Personal Experiences in Practice

Mrs. Bev S, age 58, presented herself to our office with the complaints of severe burning in the feet and moderate numbness in the hands. She had found information on the internet about the use of Laser Therapy for peripheral neuropathy. She wanted to know if Laser Therapy might help her condition as her medical doctor had told her to “learn to live with it” when the medications failed.

Mrs. S’s feet were a dark bluish purple color, and very cold to the touch. She would almost scream from pain and had tears rolling down her cheeks when she would put pressure on her feet to walk.

After the first Laser application, her feet looked slightly less blue. She stated that they didn’t seem to hurt as much. By the third application, the right foot actually began to look pinkish, and the left one was a lighter shade of blue. Both feet were noticeably warmer to the touch. After two weeks of treatment she stated, “I could kiss you! I don’t have anymore pain in my feet when I walk!” After six weeks with a decreasing treatment schedule, she stated that she was going to Arizona for a month and expressed her thanks for being able to walk again. During this time, the hand numbness also disappeared.

As long as Mrs. S has follow-up sessions once every other month, she has been able to remain pain-free with none of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

Mrs. Faye T had both knees replaced at the age of 66. It was found that she was allergic to the pain medication which made her dizzy, nauseous, and would cause her to vomit. She asked if there was anything else that could control her post-surgical pain, which she described as unbearable. The cold laser was used for 15 minutes at the pain setting. She reported immediate relief, stating this was the first time that she was pain free since the surgery.

The next year, Mrs. T returned with the complaint of neuropathy in her feet. Over the past year, she had been losing feeling in her feet, to the point that she could not feel the floor any longer. She related that during the past winter she had gone to the mall and walked around for an hour. Returning to her car which was parked in a slushy parking lot, she saw a boot that curiously looked like hers. When she looked at her feet—it was! She had walked around for an hour through snow, ice, slush, and concrete floors without realizing that she did not have her boot on. After using the laser for neuropathy for 30 minutes, she dug her toes into the office’s carpet and could not believe that she could actually feel the carpet’s fibers.

Mrs. CH, age 65, began to develop numbness in her feet last year. While consulting our office for back pain, she asked if anything else could be done for the numbness, as none of her medical doctor’s medications were helping. She was treated with Laser Therapy for two weeks, and has not had any return of the symptoms.