Town of Gilford

Cemetery Trustees/Steward Minutes

Town Hall – Trustee Office

June 18, 2013 – 9:00am

Present: Sue Leach, Dee Chitty, Geoff Ruggles - Trustees

Sheldon Morgan – Steward

Rick Mini, Chris Dormody - Caretakers

Meeting was called to order at 9:00am.

The group recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

D. Chitty made a motion, seconded by S. Leach, to accept the minutes of May 15, 2013 as written. Motion passed 3-0.

Maintenance Update provided by S. Morgan:

  1. The gates at Weeks Cemetery have been leveled. Cleats and chains have been added to hold the gates in place when open.
  2. The drain pipe and tree stump have been removed from the southeast section of Pine Grove.
  3. Dead tree branches removed from Ames and Wilkinson cemeteries.
  4. A request to purchase a second weed-wacker was unanimously approved by the Trustees.
  5. Repairs have been completed to the ride-on mowers. The mower decks are in such poor condition that future repairs will be impossible. Purchase of a new mower may be necessary next year.

After brief comments on various projects and tasks that needed to be done, the Trustees agreed to develop a list to use as a guideline for tasks to be accomplished by the Trustees between meetings. The list of projects discussed is attached.

The Trustees reviewed an email about the recent equipment robbery at Union Cemetery. D. Chitty noted that the town’s equipment has been inventoried and the shed is secure.

The Trustees review the proposal from Gilbert Granite for a memorial wall. The Trustees postponed discussion on it until they were ready to plan a scattering garden.

The Trustees discussed the burial of three cremations in the Coyne lot noting that they were notified of only one burial in advance. This led to a discussion on fees and charges which was then postponed to a later meeting.

The Trustees reviewed the burial schedule for Pine Grove Cemetery.

It was noted that the deer seem to have stopped eating the shrubs in Pine Grove Cemetery.

The next meeting was set for Wednesday, June 18, 2013.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Geoff Ruggles

Geoff Ruggles, Secretary