Row 1 - People

  1. Anne Hutchinson
  2. Puritan woman
  3. Believed that faith, not deeds, is necessary for salvation
  4. Kicked out of Mass.Bay because of herbal medicine and teachings against puritan beliefs
  5. Prince Henry the Navigator
  6. Portuguese explorer
  7. Opened the first sea route around South Africa
  8. Opened schools to train new explorers in navigation
  9. Vasco de Balboa
  10. First European explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean
  11. Explorer from Spain
  12. Crossed the Isthmus of Panama to reach the Pacific Ocean
  13. Ferdinand Magellan
  14. First explorer to circumnavigate the world
  15. Explorer from Spain
  16. Hernan Cortes
  17. Conquered the Aztecs and Mayans in Mexico
  18. Explorer from Spain
  19. Sir Walter Raleigh
  20. English explorer
  21. Failed in his attempt to establish permanent American settlement at Roanoke
  22. King Henry VIII
  23. Broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1540s
  24. Had several wives executed because of inability to bear a son
  25. King of England until 1547
  26. William Penn
  27. Quaker leader and politician
  28. Founded Pennsylvania in the name of religious freedom
  29. John Rolfe
  30. British planter
  31. Married to Pocahontas
  32. Developed tobacco cultivation in Jamestown
  33. Jonathan Edwards
  34. English preacher who initiated the Great Awakening
  35. “Rock Star” who was said to be the most inspiring religious speaker ever
  36. Famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of and Angry god”
  37. Puritans
  38. Their society functioned as a limited theocracy
  39. Made their home in Massachusetts Bay Colony/Plymouth
  40. Wanted to “purify” the Catholic Church
  41. John Smith
  42. British businessman
  43. Chosen by King and Queen to establish and lead Jamestown
  44. Instituted “No work, No food” program to stimulate work in Jamestown
  45. Nathaniel Bacon
  46. English farmer who lived in Virginia
  47. Led a raid against local Indian villages to protest “unfair” economic and political control
  48. Significant because he led the first protest against a colonial government
  49. George Whitefield
  50. English preacher who traveled throughout the colonies
  51. Hated in south and loved in the north
  52. Preached about salvation as a gift for all who openly professed believing in Jesus
  53. James Oglethorpe
  54. British general and member of Parliament
  55. Established the colony of Georgia for prisoners and debtors
  56. John Winthrop
  57. A Puritan leader
  58. Sailed for and founded Boston
  59. Wrote “City Upon a Hill” encouraging Bostonians to be a model society
  60. Roger Williams
  61. Rebelled against popular Puritan teachings
  62. Kicked out of Mass.Bay
  63. Went east and founded new colony of Rhode Island
  64. John Calvin
  65. French theologian and preacher
  66. Taught about Predestination and the absence of free will
  67. Founder of CalvinistChurch
  68. Martin Luther
  69. German preacher
  70. Preached against Catholic Church and the use of indulgences
  71. Ignited the Protestant Reformation as a result of his hanging of the 95 Theses at Wittenberg
  72. Cotton Mather
  73. The most powerful and influential Puritan preacher
  74. Responsible for kicking Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams out of Mass.Bay
  75. Responsible for the Salem Witch Trials and following punishments
  76. Samuel de Champlain
  77. A French explorer
  78. Founded Quebec, Canada in 1608
  79. Establishes fur trade with natives in America
  80. John Locke
  81. English philosopher and political theorist
  82. Wrote the “Two Treatises of Government”
  83. Stated that government was bound to follow “natural laws” based on the rights of the people
  84. John Cabot
  85. English explorer in search of a water route to Asia
  86. Searched the Americas for the Northwest Passage
  87. Claims Nova Scotia and Newfoundland for England

Row 1 - Terms

  1. Great Awakening
  2. Colonial religious movement of evangelicals
  3. Emphasized heart and emotion rather than head and religious knowledge
  4. This religious movement lasted until the 1760s
  5. Treaty of Tordesillas
  6. Signed by Spain and Portugal in 1494
  7. Designated Spanish and Portuguese lands in the Americas
  8. Portugal claimed Brazil and Spain claimed the rest of the discovered Americas
  9. Mayflower Compact
  10. Written by Puritans in 1620
  11. Document forced Puritans to make decisions by the will of the majority
  12. Significant as first form of self-government in the New World
  13. The Enlightenment
  14. A movement in the colonies towards reason and knowledge
  15. A movement that demanded explanations to religious beliefs, faith not good enough, PROOF??
  16. Helped establish political principles existing in Declaration and US Constitution
  17. Mercantilism
  18. Political and economic structure of most European countries in the 1600s and 1700s
  19. A country should export its goods to enhance economic success
  20. Raw materials and finished goods are key
  21. Salutary Neglect
  22. British policy towards the colonies until the mid 1700s
  23. Relaxed British control towards colonies because they wanted colonies to grow and thrive
  24. Ended in the mid 1700s because the British saw a need to assert control over colonies
  25. House of Burgesses
  26. Established in Virginia in 1619
  27. First governmental structure and/or representative assembly in America
  28. One primary role was to make laws on issues like trade and slavery
  29. Halfway Covenant
  30. Effort by the Puritan church to increase membership
  31. Plan that offered partial membership for limited religious commitment
  32. Allowed people to take part in church services without being fully committed to Christ
  33. Navigation Acts
  34. Law that stated trade goods from the colonies could only be carried in British ships
  35. Law stated that all goods coming into the colonies had to stop in Britain first
  36. Law stated that all goods exported from the colonies could go to England ONLY
  37. Albany Plan
  38. Plan developed by Benjamin Franklin in 1754
  39. Formed an inter-colonial government in the colonies to show colonial unity
  40. This new developed government would have the power to recruit troop and to tax
  41. Great Migration
  42. Caused by a Civil War in England in the 1630s
  43. 15,000 English settlers moved to Massachusetts Bay Colony
  44. Maryland Act of Toleration
  45. Act was passed in Maryland in 1639
  46. Established the colony of Maryland to be 100% religiously free
  47. Also established Maryland as a haven for Catholics
  48. Headright System
  49. An attempt by Virginia to encourage settlers to come
  50. 50 acres of land given to each immigrant who paid for his passage
  51. 50 more acres for every indentured servant brought over as well
  52. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
  53. Document that was the first written Constitution in American history
  54. Established a representative government and legislature chosen by popular majority

ROW 2 - People

  1. Samuel Adams
  2. Radical activist against British authority in Massachusetts
  3. Founded and led the Sons and Daughters of Liberty
  4. One of the organizers involved in the Boston Tea Party
  5. Thomas Paine
  6. A British author and immigrant to the colonies
  7. Argued for full independence from Britain and to break all ties
  8. Wrote and published Common Sense in 1776
  9. Benedict Arnold
  10. At one time a Colonial Army commander
  11. Committed treason against the colonies by giving Colonial military secrets to British
  12. John Dickinson
  13. Delegate of Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention
  14. Argued that Parliament could not tax colonies solely for the purpose of “generating revenue”
  15. Letters of a Pennsylvania Farmer
  16. Paxton Boys
  17. A group of Scots-Irishmen in Pennsylvania
  18. Murdered 20 natives in an event called the Conestoga Massacre
  19. Acted out violently against natives after hostilities during the French and Indian War
  20. Patrick Henry
  21. Virginia lawyer who Stood in the House of Burgesses in protest to unfair British rule
  22. Spoke out in favor of “No taxation without representation”.
  23. “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death”
  24. Crispus Attucks
  25. A black servant in Massachusetts before the American Revolution
  26. Died at the hand of British soldiers during the Boston Massacre
  27. King George III
  28. Worked in Parliament with the Whigs to force colonists to pay for “protection” from Britain
  29. King of England during the American Revolution
  30. Thomas Jefferson
  31. Leader of the 1790s Democratic Republican Party
  32. Advocate of state’s rights and author of the Declaration of Independence
  33. 3rd President of the US, elected in 1800
  34. John Adams
  35. A Mass. Lawyer who defended British soldiers on trial for murder during Boston Massacre
  36. Staunch Federalist
  37. 2nd President of US, elected in 1896
  38. Sons and Daughters of Liberty
  39. Violent militia group created to protest British rule in the colonies
  40. Group was organized by Samuel Adams
  41. Known for mob rules and tarring and feathering British ship owners and workers
  42. George Washington
  43. Commander of the Continental Army
  44. President of the Constitutional convention
  45. 1stUS President, APPOINTED in 1789, Federalist
  46. Democratic Republicans
  47. Political party that came to power in the 1790’s
  48. Organized to reject the ideas of the Federalists
  49. Leader was Thomas Jefferson


  1. Deism
  2. a religious belief
  3. can determine that the universe is the product of an all-powerful creator
  4. a religious philosophy which holds that reason and observation of the natural world
  5. Marbury VS Madison
  6. Supreme court case held in 1803
  7. Established judicial review
  8. Brought up by William Marbury who had been appointed by John Adams as Justice of the Peace
  9. Zebulon Pike
  10. American officer and explorer
  11. explored and documented the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase
  12. Pikes Peak in Colorado was named after him

54. Nullification Crisis

  • Sectional crisis during Andrew Jackson’s presidency
  • Controversy concerning protective tariff of 1828
  • South Carolina declared “Tariff of Abominations” unconstitutional and void within their state
  1. Aaron Burr
  2. This man was Democratic Republican
  3. Vice president to Thomas Jefferson
  4. Killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton in a duel
  5. Treaty of Ghent
  6. signed in Ghent or modern day Belgium
  7. treaty that restored relations between the United States and Great Britain
  8. treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain
  9. Hartford Convention
  10. Federalists meeting in 1814-1815
  11. discussed removing the three-fifths compromise
  12. discussed the grievances concerning the ongoing War of 1812
  13. McCullough VS Maryland
  14. Supreme court case held in 1819
  15. Stated Maryland attempted to control a branch of the Second Bank of the United States
  16. Court ruled that state action may not interfere with constitutional power of Federal Government
  17. Gibbons VS Ogden
  18. Supreme court case held in 1824
  19. Concerning the rights to operate ferries in New York Waters
  20. Congress ruled that they had the power to regulate Interstate Commerce
  21. Alexander Hamilton
  22. First ever Secretary of Treasury, to George Washington
  23. Became leader of Federalists Party
  24. Established and greatly supported the National Bank
  25. Judicial Review
  26. example of separation of powers
  27. review by a court of law of actions of a government official
  28. doctrine under which legislative and executive actions are subject to review by the judiciary
  29. “Era of Good Feelings”
  30. period of history after the Napoleonic War
  31. the United States reflected a sense of national purpose and a desire for unity
  32. This time period was brought on by the US victory after the War of 1812
  33. Cumberland Road
  34. America’s first federally funded interstate highway
  35. Authorized on March 29, 1806, by Thomas Jefferson
  36. Replaced the Braddock Road for travel between the Potomac and OhioRivers
  37. Whigs
  38. Destroyed by the know nothings
  39. Built on era of Jacksonian Democracy
  40. Considered integral to Second Party System
  41. Cherokee VS Georgia
  42. Supreme Court case regarding Natives and their land rights
  43. Supreme Court ruled Indian tribe were tenants on American land
  44. Supreme Court found in favor of Georgia, Cherokee had no right to sue in federal court
  45. Maysville Road
  46. Andrew Jackson vetoed
  47. A bill which would allow the Federal government to purchase stock in various areas
  48. Thought to be abuse of government power, government and business mixing
  49. Specie Circular
  50. Executive order by Andrew Jackson
  51. Gold and silver for payment for land, No bank notes
  52. Started the Panic of 1837, split the Democratic Party
  53. Panic of 1837
  54. A crisis that began as a result of land sales and speculation
  55. Government refused to allow people to buy land using bank notes
  56. “Specie Circular”
  57. Clay and Calhoun
  58. Southerners who were pro-war, ardent nationalists
  59. Pro-slavery southerners who advocated for the removal of Natives from US lands
  60. War Hawks
  61. John Marshall
  62. Appointed by John Adams in 1801
  63. Served as a Supreme Court Judge and Chief Justice
  64. His appointment sparked the Marbury VS Madison case
  65. Dorr Rebellion
  66. Armed protest in Rhode Island in 1841
  67. Protesters wrote a new state constitution for RI and established new government
  68. Thomas Dorr attempted to take over a RI arsenal and quickly surrendered, unsuccessful
  69. Tariff of 1828 (Abominations)
  70. Federal legislation taxing southern exported goods, tobacco and cotton
  71. Angered southerners due to economic losses
  72. Eventually caused a Nullification Crisis started in NC
  73. Missouri Compromise
  74. Agreement between south and north in 1820
  75. Estab. 36’ 30’ line and maintained a sectional balance between free and slave states
  76. Missouri came into Union as slave state, Maine came in as free state
  77. Election of 1828, Corrupt Bargain
  78. Nickname given to the Election of 1828
  79. John Quincy Adams VS Andrew Jackson
  80. John Q. Adams wins after Congressional tie breaker, Henry Clay wins Sec. of State
  81. Embargo Act of 1807
  82. Legislation handed down by President Jefferson
  83. Stopped ALL trade with European nations in attempt to protect American sailors
  84. Destroyed US economy and was quickly repealed