Delivery Report for SCLS Board of Trustees

November, 2017

Prepared by: Corey Baumann - Delivery Services Coordinator

PLSR Delivery Workgroup Update:

On Thursday, October 18, the Delivery Workgroup presented the current progress of model development for the PLSR project at the WLA Conference in Lake Delton.

The presentation offered a brief outline on the progression of where things began all the way to where we are now headed.

The PLSR Delivery Workgroup is meeting in person on Wednesday, November 15 in Mauston to further assess cost estimations and assemble material for the final report. That final report will be submitted to the PLSR Steering Committee in early 2018.

Fall Volume Samples Collected:

Last week, our final volume sample was collected over the course of the week. Our driver staff led by the coordination of Tim Drexler, has collected our third and last sample for 2017.

This data will be used to assess the changing patterns of our work and also to assign shares of fees to a number of our member libraries and statewide customers.

Workflow Improvement Project:

Also last week, Operations Support Managers Brad Guenther and Tim Drexler completed a project that altered the positioning and processes of our in-house sorting floor. The project eliminated some sticking points while channeling a number of completed totes immediately to their respective collection carts.

While workflow has improved for space utilization, the most critical improvement is the reduction of redundant lifting. Conservatively, based on recent volume samples, the move has eliminated over 20,000 lifts per year. Those lifts would represent over 250 tons of materials over the span of a calendar year.

Last Reported Lost-Time Injury:

January 27, 2017– While driver was making a stop at Stoughton Library, he slipped on a small patch of ice and “tweaked” his knee. He never fell to the ground, but the slip caused him to catch himself awkwardly on the delivery truck. He went home after completing his route (missed ½ a day of scheduled work). He returned to work his next scheduled day but he was limited to light duty over the next 2 weeks.

Current: 291 calendar days as of 11/14/17

(581 calendar days was the previous accident-free stretch)