ENG2DB: Grade Ten ALP English Final Performance Task
(This evaluation is worth 15% of your final grade in the course)
Due Date: Tuesday January 23rd, 2018
This Final Performance Task will require that each student select a supplementary short story or poem (which will be supplied by Mrs. Robinson) to read during class time that explores ONE of the topics listed below, and compares it thoughtfully with ONE of the course texts studied this semester (The Great GatsbyORRomeo and Juliet). This topic must be clearly developed within the short story or poem, and must be closely examined within this written task.
While reading your short story or poem, and reviewing your selected class novel or play, you are expected to take detailed, hand-written reading notes that outline the development of your chosen topic (specific examples, relevant quotations, etc.). At least TWO pages of detailed reading notes must be submitted to your teacher with the rough copy and the good copy of your Final Performance Task onTuesday January 23rd, 2018 at the beginning of class.
Upon the completion of reading your short story or poem, you will be expected to submit a 1000 word written piece in which your chosen topic is creatively discussed/insightfully analyzed in oneof the following ways…
Select ONE of the Following Topics:
- SOCIAL CLASS: Compare representations of social class in the core novel (The Great Gatsby) OR the play (Romeo and Juliet), and your short story or poem selection. How are people from different social classes represented and why?
- CHARACTERIZATION: Compare and contrast how two main characters are developed and why. Use the core novel (The Great Gatsby) OR the play (Romeo and Juliet) and your short story or poem selection.
- SETTING: Compare how the core novel (The Great Gatsby) OR the play (Romeo and Juliet), and your short story or poem selection, use setting and landscape (urban and/or natural) to develop a central theme.
- GENDER ROLES: Compare and contrast gender roles in the core novel (The Great Gatsby) OR the play (Romeo and Juliet), and your short story or poem selection. How are gender roles used to advance the plot or develop a central theme, and why?
- Once you have chosen your texts and your topic, you mustpick ONE of the following written formats for your Final Performance Task. Each writing task must be1000 words, and must include relevant textual connections to one of the course texts, and a supplementary reading (poem or short story). Please read each format option carefully to ensure you are meeting the evaluation requirements…
Select ONE of the Following Formats:
- A SCRIPT: Write a script for a scene about two (or more) of the characters in each reading (a scenario in which these characters meet). Ensure that you include at least one character from your chosen core text, and onecharacter from your comparative reading selection. Remember to include stage directions and the intended setting for your script. Your script must be typed, double-spaced, and 1000 words.
- LETTERS: Write two letters (a letter and a letter response) exchanged by characters in each reading. Ensure that one character is from your chosen core text and onecharacter is from your comparative reading selection. Each letter must be typed, double-spaced, and 500 words.
- ‘DEAR ABBY’ ADVICE COLUMN: Write an advice column that attempts to offer thoughtful solutions to TWO problems/questions from the characters, one must be from your chosen core text, and the other must be from your comparative reading selection. Your advice column must have a theme, such as an advice column for‘The Strong Independent Female’ or ‘For Those Pursuing the American
Dream’ or ‘For rebellious young lovers’, etc. The column must
be typed, double-spaced, and 1000 words.
- A FORMAL ESSAY: Using your chosen topic as a focus, come up with a thesis statement, and write a 4 paragraph formal essay that compares your chosen core text and your comparative reading selection. The two body paragraphs must each have two quotations (4 quotations in total for the whole essay). Please see your teacher to have your thesis approved before writing your essay. The final copy of your formal essay must be typed, double-spaced, and 1000 words.
- A SONNET WITH A RATIONALE: Write a Shakespearean Sonnet (14 lines of rhyming iambic pentameter) that connects your topic to both your chosen core text and your comparative reading selection. You must also include a 300 word explanation of your poem (the rationale) that explores your creative choices, and details how these choices connect to both texts.
Getting Started: Plan for Success!
- Choose your Topic:
- Choose your Short Story or Poem:
Title: ______
Author: ______
- Choose your Core Text:
Title: ______
Author: ______
4. Choose your Written Format:
What to Submit In-Class on Tuesday January 23rd:
- FPT Rubric with your name on it
- The typed, double-spaced GOOD copy of your FPT
- Your carefully-edited rough copy
- Your two pages of detailed reading notes
- Your completed FPT planner
- Please see theFinal Performance Task Rubric attached for specific evaluation criteria!