinson

Parish Secretary

Debra Harley

Catholic Schools

St Philip Neri with St Bede Primary

Head Teacher: Mr W. Lewis – Tel: 01623 489 010

All Saints Comprehensive

Head Teacher: Mrs M. Cobbett – Tel: 01623 474 700

Money Matters weekend of: 16th November 2014

P.G: £703.45 + Loose: £445.09 = £1148.54 + Standing Orders

2nd Collection next Weekend-Diocesan Quota

Today: A rather poorly dressed priest showed up at a presbytery looking for a night’s lodgings. He had come all the way from Turin, in Italy, and was trying to raise funds to build a church. The visitor’s name was John Bosco, but this meant nothing to the resident priest; so he put him in the attic. Many years later when John Bosco was declared a saint by the Church, the priest said, “Had I known it was John Bosco, I would have given him the best room in the house”. We never know exactly who we are meeting in the person of our neighbour – and this is not important. But what is important is that we see in that person a needy human being and that we should do our best to meet his/her need. For those with faith, behind the face, no matter how strange, the Face of Christ lies hidden.

Please remember in your Prayers: Those who have died recently; especially Mary Duffy, who’s Requiem is on Monday, 24th November at 12.10pm; and Melvyn Upex, who’s funeral service is at New Ollerton Crematorium on Tuesday 25th November at 11.15am; please remember them and their families at this very sad and difficult time.

Next weekend - Diocesan Quota Collection: We ask you to support the second collection next weekend for the Diocesan Quota. With costs rising all the time the diocese needs to maintain the Education Service at Mackworth, the Youth Service at the Briars, Safeguarding, and University Chaplaincies, Ecumenical Bodies and Marriage Care and the Bishop’s maintenance. Please support us as best you can. As a parish we pay £1,669 per month and the shortfall comes out of the main collection.

Parish Brunch: Next Sunday, 30th November after 11am Mass; everyone is very welcome – full breakfast is only £3.00; don’t miss out! See you there.

First Holy Communion: Enrolment Mass for First Holy Communion children is on Sunday, 30th November at 11am – and the first meeting for children and their parents is at St Philip’s Primary School on Monday, 1st December at 3.45pm. If your child is the age to make their 1st Holy Communion next year and doesn’t attend St Philip’s Primary School (but you are parishioners of St Philip’s Church) please contact the school.