Montford Middle School

Sixth Grade Language Arts
Policies and Procedures

Mrs. Susan Fowler

Welcome to 6th grade Language Arts! I am so glad you are here! Email is the best way to contact me, and emails will be answered promptly. Please check pinpoint often for student grade. My lesson plans will be loaded to my website every Friday afternoon.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Bring the following to class each day:

·  Agenda Book

·  Language Arts notebook

·  Paper and pencils

·  Book for reading


·  Analyzing literature and informational texts

·  Writing narrative and argumentative essays

·  Grammar/punctuation/usage/mechanics

·  Reading and analyzing novels

·  Expanding vocabulary

TARDINESS AND ABSENCES: You are expected to be in your desk with the required materials and completing bell work when the bell rings. If you are not there, you will be marked tardy. If you know about an upcoming absence, please let me know and we can get your make up work beforehand. It is very difficult to play catch up after an absence. When a student is absent, he or she must get make-up work. Most of my handouts will be posted on my website. It is the student’s responsibility to get work and complete it by the date given.

LATE WORK: Assignments are due on the due date. If work is one day late, the highest grade possible will be an 80%. If work is more than one day late, the highest grade possible will be a 60%. Time management and organization are big tasks in the 6th grade.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: Our Mustang Motto is “Be Safe; Be Responsible; Be Respectful.” Your responsibilities in this class are to do the following:

·  be prepared for class

·  meet deadlines

·  use your time wisely

·  be respectful and actively involved in group work

·  have a positive attitude

·  pay attention, listen, and learn


We will follow the Montford Middle School Student Handbook, the Leon County Schools Code of Conduct Book, and the Montford Middle School Discipline Code. A student’s citizenship grade is based on these rules.

A student who earns a 4 (Outstanding) as a citizenship grade consistently exhibits all or most of the following behaviors in and out of class:

·  Sets an example for peers by coming to class prepared to work with a good attitude and necessary materials

·  Uses agenda book effectively for daily and long-term planning

·  Works to foster a sense of community by respecting all viewpoints

·  Volunteers to assist teachers and classmates

A student who earns a 3 (Satisfactory) as a citizenship grade exhibits all or most of the following behaviors in and out of class:

·  Demonstrates responsibility by coming to class prepared with class materials

·  Uses agenda book effectively for daily planning

·  Maintains a good attitude and helps classmates when asked by the teacher

·  Respects and cooperates with others during small-group activities.

A student who earns a 2 (Needs Improvement) as a citizenship grade exhibits all or most of the following behaviors in and out of class:

·  Comes to class unprepared on occasion

·  Does not use agenda book on a daily basis

·  Shows little motivation completing assignments

·  Shows disrespect to teacher and classmates at times throughout the grading period

·  Disrupts class occasionally and interrupts the learning of others

A student who earns a 1 (Unsatisfactory) as a citizenship grade exhibits all or most of the following behaviors in and out of class:

·  Comes to class unprepared frequently

·  Does not use agenda book on a daily basis

·  Shows disrespect to teacher and classmates

·  Demonstrates dishonesty by submitting plagiarized assignments

·  Disrupts class regularly and interrupts the learning of others

School-Wide Common Grading

·  Weighted Categories

o  Assessments – 70%, minimum of 5 entries

§  Tests

§  Quizzes

§  Final Projects/Reports/Papers

§  Performances

§  Portfolios

§  Presentations

o  Other – 30%, minimum of 10 entries

§  Homework

§  Classwork

§  Daily tasks/assignments

§  Paperwork/Housekeeping

§  Rough drafts or preliminary parts of projects/reports/papers

§  Participation

Gradebook codes

0 – Student turned in assignment, or never turned in the assignment, and the student is earning a 0.

X – Student is exempt from assignment; they do not need to make the assignment up. It is not calculating against them.

Z – Student assignment is missing, and they can still turn it in. A grade of 0 is being calculated in the student’s grade.