Request forJobFamily Promotion
Division/Div. #:______Department/Dept. #:______
Employee Banner ID:______Employee Name: ______
Position Number: ______FOAP Acct. Number: ______
Current Job Code: ______New Job Code: ______
Current Title: ______New Title: ______
Current Salary: ______New Salary: ______
Date of Hire: ______Date if Hire in Current Position: ______
At any time your Compensation Administration team and your department’s Human Resource Liaison are available to assist you. If you need assistance in identifying the department liaison visit the HR website:
Compensation Team:
Shelly Murray – 4-1635
Julene Pugh – 4-1858
Bailey Burdg – 4-1601
Submitted by:
Supervisor’s Name/Title:
Supervisor’s Banner ID:
Pleaseseethejob leveling guidelines attached to thejob description for an explanation of Responsibilities, Knowledge, and Education and Experiencerequired for each level of thejob family.
Please provide at least two specific supporting examples for each question.
Does the employee meet or exceed theminimum qualifications forthe proposed new job?
Yes ☐ No ☐
If yes, provide examples of how the employee exceeds minimum qualifications.
Has the employee completed all trainingand development requirements as established bythe supervisor? Yes ☐ No☐
Pleaselistand explain the fulfillment oftrainingand development activities and attach the completed and signed Annual Employee Training and Development Plan (page 8).
To be promotion eligible, the employee must have received a performance rating of no less than “3” or “strong performance” in the last 12 months. Has the employee received a performance rating of a 3 (strong performance) or greater in the last 12 months? Yes ☐ No☐
Please describe below the employee’s increasein his/herlevel of competency (ies).
Please explain how theemployee has demonstrated the abilityto perform the responsibilities ofthehigherlevel job. Provide at least one example.
Does thedepartment havealegitimateneed forthenew level of responsibilities required ofthe higherlevel job? Yes ☐ No ☐ Please explain.
Supervisor’s statement: Pleaseprovideabriefstatement supportingthe employee’s readiness for promotion.
Submit anyotherdocumentation, such as an employee’s resumeorvita, to support this requested job familypromotion.
Once completed, please submit this form along with any other justification documents to your Human Resource Liaison.
Supervisor (print): ______Sign:______Date:______
Dept. head (print): ______Sign:______Date:______
Dean/director (print): ______Sign:______Date:______
HR Liaison (print): ______Sign:______Date:______