2016 Graduating High School Senior

Scholarship Application and Award Process

  1. ELIGIBILITY: An applicant must be a graduating high school senior in 2016, residing and attending high school in the LA area*,who plans to attend an accredited vocational, technical school, college or university in the summer or fall of the graduating year:
  2. Applicants must also be adependentchild of at least one of the following:
  1. An active duty service member**
  2. A retired service member**
  3. A military service member** missing-in-action or deceased while on active duty.
  4. A current or retired DoD civilian.
  5. Applicants must submit proof of dependent status. (Copy of valid military dependent ID card or DoD civilian sponsor’s ID card)
  6. Applicants accepting service academy appointments, full ROTC, or full college/university scholarships are not eligible.

* Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Ventura counties

**Military service member includes members of the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy,

US Marine Corps, and the US Coast Guard

  1. APPLICATION PACKAGE: Application forms may be downloaded electronically from lamcf.weebly.com. All applications must be typed or printed in blue or black ink. A completed package consists of all the items listed below. Failure to provide ALL parts of the application package will result in the disqualification of the application.

The package must include:

  1. A completed Scholarship Application consisting of Part A (3 pg.’s)and Part B (1 pg.), accompanied by an official transcript with original stamp and/or raised seal and signature(photocopied or scanned copies accepted for electronic submissions) OR proof of official homeschool status.
  2. Proof of eligibility/dependent status (as listed above).
  3. Three written recommendations (no more than 500 words): Recommendations should be written by a person from outside of the applicant’s family. This person shall be acquainted with the applicant for at least six months. Recommendations may be written by a teacher, principal, guidance counselor; scout leader, pastor, or employer. If the person(s) writing the recommendation prefers confidentiality, they may email/mail the Scholarship Chair directly or give the recommendation letter to the applicant in a sealed envelope, signed across the flap.
  1. A typed essay (300 - 500 words) by the applicant answering the following questions:
  1. Imagine what you will be doing in ten years. Describe what you envision.
  2. How will your college education help you achieve your vision?

Not answering these questions will result in disqualification.

  1. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: The application package may be electronically submitted or no later than 11:59:00 PST February 28, 2016, or returned to the scholarship chairat the address below or mailed andpostmarked by February 28, 2016. LAMCF will not accept late applications, including those caused by technical failures. Mailed packages must be addressed to:

LAMCF Scholarship Chair

3833 Pacific Ave

Long Beach, CA 90807

  1. SELECTION PROCEDURE: Selection of the recipients will be merit based. Applications will be evaluated by an independent committee based on the applicants written essay, academic achievement, extracurricular activities, demonstrated leadership, and applicant’s character. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s final decision no later than April 30, 2016.
  1. AWARD MONEY: Scholarship award money is paid directly to the college/university. All funds received shall be applied to tuition and/or associated costs administered by an accredited college or university. These costs may include books, fees, room and board but may not include fees for penalties or dis-enrollment. The LAMCF Scholarship Chair must be notified if for any reason the recipient of the award:
  1. is unable to attend college/university in the summer or fall semester of 2016,or
  2. plans to transfer to a different college/university, or
  3. receives a full scholarship that covers all tuition, books, student fees, “room and board,” as is customary with an appointment to a military academy.

The awarding of scholarships to dependents of active duty members may fall under the Joint Ethics Regulation. Applicants and their sponsors should check with their local JAG office for clarification.

6.Please direct questions regarding the LAMCF scholarship application and award process to the LAMCF Scholarship Chair, Cindy Horejsi, at 310.987.1697 or via e-mail at or .


______Application Part A (3 pages) - Biographical Information

______Application Part B (1 page) - Student Agreement

______Official Transcript or Homeschool Equivalent

______Proof of Dependent Status

______Applicant Essay

______Three Written Recommendations

1. ______

2. ______

3. ______




The applicant must complete and sign the application to validate that the information is correct. Please print or type. The application package may be electronically submitted to or to no later than 11:59:00 PST February 28, 2016 or the completed application may be returned to the LAMCF Scholarship Chair (3833 Pacific Ave, Long Beach, CA 90807),or mailed and postmarked by February 28, 2016. The applicant will receive an e-mail confirmation of receipt.

Applicant’s Last NameFirst NameMIDate of Birth

Home Address City State Zip Code Phone

Applicant’s E-mail address

Name/Rank or Grade of Sponsor Service

Sponsor’s Organization/AddressPhone

Father’s NamePhone

Father’s E-mail address

Mother’s NamePhone

Mother’s E-Mail Address


Page 2


Continue list on a separate sheet, if necessary.

1. List all schools attended (Kindergarten – Grade 12):

School NameCityState Dates/Grades

2. List special honors and awards:



3. List extracurricular activities:




Page 3


Continue list on a separate sheet, if necessary.

5. List elected positions:



6. List service activities:





7. List colleges/universities to which you have applied or plan to apply:

8. List colleges/universities to which you have been accepted:

9. Do you have a particular field of interest or planned major?




I, ______, have read and understood the eligibility requirements, application process, limitations, and conditions pertaining to the LA Military Charitable Fund Scholarship Awards. I agree to comply with them. Further, I hereby state that the information I have supplied is correct and complete.

I understand that if I receive a LA Military Charitable Fund Scholarship Award, I agree to submit additional paperwork to ensure the timely mailing of the scholarship check to the school for the summer/fall quarter/semester. Further instructions regarding the specific paperwork will be provided to me no later than May 2016. I further understand that if I do not provide this information by October 31, 2016, it will result in forfeiture of the scholarship.

I recognize LA Military Charitable Fund’s right to publish award recipient information to the media, partner organizations, and the public, and agree that my current school may be notified of my award.


Signature of applicantDate


Signature of parent/guardianDate