Minutes of the 278th meeting of the Registration Committee held

on 27th July, 2007 in Room No.142 ,Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

The 278th meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. N.B. Singh, Agriculture Commissioner on 27th July, 2007 at 1030 hrs. in Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Dr.P.S. Chandurkar, Plant Protection Adviser to the Govt. of India, Dr. T.P.Rajendran, Assistant Director General(PP), ICAR, Shri P.N. Maji, Addl. Industrial Advisor, M/o. Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Shri Madhav Chakraborty, Co-opted Member, Indian Institute of Packaging, and Dr. (Mrs.) S. Kulshrestha, Secretary, CIB&RC attended the meeting.

Following officers from the Secretariat of CIB&RC were also present:

(i)  Dr. S.K. Khurana, Specialist Gr. I

(ii)  Dr. B.S. Phogat, Jt.Dir.(Bio.)

(iii)  Shri Vipin Bhatnagar, Jt.Dir.(Chem)

(iv)  Dr. R.M. Shukla, DD (Ent.)

(v)  Dr. (Mrs.) Vandana Seth, AD(Chem)

(vi)  Sh. Anant, SO(CIR-I)

(vii)  Sh. Adhana, ASO (Packaging)

(viii)  Sh. Niraj Kulshrestha, Assistant (Legal)

At the outset the Chairman welcomed the participants and requested Secretary, CIB&RC to take up Agenda for discussion. The following decisions were taken :

Agenda Item
No.1.0 /

Confirmation of minutes of the 277th meeting of the Registration Committee

The Minutes of the 277th meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) were confirmed.

Agenda Item
No.2.0 / Follow up action on the decisions taken by the Registration Committee in its 277th meeting.

The Committee noted with satisfaction the follow-up actions taken on the decisions of the Registration Committee.

Agenda Item
No.2.1 / Applications pending under various Sub-Sections of the Insecticides Act, 1968

The Committee appreciated the efforts of Sectt. of CIB&RC in reducing the pendency of registration applications under various sections of the Act.

Agenda Item
No.3.0 /
Government Business
Agenda Item
No.3.1 /
Clarification regarding Department of Agriculture & Cooperations directive vide letter No. 17-2/2004-PP.I dated April 03, 2007 for accepting end-use certificates issued by Distt Industry Centres/State Deptt. of Industries.

The Committee noted the clarification received from Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation.

Agenda Item
No.3.2 /
Registration of Prallethrin Technical u/s 9(4)TIM in favour of M/s Aura Chem Pvt. Ltd. and appeal filed by M/s Shogun Organics P. Ltd. – Order

The Committee noted the decision of the Appellate Authority regarding the appeal filed by M/s. Shogun Organics (P) Ltd.

Agenda Item
No.4.0 /

Export Cases

Agenda Item
No.4.1 /

List of applications u/s 9(3) Export


Agenda Item
No.4.2 / Consideration of an application of M/s Godrej Sara Lee Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for import of Azamethiphos 50% WP (Insecticide)


Agenda Item
No.4.3 / Consideration of an application of M/s Excel Crop Care Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Triclopyr Butoxy Ethyl Ester Technical


Agenda Item
No.5.0 /

9(3B) Cases

Agenda Item
No.5.1 / Consideration of an application of M/s Bacto Power India Pvt. Ltd for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Bacillus thuringiensis var. isralensis 5 AS

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.2 / Consideration of an application of M/s Krishna Biotech Fertilizers, Osmanabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.3 / Consideration of an application of M/s Pandian Biosol, Mathura for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.4 / Consideration of an application of M/s Tripti Biotech, Balaghat for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.5 / Consideration of an application of M/Gujarat Life Science Pvt. Ltd for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.6 / Consideration of an application of M/s Chirayu Biotech, Pune for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.7 / Consideration of an application of M/s Ishwar Agro (M.S.) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.8 / Consideration of an application of M/s Multiplex Bio-tech Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki 5% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.9 / Consideration of an application of M/s Nirmal Organo Biotech Pvt. Ltd, Pachore for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.10 / Consideration of an application of M/s Sri Aurobindo Institute of Rural Development, Nalagonda for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.11 / Consideration of an application of M/s National Bio-control Laboratories for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.12 / Consideration of an application of M/s Sri Venkateswara Chemicals, Secunderabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Beauveria Bassiana 1.15% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.13 / Consideration of an application of M/s Chirayu Biotech, Pune for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP

Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.14 / Request of M/s Crop Health Products Ltd. for extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Trichoderma viride 1% WP for 6 months with commercialization

Approved for a period of six months with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.15 / Request of Sri Bio-Tech, Hyderabad for 2nd time extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.16 / Request of Sri Bio-Tech, Hyderabad for 2nd time extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Trichoderma viride 1% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.17 / Consideration of a request of M/s Indore Biotech Inputs & Research Pvt. Ltd. for one year shelf life of Trichoderma viride 1% WP

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.18 / Request of M/s JR Biocontrol Lab, Yavatmal for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.19 / Request of M/s Vidarbha Biotech Lab, Yavatmal for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.20 / Request of M/s KNS Biotech, Nnded for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.21 / Request of M/s Om Agro Organics, Yavatmal for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.22 / Request of M/s Vaibha Laxmi Bio Control Lab, Wardha for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.23 / Request of M/s Harit Bio Control Lab., Yavatmal for extension of registration of NPV of Helicoverpa armigera 0.5% AS

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.24 / Request of Multiplex Bio-tech Pvt. Ltd., for extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.25 / Request of Sun Agro Biosystem Pvt. Ltd.., for extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Pseudomonas fluorescens 0.5% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.26 / Request of Biotech International Ltd., for extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Trichoderma viride 1% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.27 / Request of Mitcon Biotechnology Centre, Pune for extension of validity period of provisional certificate of registration of Trichloderma viride 1% WP for one year with commercialization

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.28 / Request for extension of provisional registration u/s 9(3b) of Azadirachtin 0.15% (min) of M/s BMR & Company, Pune

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.29 / Consideration of a request of M/s Mircroplex (India), Wardha for one year shelf life of Psedomonas flurescens 0.5% WP

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.5.30 / Consideration of a request of M/s Microplex (India), Wardha for one year shelf life of Verticillium lecanii 1.15% WP

Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.

Agenda Item
No.6.0 / 9(3) Cases
Agenda Item
No.6.1 / Consideration of an application of M/s Bayer CropScience Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for import of Flubendiamide Technical and indigenous manufacture of its formulation 39.35% SC (Insecticide)

Approved subject to fixation of tolerance limit by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.

Agenda Item
No.6.2 / Consideration of an application of M/s Coromandal Fertilizers Ltd. for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Quinalphos 25% Gel

Deferred. The decision will be taken after receipt of guidelines/criteria on relatively safer formulation.

Agenda Item
No.6.3 / Consideration of an application of M/s Biosynthetics, Jalgaon (MS) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Spinosad Technical


Agenda Item
No.6.4 / Consideration of application of M/s Coromandal Fertilizers Limited, Secunderabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Endosulfan 40% SC (Insecticides) u/s 9(3)

Deferred. The decision will be taken after receipt of guidelines/criteria on relatively safer formulation.

Agenda Item
No.7.0 / 9(4) Cases
Agenda Item
No.7.1 / List of applications for registration u/s 9(4)

The Committee approved the applications, which are complete from Chemistry angle and for which MRL are fixed, partially fixed or not required.

Agenda Item
No.7.2 / Consideration of an application of M/s Reckitt Benckiser India Ltd for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of d-trans AllethrinTechnical


Agenda Item
No.7.3 / Consideration of an application of M/s Bharat Rasayan Ltd. for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Clodinafop Propargyl Technical


Agenda Item
No.7.4 / Consideration of an application of M/s Ravi Organics Ltd. for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Glyphosate Technical


Agenda Item
No.7.5 / Consideration of an application of M/s Heranba Industries Ltd. for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Indoxacarb Technical


Agenda Item
No.7.6 / Consideration of an application of M/s Hyderabad Chemical Products Ltd. for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Lambda Cyhalothrin Technical


Agenda Item
No.8.0 / Miscellaneous Items
Agenda Item
No.8.1 / Consideration of a request of M/s Bayer Crop Science Ltd., Mumbai of endorsement of additional source of Import for Fipronil Technical


Agenda Item
No.8.2 / Request for endorsement of small pack size (15 ml) Azoxystrobin 23% SC proposed by M/s Syngenta Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd. for their CR No. CIR-536/2005(258)-Azoxystrobin (SC)-01

Not approved as the justification given by the applicant is not as per the practices prescribed for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP). GAP does not advocate for tank-mixing of pesticides.

Agenda Item
No.8.3 / Request for endorsement of small pack size (40 ml) Thiamethoxam 25% w/g proposed by M/s Syngenta Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd. for their CR No. CIR-14/2001(215)-Thiamethoxam (WG)-02

The Committee observed that the land holdings are not uniformly of 1 hectare. These are of different sizes in practice and, therefore, the logic of 40gm pack size which is not as per the IS Specification is required to be explained by the applicant.

Agenda Item
No.8.4 / Consideration of request of M/s E.I. DuPont India Pvt. Ltd for label expansion of Flusilazole 40% EC.

The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and decided the data on residue may be got examined by ADG(PP) and JD(Bio) of Sectt. of CIB&RC.

Agenda Item
No.8.5 / Consideration of a request of M/s PNP Associates for change in the name of source of import of Hydrogen Cyanamide 49% AS and Forchlorfenuron 0.12% EC


Agenda Item
No.8.6 / Proposal for additional packaging of 5 gm sachet for Temephos 1% SG proposed by M/s A. Saj Agricare Pvt. Ltd., Vadodara


Agenda Item
No.8.7 / Endorsement of additional packaging for Methyl Bromide Technical proposed by M/s Sarthi Chem Pvt. Ltd.


Agenda Item
No.8.8 / Consideration of application for registration of Dimethoate Tech for import u/s 9(4) TI in respect of M/s Hyderabad Chemical Products Ltd., Hyderabad on the basis of earlier approved source through their authorized /approved supplier.

The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and decided to seek clarification from M/s. Rallis India regarding the import through suppliers. Further, the Certificate of Registration be issued to M/s. Hyderabad Chemicals Product Ltd., Hyderabad.

Agenda Item
No.8.9 / Consideration of requests for issuance of No Objection Certificates for Pesticide Products for Veterinary Use.

The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and decided that the applicant be informed that they should seek permission under the provision of relevant acts and rules (Drugs & Cosmetic Act) for manufacture of these product. Further, in view of the fact that these products are insecticides, are to be used for veterinary purposes. The applicant are required to follow the guidelines for manufacture of multi-use insecticides.

Agenda Item
No.8.10 / Request for change in company’s name and office address regarding.


Agenda Item
No.8.11 / Issue of import permit for Boric Acid & other substances for non-insecticidal use

The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and decided as per the annexure at part 1, 2 and 3.