Germany cannot renounce the claim for a solution of its colonial demands. The right to life of the German people is exactly as great as the rights of other nations.
Adolf Hitler
The German folk, through the concept of National Socialism, is not only a folk unity, but it has also learned to raise resultant political claims. One of the not yet satisfied claims is the return of our colonies. This claim that the Leader has repeatedly proclaimed before all the world, is based on:
- the honor of the German people. We demand the return of our colonial possessions that were stolen by the dictates of Versailles.
- the right to life of the German people. “The German space for life (Lebensraum) is too small without colonial supplements, in order to guarantee an undisturbed and permanent food supply.”
Adolf Hitler
It is therefore a matter of this requirement that is borne and understood by the entire German populace. Therein lies the fundamental difference between the policies of National Socialism and those of former times. At that time there were a few foresighted men who, of their own volition, acquired overseas colonies for the fatherland. Today a nation of eighty million casts the entire magnitude of its claims of right of life and right for space into the proverbial scale of justice.
This right to life is not a result of a misunderstanding between density and the available space, but rather based on the achievements and talents of this folk, that, like no other, lays claim to a field of activity for its unused physical reserves.
This war is a struggle of young peoples who feel they have the power to create a new world against plutocratic self-satisfaction and ageing. Therefore, at the end of this war there will be a new distribution of colonial possessions, in order to remove old and no longer valid and justified misunderstandings.
- Text: Germany cannot renounce the claim for a solution of its colonial demands. The right to life of the German people is exactly as great as the rights of other nations.
Adolf Hitler
Picture 2. The colonial possessions of England are 145 times as large as the motherland; for France the ratio is 23 times as large.
Other countries have reserve space that exceeds the size of the motherland many times over, for example in England, where the colonies surpass the area of the motherland over one hundred times.* Even small countries like Belgium, Holland and Portugal have colonies far larger than the motherland. The colonial possessions of Holland are 60 times, of Belgium 80 times, and of Portugal 23 times as large as the motherland.
*According to German sources, the British motherland has 243,175 km² the British colonial empire 335,597,000 km².
The door to the world is closed to the most densely populated country in Europe—Germany.
Picture 3. The clearest proof for the impossibility of the current allocation of space lies in the following statistics:
46 million Englishmen rule 40 million km²;
82 million Germans rule 800,000 km².
Picture 4: Colonies are sources of raw materials for the local industries and markets for their products.
Under space for life we do not understand areas that have to do with settlement of excess population of the motherland, but with economic reserve space.
Picture 5. A healthy exchange in the national economy between motherland and colonies.
The economic exchange between motherland and colonies will be as follows:
- Development of the colonies through assistance from the motherland, namely technology, science and capital.
- Import of raw materials and manufacture in local industries.
- Through export of finished products into the colonies. Protection and increase of the quality of life there and through economic possibilities.
- Return of the increased capital through the aforementioned processes and
thereby raising the economic, social, and cultural standard of our people.