Services for Young People SfYP


Referral Guide for Schools and Partner Services

This Referral Guide is designed to support schools and partner services in making appropriate referrals to SfYP to ensure that the most vulnerable young people in Stockport get the right support at the right time.

The key purpose of the new SfYP (established May 2011) is to provide support to children, young people and their families who are experiencing difficulties participating in education, training and employment.Staffed by Young People's Workers from a range of professional backgrounds, we can offer support to improve school attendance and engagement and to find employmentand training opportunities.
Our aim is to ensure that all young people can progress into adulthood with the confidence and skills to achieve their full potential. Referrals are usually made by school staff or other professionals, but families and young people can contact the service directly, to ask if they are eligible for support.
The service has statutory responsibility for addressing issues around non- school attendance and young people not in education, employment or training. It also offers transition support to young people with disabilities.
A referral can be made in the following ways:
Schools / via Office Online
via email to
Partner services / via email to
Parents, carers, young people / via email to
via telephone to 0161 474 4438

Please note all referral forms sent via email must be password protected.

Please contact SfYP either at the above email address or phone 0161 474 4438 for a password (and details of how to password protect, if required).

Criteria for Referral

Reason for Referral / Examples
Children Missing from Education /
  • The pupil is missing from school without a satisfactory explanation, and there is cause for concern.
  • The pupil has missed 10 consecutive school days and there is no satisfactory explanation.
  • The pupil has been identified by an agency or member of the public as having no apparent school place.

Poor school attendance
Persistent lateness after the close of the school registers / The pupil has an attendance record below 90% (which is largely unauthorised absence) and the following actions have taken place:
  • EPN request (following SMBC code of conduct);
  • Contact with parents and carers including meetings in school and letters home, or evidence of attempts to engage parents and carers.

Not on a school roll
Excluded from education / Pupil is known not to have a place on a school roll because:
  • They have been excluded but not placed;
  • They have been removed and should not have been;
  • They have moved into the area and parents/ carers have not made attempts to find a school place;
  • Pupils who are struggling to engage may benefit from additional support including group work and/or 1:1.
N.B. A school attendance order may be sought.
Victims or perpetrators of socially excluding behaviour(s) / A victim or perpetrator of bullying which is significantly impacting on education or training.
N.B. Referrals which appear to be more appropriate for CAHMS will be signposted on.
Anti-social behaviour / Young Person is engaging in risk taking or anti -social behaviour which is significantly impacting on education or training.
1:1 or group work support in SfYP young people’s centres.
N.B.Referrals which appear to be more appropriate for MOSAIC, YOS or Central Youth will be signposted on
Attending PRU or alternative provision / Pupil is presenting with a range of emotional well – being issues that aresignificantly impacting on education or training.
N.B. Referrals which appear to be more appropriate for CAHMS will be signposted on.
Transition Support /
  • Young people who are identified as needing support through transition between Key Stages and into Further Education that are at risk or becoming NEET.
  • Young People with a disability who are identified as needing support to obtain a place at college, or in employment, or in training (up to the age of 25).

Young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) /
  • Young person needs support and guidance to access training;
  • Young person needs support and guidance to enter further education;
  • Young person needs support and guidance to obtain employment.

Disabled C&YP for whom risk of not progressing /
  • Attendance at Transition Reviews (Y9);
  • One to one and group work around transition to continue at Y11;
  • Learning Disability Assessments at Y11;
  • Learning Disability Assessments Post 19, including meetings, college applications, paperwork.

Teenage Parents /
  • One to one work- progression into EET;
  • Group work;
  • Engagement Activities- progression into EET

Looked after Children / LAC who are having significant issues with their learning, are potentially NEET or NEET;
  • One to one or group work interventions in a range of settings.

Services for Young People SfYP | Referral Guide for Schools and Partner Services (Issue date:27th October 2011) 1